550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Should the Law Uphold Moral Values?

It could be argued that the relationship between law and moral values is a very debatable and hot topic. This is because moral rules and legal rights have numerous similarities but are surely not the same. Firstly, I can tell you that the difference between the law and moral values is that laws are a set of fixed rules that are created by the authority which people must abide by, otherwise a punishment would be given. While Moral values, on...
1 Page 564 Words

How Women are Presented in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

For many years, in a lot of societies, women were oppressed, discriminated against, and ill-treated and the Igbo society is no different. Women of the Igbo were either in a high position and worshiped like goddesses, or abused, insignificant, and demolished, and the last is more common. Things Fall Apart is about the culture, tradition, and believes of the Igbo community in Nigeria. The novel follows Okonkwo, a man who his whole existence is shaped by his fear, he is...
1 Page 531 Words

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Character Analysis Of The Knight In The Canterbury Tales

In the medieval era, Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a long narrative called The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer was born in 1343 into the family of a wealthy merchant. He didn’t start writing The Canterbury Tales until around 1385, but didn’t finish his planned 120 tales before he died in 1400. Chaucer is known as “the father of english literature”. The story starts out in Autumn and a large group of people meet in a tavern to go on a pilgrimage. While on...
1 Page 526 Words

A Biographical Approach On The Scarlet Letter

One factor that Pearl exhibits is her family background which is parallel to Nathaniel Hawthorne's. Hawthorne’s ancestor, John Hathorne was a judge from the Salem Witch Trials. The ancestral ties with Salem heavily impacted Hawthorne as he was ashamed of his family. Similarly, Pearl, like Hawthorne, was born into disgrace as Hester Prynne bore her as a result of adultery. Throughout the novel, Pearl is perceived as the living crimson “A”. Society describes Pearl as , “a demon offspring; such...
1 Page 559 Words

The Accounting Scandal Of Enron

What the heck is Enron? Let me tell you. Enron formed through a merger in 1985 between two energy companies, yeah that’s what it was by the way, an energy company. It was founded by a man named Kenneth Lay, you might want to remember that name. Enron was a fantastic company and very attractive for investors. In 2000 they were thought of being one of the world’s leaders in business, for example, how we see Apple and Google nowadays....
1 Page 539 Words

The Effects of Violating Social Norms

In each society, there are social norms that are aligned in the community for the members to abide by. There are some unwritten rules on how one should conduct themselves in public. Once the norm is broken, individuals may respond to it by alarm, amazement, irritation, or a set of other emotions. In psychological terms, the term relates to a standard representative value for a group of people. Therefore when reflecting on personal scenarios in which I had violated some...
1 Page 550 Words

The Hyperloop and Other Unbelievable Ideas of Elon Musk: What if they All Become a Reality

Elon Musk proposed the idea of a Hyperloop in 2012. A Hyperloop is a train system that is made of a capsule with low pressure tubes and it travels on a cushion of air at very high speeds. Because a Hyperloop can travel at high speeds, it can reduce the time it takes to arrive at a destination as well as reduce the cost of transportation. Elon Musk also proposed the idea of tourists flying around the moon and connecting...
1 Page 568 Words

The Factors of Success of Starbucks Coffee

Can you imagine how different our twenty-first century lives would be like without coffee? To coffee lovers, it might be a frightening one. What brand of coffee comes to mind first? For me, Starbucks would be the first. It was founded in 1971 in the city of Seattle, and now the coffee chain has close to 24,000 stores worldwide. Starbucks has become one of the biggest coffee brands in the world. There are three reasons why Starbucks has been so...
1 Page 546 Words

The Importance Of Video Games In The Social Development

There must be a measuring which might help the society's comprehension regarding how video games are affecting social development. There are some aspects of the social development that can be unconsciously used and improved in the life of a human being. In mathematics, they use game theory to study decision-making. We could also use the team-spirit applied by the players, the risk study they do before the decision is taken, or even the game mode, where the player chose to...
1 Page 533 Words

Does Facebook Need a Dislike Reacting Button?

