500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Greatest Invention Of The Television

Television is an important invention, especially in the recent century. It is a tool that can educate viewers across the world. Nowadays, Television is considered the main source of information for people. It enables us to receive the latest news from all over the world. Television is comprised of a lot of fascinating and interesting programs, it can be regarded as a convenient source of entertainment. Moreover, educational channels of TV can be informative for everyone, especially children. As an...
1 Page 512 Words

Dark Energy And Dark Matter

Dark Matter accounts for 84% of all the matter in the universe. The remaining 16% is ‘normal’ (also called baryonic) matter, comprised of every single planet, star and galaxy in the visible universe. Dark Matter earned its name because it does not interact at all with the Electromagnetic Force. This means it does not absorb, emit or reflect visible light, gamma rays, ultra-violet rays… etc. Since telescopes rely on some form of electromagnetic radiation to function (see graphic below), they...
1 Page 509 Words

The Importance Of Service Innovation

In the context of the hospitality or the cruise industry, you must first discuss, and critically analyse, the importance of service innovation. Whilst innovation is fundamental to the evolution of many industries, in regards to the hospitality industry, service innovation is undeniably critical to the present and the future success of operations within the industry. The main goals and anticipated outcomes to follow after implementing service innovation methods are improving the guest satisfaction levels thereby boosting revenues and profits. This...
1 Page 489 Words

The Process And Basis Of Evolution

Evolution is the development of life on earth. This process began billions of years ago and is continuing to this day. Evolution tells us how the enormous diversity of life could develop. It refers to any change in the distribution of alleles within a population over time. In the early 19th century Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) was the first to fully form an evolution theory of the transmutation of species. In 1858 Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, both naturalists published...
1 Page 496 Words

Christopher Columbus: First Expedition To The America

The first time Christopher Columbus speaks about Christianity, he mentions the conversion of the Native Americans. He talks about how he believes that the way to help the conversion go smoothly, is to show kindness and not convert them through force. Therefore, he gave them gifts and in return, the Native Americans offered them gifts as well. Though his plan of converting them through kindness sounds admirable, it is quite condescending because he is assuming that they want to convert...
1 Page 482 Words

Modern And Contemporary Art Of The 1920s

Art in the 1920s was very different from the art we see nowadays. “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary,” once said Pablo Picasso. In other words, art is a way of expressing your feelings toward something or someone. Art can be expressed through painting, drawing, or even sculpting. Back in the 1920s, art would be used on buildings, clothes, and even furniture. This art style was known as art deco. That brings me into my first paragraph,...
1 Page 498 Words

Fashion During The Aztec Period

During the Aztec period in the country of Mexico, the clothes that women wore were an important symbol of their marital status. The typical tradition was for the boy’s mother to put’s brand new blouse on the bride to show that she was about to get married. Another piece of clothing that was symbolic for showing marital status was a skirt that would be a wedding gift from the groom’s mother. It is tradition for the mother of the groom...
1 Page 519 Words

The Features Of Developmental Biology

Developmental biology is a biological field that was started with Aristotle and right now is leading of modern analysis and techniques. The article has given thought to the reasons of genetics being more reviewed and examined rather than developmental biology. It has given rise to many biological fields such as genetics, cell biology, oncology, immunology and neurobiology. Basically genetics has taken over developmental biology in the way to analyze different biological fields. Geneticist believes developmental biology is esoteric and irrational....
1 Page 501 Words

Ancient Astronomy Vs. Modern Astronomy

Ancient Astronomy Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to historic period. Ancient astronomers had the ability to distinguish between stars and the planets. Stars remain relatively fixed over the years whereas planets move freely. Astronomy is arguably the oldest science. The night skies & astronomical bodies have been a source of wonder & speculation since the development of early civilizations. The term ‘Astronomy’ derives from an ancient Greek phrase meaning the laws or science governing the...
1 Page 523 Words

Understanding Of The Natural World Through Non-Western Religions

Originally, I wanted to write my paper over sacred spaces and their significance in not only a religious aspect, but in social and cultural ones as well. However, upon actually reading the assignment, this paper will now be about sacred spaces and how they influence the understanding of the natural world in Non-western, Non-European derived cultures. So how do sacred spaces, and along with that, religion, influence the understanding of the natural world? There are many Non-European cultures and religions...
1 Page 481 Words

