Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay

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I believe you should hire me over the other applicants due to my knowledge that I will be going over soon, I have the ability to work well with other staff members, and of course, due to the fact I have experience working as an MR at Bloxton Hotels. It means I would be able to be an MR at SizzleBurger, and due to my experience as an MR at Bloxton Hotels, I am required to learn about how to use basic commands, assist at training sessions, have good leadership skills, ensure the place is organized, deal with trollers and exploiters, respond to customers and staff members' concerns, and of course, help the community.

I am very active on Discord, therefore I believe it would be very beneficial to the community as I would be able to help many customers and staff members through our communication server, by responding to their concerns on the community and staff channels, and of course, through direct messages.

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I am also very active on Roblox, so I believe it would be very beneficial as I would be able to assist at training sessions, make shifts at the restaurant, and of course, respond to tickets.

As English is not considered my first language, it means that I can speak another language, and yes I do. I am Brazilian, therefore I speak Portuguese. I believe it would be very beneficial to SizzleBurger due to the fact that most of the staff members are not able to speak Portuguese and there is always a customer who speaks Portuguese and doesn't know how to speak English. Therefore, I believe it would be very beneficial, and of course, I would be able to help them, if necessary.

I am very active in the community. I am always professional and polite while I am on duty as I am always trying to offer great customer service and be a good employee at SizzleBurger.

I always take care of myself, spending time with my family, friends, and of course, myself. I always take care of my mental health, as in my view, overworking yourself and not having time for yourself is not considered healthy.

I would love to have the pleasure of working as an MR at SizzleBurger and I believe it could benefit me and my career as well. It seems to be a fun position, I could make new friends there, and of course, I would like to have the experience of being a member of the SizzleBurger management team. I believe I could be a good staff member in the community.

In conclusion, I believe I would be able to receive a management intern position due to my experience, and of course, my knowledge. Therefore, I believe you should choose me over other applicants.

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Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-should-you-hire-me-argumentative-essay/
“Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/why-should-you-hire-me-argumentative-essay/
Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-should-you-hire-me-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-should-you-hire-me-argumentative-essay/

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