Have you ever been accused of something that you did not do? A lot of controversy surrounds capital punishment. To many, the idea of killing someone as a consequence of a crime seems just but others protest it. In fact, the death penalty cannot be as just as people make it out to be because of how much money it cost the government, some innocent people can get this sentence, and it does not allow time for rehabilitation or repentance. This can be seen in the article “ Time To Question The Sanity Of The Death Penalty.”
First of all, the author’s argument is strong because they give many valid reasons for their conclusion. The article states, “The fact is that there are several practical reasons why the death penalty just doesn't make sense any longer if it ever really did in the first place.” It demonstrates that the death penalty is no longer needed and is also not just. This is effective because it gets a point across and it is said by a former prosecutor, officer, and criminal lawyer. The article backs this up with a quote from an inmate that was on death row, “For those who remain on death row, understand that everyone is going to die. ... Statistically speaking, we have a much easier death than most, so I encourage you to embrace it and celebrate our true liberation before society figures it out and condemns us to live without parole and we too will die a lingering death.' This proves that death row inmates do not care whether they die or not and it doesn't allow time for them to repent for what they did.
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Based on my analysis of the article, the author’s argument that the death penalty should no longer be used is valid. I agree with the points that the author makes because they are well-supported and have good reasons behind them. Although a lot of people think that having the death penalty is inexpensive, the author makes a good point here when he explains that taking care of prisoners is less expensive than using the death penalty. He states, “Numerous studies have found that death penalty criminal litigation costs taxpayers far more than prosecutions seeking life without parole.” This is a good point because it shows a common misunderstanding of the death penalty. It also explains why the death penalty doesn't make sense and that it should no longer be used.
As you can see, the author makes some good points about why the death penalty makes sense, I mostly agree with them because most of their arguments are valid based on my analysis. Can you imagine how many innocent people could be sentenced to the death penalty if it is still used? This is putting a lot of lives at risk to be persecuted for something they did not do.
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“Time to Question Sanity of Death Penalty: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 19 Sept. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/time-to-question-sanity-of-death-penalty-critical-essay/
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