The Differences Of Christianity And Islam

According to the Namb.net,” many would say Islam and Christianity are different; they both, however, believe in one God only. They may call them and prays differently, but in the end, it’s the belief in only having one God. Islam appeals to Allah as their one true God. In turn, Christians believe God called God God.”(Namb 2020) In Islam,” Muslims do not believe in the crucifixion; then there is no need for resurrection.” Whereas Christianity, they think that Jesus Resurrections...
1 Page 497 Words

Why Christianity Is Important

According to a study of world religions, Christians makes up about thirty-one percent of the world’s population (Fairchild 2018). This leaves sixty-nine percent of people on Earth to other forms of religion, or no religion at all. Christianity, being the true faith, is extremely important into today’s society. While some may believe it is irrelevant or outdated, they are wasting their time with other forms of religion. Although many people in this day and age believe that Christianity is no...
1 Page 524 Words

Christianity: Definition, Background And Contributions

Background of Christianity First off we need to understand what Christianity is before other topics can be discussed Christianity is a monotheistic religion meaning that they only follow one god. Christianity is one of the most followed religions in the whole world with about 2.1 billion followers globally and has been existent for over 2000 years. Religious Experience Definition To be religious means that you are a follower of a god or multiple gods. Some religions follow one god however...
1 Page 488 Words

What Is The Sports Law

What is the law on the game? This issue has been raised ordinarily by individuals paying little respect to their work history. The response to this inquiry may appear to be basic and deceiving. Be that as it may, the individual on the opposite end is touchy while replying. The purpose behind this faltering might be identified with the predicament of what this colossal legitimate control is searching for precisely. The creator will endeavor to answer this inquiry. The Forbes...
1 Page 524 Words

Pros And Cons Of Individual And Dual Sports

Sports have significantly been commended because of the benefits it may entail to one who wishes to engage with it. Perhaps some of the most notable benefits would be a healthy physique and a positive mindset. This being said, one could be easily persuaded to choose a sport for themselves. However, among all the many sports recognized here in our country, which one would be best to consider? Generally, sports can be classified into three: individual, dual, and team. When...
1 Page 483 Words

What Was Science Before Islam

During ancient times, not a lot of Arabs were educated enough to know how to perform simple calculations in math, for instance. As of today’s generation, we have tools like calculators which help us perform simple calculations in a matter of seconds. Over time, more discoveries were made and Arabs realized that mathematics played an important role in the evolution of science which was advanced thanks to the Muslim scholars that helped deriving certain operations. For example, Al- Ma’mun gathered...
1 Page 520 Words

Why Is Religion Important?

Religion has played a big factor in our history. From the start of time, humans have been involved in activities such as prayers, rituals, and worship which we now refer to as religion or faith. It has influenced events that have happened throughout time. It is the reason why the Pilgrims established Massachusetts. According to the HuffPost, in 2012, there were around 6.9 billion people around the globe believe in some form of religion. With an estimated 84 percent of...
1 Page 506 Words

Pioneer Of Science And The Importance Of Their Achievements Across Science Disciplines

The interconnectedness of today’s society and more significantly the world is driven by transport. I would therefore consider Karl Benz as one of the most notable pioneers in science as he created the first motor car. As of 2018, there were 1.4 billion vehicles on the road globally. New predictions have said that by 2036 this number will double. This reinforces the importance of his achievements across science disciplines as transport via car is major worldwide. The engineer grew up...
1 Page 495 Words

The Relationship Between Spirituality And Science

Most profound sense of being is an expansive idea with Numerous perspectives. It includes A hunt to significance on life Furthermore is portrayed as consecrated or transcendent. Science may be an approach for finding how the universe operates, how it functioned in the secret word what's more entryway probable it will fill in later on. Science strategy would universally distinguish what's more utilised in light of it may be accepted that it may be true and might make turned out....
1 Page 483 Words

Mixing Religion With Government

Mankind’s government has grown from the primal tribe leaders meeting over a lit fire flickering from the mouth of a cave, to great marble halls echoing with the ideas of the ages. Government has always existed in some form whether organized or not. From strongest and best hunter in the tribe, to the best spoken and marketed oligarch, forms of government have always been in society, both primal and modern. One thing that has always had extreme influence on these...
1 Page 492 Words

