550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Similarities and Differences of Othello and Iago

Othello an african american person that was in empowered from other superiors. From a time period that didn't look so highly of african americans entrusted a story about othello and his power as a leader. Othello with his wife desdemona are together throughout the book. Iago the antagonist against othello the lord, come with open hands. As the role of iago and othello start to intertwine, Othello an man with power would soon let his jealousness overcome his love for...
1 Page 563 Words

The Elements Of Gothic Literature In Fortune Island, Dracula And Frankenstein

My comprehension about Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Bram Stoker, is that they are all around creators of renowned books, for example, Robert's well known novel 'Fortune Island', Bram Stoker's epic 'Dracula', in like way, Mary Shelley's story 'Frankenstein'. These creators all lived amidst the times of the late, late 1800's. They were all amazing in their inheritance. The likenesses that the greater part of the makers share for all objectives and purpose behind existing is that they are...
1 Page 564 Words

The Peculiarities Of The Classical Tale Of Huck Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was published in the United States in 1885. Since then many people have argued whether or not it is an American classic. Most American classics have amazing history lessons and memorable story lines that follow them through the test of time. Unfortunately in the past there has been a lot of controversial classics but each has its own supportive reasoning on why they continue to be talked about. The Adventures of Huckleberry...
1 Page 566 Words

Elon Musk's Ideas for the Future

Elon Musk’s Ideas for the Future Elon Musk has blown up in popularity this year for being the owner of the companies SpaceX, Tesla, Paypal, and many other famous companies. His main goal is to revolutionize transportation on Earth and even in space! With a net worth of 22 billion dollars, he is very important today. His approach to the 21st century is to go straight for what he wants, even if it seems impossible. The way Elon thinks of...
1 Page 568 Words

Animal Abuse Evaluations

Animal abuse comes in many different forms, from physical assault, neglect, filmmaking, circuses and organised fights, these innocent animals endure hardships that are all classified as cruel. In 2017 there were over 70 thousand reports of animal abuse in Australia alone. 70 thousand pets, best friends and innocent animals were in some way abused. There are no background checks that are mandatory for people before they are allowed to own a pet. This puts the animals at risk of being...
1 Page 533 Words

Correlation Between Yearly Album Sales and Youtube Views

Introduction The aim of this paper is to find the correlation between yearly album sales from 2015-2017 and the YouTube music video views. K-pop otherwise known as Korean Pop has been increasing in popularity globally these past few years and I believe it is a really good way to know the culture of South Korea. When I was first interested in K-Pop last year, I was really intrigued by the difference of Korean and Western artists. In Korea, their artists...
1 Page 548 Words

The Correlation of Justice and Freedom

Justice and freedom, two of the most talked and debated about topics in today’s society. Both words are difficult to define. Everyone has different definitions for both based on their perspectives of the world. Freedom is having the right to be able to live and express yourself fully, with most importantly, not having to risk your own safety or causing others to lose theirs in the process. The United States has come a long way in terms of granting and...
1 Page 543 Words

A Brief Intervention To Reduce Procrastination Among College Students

Research has revealed that the caused of procrastination are neglecting of doing particular task that has to be reminded, fear of failure and salience of the assignment. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) conceptualizes these variables as indices of psychological inflexibility and provides a new as well as encouraging strategy to therapy by developing embracement of ideas even unacceptable ones. Moreover, having the potential to adapt whenever the situation is occurred. Furthermore, to have the ability to recognize the character and...
1 Page 532 Words

Obesity Situation in Punjab and How it would be Removed

Punjab is one of the northern states of India. The culture, heritage, cuisine, and history of Punjab are unexplainable. Punjab is almost a Sikhism state and people from Punjab are called Punjabi. Maybe you've never known about this little State in North-West India, yet you probably tasted or knew about one of its culinary claims to fame: chicken tikka masala, dal makhani, shahi paneer, lassi, significant India dishes, known the world over. In this third part, we take you off...
1 Page 548 Words

Is Capital Punishment Optional or Essential for Criminal System?

Why do we need Capital punishment in this world? Capital punishment or capital offence is an execution that kills someone committees an unforgivable or inhumane crime according to the country´s law. Nowadays, there are 56 countries still practicing this penalty, such as China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. I am agree with capital punishment, because it is a fair system for everyone, beneficial to reduce crime percentage and advantageous to reform the society order. My purpose is to declare and explain...
1 Page 567 Words

How Effective is Anderson Use of The Kantian Form of Valuation in her Argument against Commercial Surrogacy?

Andersons argument for the wrongness of commercial surrogacy rests largely upon the idea that through surrogacy, both the women’s labor and the child the labor produces, are treated as a commodity, which devalues both said things (Anderson,1990). She presents the Kantian thesis against the ‘commodification of persons’ to support this stating ‘to fail to value things appropriately is to embody in one's life an inferior conception of human flourishing’ (Anderson, p73, 1990). Further arguing that if a transaction occurs which...
1 Page 557 Words

Social Criticism In The Novel Of Mice And Men

In the 1930s during the height of the Great Depression, mental disabilities were seen as a burden on an already struggling society. This was during a time when America did not have the time or resources to commit to people who were not deemed fit, and as such were treated less than human. John Steinbeck portrays this very well in Of Mice and Men through the character Lennie, who has to prove to the society around him that he is...
1 Page 558 Words

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Understanding The Jim Character

Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, despite being one of the best selling and top-rated books has brought about a lot of controversies that have stirred mixed emotions among his readers. One of the most popular controversies about his book is the character Jim, who provokes the strongest reactions from readers. Some readers argue that Twain’s characterization of Jim portrays him as racist and that his purpose of creating such a character was/is to ridicule Jim and all southern slaves...
1 Page 573 Words

How Smoking Kills Human Body

Smoking is a bad habit that is usually done to reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed by most people that nicotine—a drug inside tobacco can help calm frustration, stress, and anxiety. When in reality, plenty of researches had shown that smoking increases stress and other unwanted symptoms. In this era, aside from reducing stress, smoking is considered a somewhat cool thing to do—mostly by teenagers who wanted to look trendy and cool without thinking about the consequences of such...
1 Page 526 Words

The Aspects of Commercial Surrogacy

As advances in artificial reproductive techniques progress, a myriad of possibilities become available for individuals around the world. As possibilities arise, many nuances arise as well, raising several ethical and moral concerns regarding such practices, gestational surrogacy being an eminent one. Recent statistics reveal that one in ten first world couples have difficulty conceiving naturally, and are now actively resorting to other methods of conception. The practice of surrogacy services an integral role for couples wanting genetically related offspring, as...
1 Page 567 Words

Hamlet as an Existential Play

Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare, is about a prince and his mission for vengeance. Hamlet’s quest for revenge covers the 20th century philosophical movement; existentialism. Throughout the play, prince Hamlet regularly questions his purpose and existence as he mourns over his father’s death and his mother’s incestuous affair. Concurrently, this serves a perfect opportunity for the author to illustrate his existential viewpoint. Shakespeare merges existentialism into his literature through Hamlet’s views on faith, existence and death. Hamlet’s personality...
1 Page 545 Words

Suicide: Public VS The Media

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It is a national crisis that should be addressed publicly to inform those at sake. Not only is this event a national crisis, but it is also a public health concern, the cost it has brought on our world is a burden. Who it affects is the least important. However, it is important how we want to educate those. According to Madelyn’s research, 'The media affords the...
1 Page 545 Words

Racial, Religious And Societal Hypocrisies In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Towards the end of the 19th century, Samuel Clemens, more commonly known as Mark Twain, exemplified the use of satire to criticize society in his classic novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Due to his experience with viewing slavery and racism in the 1850s, Twain was able convey his vexation through characters in a satirized way. In doing so, Mark Twain highlighted critical issues, one of them being his ideas on hypocrisy. Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, readers witness...
1 Page 561 Words

An Examination Of The Life Of A Serial Killer

Serial killers have gripped media and Hollywood for decades, becoming a subject of choice for many movies, tv shows, and documentaries. Infamous serial murderers and rapists such as Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, Charles Manson, Eileen Wuornos and many more have sparked the interest of many, and their crimes are so shocking evil that it defies society's core values, destroying the social contract. Their ruthless nature leaves many curious about their stories, their origins, and their motives. It is hard for...
1 Page 574 Words

Holden’s Psychological Problems In The Novel Catcher In The Rye

'Is Holden Caulfield expected to be insane?' So asked one coursing authority before emptying J. D. Salinger's great copy for The Catcher in the Rye. Today, perusers may find that Holden must experience a blend of miserable, post-stunning weight issue (PTSD), and dread. Holden himself references mental wobbliness, underhandedness, and treatment. He presents himself as an 'insane,' and he yields that his family expected to have him 'psychoanalyzed and all' after he broke the parking spot windows. Different characters other...
1 Page 560 Words

Why Shouldn't the Book 'of Mice and Men' Be Banned?