Science Vs. Religion

Science and religion are two different matters known to create controversy on their own or when mentioned together in certain situations. There are elements of science that may change and evolve overtime, but elements of religion stay the same for years through tradition and personal beliefs. Do people believe one is better than the other? It may be difficult to compare them since each has their own definition and how people perceive each , but each is known to influence...
1 Page 507 Words

Impacts Of Technology On Religion

Introduction Technology is a collection of techniques, methods used in the accomplishment of certain objectives or goals. It involves the use of various information technology tools such as computers and mobile phones that accelerates the flow of information from one place to another or from one individual to another. The aim of technology in any organization is to change the way we communicate with one another. It has affected the way of living among human beings in various aspects of...
1 Page 517 Words

Why I Want To Be A Nurse

Having a career in nursing has always been a dream of mine. I’ve had my fair share of times spent in and out of hospitals, practically growing up in them. I have watched the work that they do and how they help their patients. To be a nurse would be a dream, honor, and privilege. I was diagnosed when I was two years old with a kidney disease called Nephrotic Syndrome with FSGS, which stands for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and...
1 Page 481 Words

Athletes Who Dope Should Forfeit Their Titles And Medals

Should Athletes Who dope forfeit their Titles and Medals? Some people think that they should not, because the athletes work hard to keep their reputation, they are expected to be good at any sports, and that puts pressure on them that they have to be better and that leads to serious matters, they want something that can come to their nerves and be good at the sports activities they play, and the only thing to do is to dope. I...
1 Page 490 Words

Pluto Argument: Is It A Planet??

I think Pluto, in my opinion, is a planet. That might be an unpopular opinion. Here is my reasoning, and here is my argument.Pluto has been classified as a planet since 1930 when Clyde Tombaugh discovered it. As well as it fits a description of the planet during Roman times examples include Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. So it could be a problem that is classified differently just because it’s in the Khyber belt with its icy brethren. The...
1 Page 492 Words

Pathway To My Future Dream

It was a whole new world for me. Coming to Kyiv International School has turned my life around. The new educational environment was absolutely different from what I’ve done for the last 17 years in Korea. My self-confidence used to be significantly lower when I was in a Korean high school, as I felt forced to work against my will, regurgitating information I cared little about, instead of actually comprehending and learning. I often compared myself to others since the...
1 Page 477 Words

The Role Of Gratitude Quality In Children

Gratitude shows how fortunately individuals are for helping him in certain sorts in that individual life. This gratitude shall be inbuilt in every individual in this world then that point individuals would comprehend the estimation of those things which they have. Kids shall have that quality at that kid's beginning stage simply because this quality would make positive in those children. Appreciation shows consolation and would inbuilt a positive picture in that individual's character. This quality would make people contemplate...
1 Page 517 Words

The Significance Of Academic English

Studying English and other subjects via English is a consequence of inforce around the universe. According to Kachru’s circles, English has different positions. English is taught in different academic levels. English is learned by non-native speakers and refers as (TESOL). This essay discusses English language in academic environments. It goes through reasons and outcomes of English for academic purposes. It analyzes individuals’ practices in academic English. Countries in the Inner Circle like USA, and New Zealand utilize English as “monolingual,...
1 Page 517 Words

How Music Has An Effect On Language Acquisition

Music is one of the most important aspect in life it symbolizes creativity and harmony. Music can always be heard anywhere right now. Even parents played music for their fetus, since they believed that music help the fetus brain development. Music also help people try to fix their mood when they are in pressure. Music tempo also effect people heart beat so some people also use it as a therapy. Language acquisition ability will also be affected since it increases...
1 Page 500 Words

How To Handle Counseling By Knowing Its Types?

Encountering difficulties is a part of life. You cannot shut the doors when troubles knock at your doors. If you shut your eyes to ignore it, the size of worries enhances until it reaches acme. So what to do? How to avoid it? In reality, no talisman can help you remove the pain from your life. The only thing which you can do is share it. This manages in mitigating your pain and offers you a way to deal with...
1 Page 479 Words
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