The book, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is very controversial because it includes text about racism, sexism, and even targets those with special needs, because of this, many people think the book should be banned altogether. However, the book should be read by students who are mature enough to handle the content of it . The book is about Lennie and George, George is the brains of the two, he’s the smart one and is the caregiver of...
1 Page 532 Words

Socio-economic Affirmative Action

Higher-level education has become the main differentiation for economic prospects and job opportunities for many working-class individuals. Who receives this education has come to the forefront of many public discussions. In the past, college admissions have been based on intellectual capacity with favors for minority races through the process of affirmative action. However, recently, due to the gap in the economic status of citizens in the United States, a new method has been introduced: socioeconomic affirmative action. In order to...
1 Page 551 Words

The Factors of Civilization Obesity

Statistics shown on obesity there is a significant increase and an alarming rise spreading over the nation. Although it is all not all towards genetics, most of it can be caused by food intake and they way everyone treats and takes care of their bodies. Obesity is a result of one of the most fast-growing civilization developments. What exactly is obesity? According Katherine Marengo who is apart of a reviewer for a medical team stated that obesity is a medical...
1 Page 559 Words

The Significance Of Man's Choice Over Fate In Oedipus Rex

Through Oedipus Rex, composed by Sophocles, the play shows the snared relationship of man's unrestrained choice coinciding with the fate that by then the Greeks guaranteed had driven everything and every other person in a serene aim. Lady and man were allowed to settle on and settle on their own choices, and even their very own activities were considered responsible. Both the thoughts of fate and unrestrained choice assumed a significant job all through the devastation in Oedipus. Despite the...
1 Page 528 Words

Oedipus the King: Fate or Free Will?

Oedipus the King, assembled by Sophocles, indicates an underlying association between fate and free will. In today's society, we let our lives be led by a distinct force that we believe in. Yet, a widespread controversy that still rages today is whether we, as a species, have free will or if some divine source, some call it fate, governs our destiny. Whether it be an elevated power deciding your life for you or the alternatives that people make. Fate compromises...
1 Page 541 Words

Themes Of Passion, Rage, Revenge, Greatness, And Pride In Medea

The play I have chosen for my Independent Reading Project is Medea written by Euripides. It is an ancient Greek tragedy where Medea takes revenge on Jason by killing their two sons and his new wife for betraying, abandoning, and exiling her. The themes explored in this story are passion, rage, revenge, greatness, and pride. Medea, a granddaughter of Helios, is the main character of the play who lets feelings control her actions leading to murder. Jason is the husband...
1 Page 566 Words

Racial Profiling After 9/11

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” —Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl. After 9/11 there was an increased presence of racism against Muslims. Throughout America there were many people who thought all Muslims were bad. Racial profiling after 9/11 affected society by changing the way people viewed each other. September eleventh is the day the whole United States remembers as 9/11: the...
1 Page 561 Words

Interventions In Music As A Tool In Addressing Mental Issues

This research study was inspired by those who suffer mental illnesses and by those who claim to have been helped by music therapy or music alone. This research aims to help, to prove, to raise awareness, to share knowledge and to give answers to the questions, “Is music therapy really effective? And if so, is it more effective than other methods? “. The problem is that a lot of people today are struggling with their own mental or emotional distress...
1 Page 570 Words

Legalization Of Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician assisted suicide should be legalized to help patients with constant suffering of pain from illnesses and age. Many patients tolerate the pain while being bedridden unable to move, States in the United States of America should lift the ban on Physician assisted suicide to give an option of passing peacefully with dignity and grace relieved from their pain. California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have legalized physician assisted suicide due to the actions as life will take its course...
1 Page 556 Words

Lying: A Double Edged Sword

Lies are crafted to fulfill different purposes. The intention behind a lie is the dictating factor to the moral standing of the lie. Although the result of a lie is important, it can often be uncontrollable. There are several categories of lies classified by its use. Many of us lie everyday with the motive to protect others; these types of lies will fall into the category of protective lies. Facades are lies used to mask one’s true self from others....
1 Page 529 Words
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