Social Medias are made to give enjoyment to the people especially to the youth. One popular example for that is Facebook. It allows an individual to connect and communicate with different people around the globe. Also, it serves as a way for people to gather and disseminate information, express what they feel and their opinions, and share their experiences on their daily lives. Facebook is a very well known type of social media in which every individual are known to...
1 Page 551 Words

The Image of Pearl in Scarlet Letter

In The Scarlet Letter, not only is Pearl Hester’s daughter, but it is clear that she is also a wicked reminder of the past. In the novel, Pearl symbolizes the scarlet letter itself. The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of shame. That means, Pearl happens to be the punishment for Hester’s sin of adultery. Hester received this “A” on her bosom because of the crime she committed. Hester wouldn’t be able to walk the streets without being...
1 Page 534 Words

Science Behind Procrastination

Have you ever promised yourself that you won’t procrastinate? That you will finish your home works and projects as soon as possible, but you always end up scrolling down on social media and lying down in your bed. You said that you will start reviewing for the exam ahead of time but you then end up with reviewing the night before the exam. This kind of situation makes you stressed and pressured, and it affects your health. So you can...
1 Page 569 Words

The Significance Of Atticus Finch Character In The Novel To Kill A Mockingbird

In to kill a Mockingbird, a strong character that shows envious personality traits is none other than Atticus Finch. Atticus is generally seen as a character that is hard-working, smart, and strict. However, personality wise he is much more than that. First of all, a good quality trait he processes is conscientiousness. He often shows a great amount of self-discipline and awareness of his responsibilities. He is a person with good morals who doesn’t judge, belittles, or insults people because...
1 Page 545 Words

Holden Caulfield and a Coming of Age

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Holden Caulfied looks at things in such a negative tone throughout the novel, Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield has a very negative view on everything besides his little sister, Phoebe, he loves her and cares so much for her. Holden Caulfield grew up with little to no parental guidance. This retarded his mental health devolpment. Being poorly nurtured hurts a person’s mental health and...
1 Page 555 Words

Medea: Bias Towards Women In Athenian Society

In the play Medea, the historical context effects and deepens the understanding of culture, identity, and community. During this period women had no place in society except in the home taking care of family and being looked down at all the time. The Athenian society expected women to submit to their husbands having no privileges and absolutely no power. Madea on top of being a woman was an outsider giving her a lower status within the Athenian Society being viewed...
1 Page 538 Words

How Globalization Has Led To The Spread Of Sex Trafficking In Asia

Globalization is the interconnection of state and continental economies to facilitate the free flow of goods, capital, and services to create utility where there is a deficit or surplus accordingly. Such policies are effective due to the geopolitical and economic agreements formulated in the late 1980s resulting in trade agreements that opened up state boundaries permitting international trade . However, these agreements are not void of technical or functional errors exploited by criminals in the conduction of sex trafficking with...
1 Page 535 Words

Should Censorship Be Mandatory for Movies?

If one’s friend jumps off a bridge would they follow? Most people are asked this question because they are doing something dumb that they saw someone else do. Now take that and apply it to watching movies and TV. If one sees or hears something on a movie, they are more than likely to repeat the action they saw or the words they heard. So, should movies be censored? Well censorship is mandatory for movies because they can lead to...
1 Page 531 Words

Artificial Intelligence In Radiology: Promise Or Pitfall?

Objective To determine the positive and negative outcomes of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system, specifically radiology. Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligent processes by computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning and self-correction. Artificial intelligence can identify patterns in data more effectively than humans. Medical artificial intelligence uses computer techniques to perform clinical diagnoses and suggests relative treatments. The primary aim for AI in healthcare is to analyze potential treatment techniques. The primary driver behind...
1 Page 543 Words

Symbolism in a Rose For Emily

A Rose for Emily is a short story by William Faulkner. Throughout this story about murder, Faulkner uses many symbols to represent a theme about leaving or breaking traditions. Among these symbols are the crayon portrait of Miss Emily’s father, Emily’s house, and the long strand of iron-gray hair that found on the pillow next to Homer's body. In the first chapter of the story, Faulkner states “On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of...
1 Page 552 Words

The Role of Patriot Systems during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom

The Patriot System served as an invisible, aerial shield to protect geopolitical ALLIED and United States forces against aerial attack, missile attack and surveillance, during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Patriot system consists of multiple tactical vehicles, and communication devices. Patriot systems communicated with higher echelons, varying military branches and United States and foreign government agencies so as to protect the force. The Patriot system is a continuously evolving entity with full-scale development starting in 1976. Operation...
1 Page 553 Words

Lessons to Learn From the Career of Elon Musk

Dream big Only those who have thought to achieve big things can succeed to achieve big. In 1999, Elon Musk’s company Zip2 got acquired by Compaq Computers in 1999 for $307 million. In 2002, Musk alone made $180 million when eBay acquired PayPal. If we want to be successful in creating the life of our dreams we have to believe that we are capable of making it happen. We have to choose to believe we can do anything we set...
1 Page 575 Words

Ethical Issues of Surrogacy as a Medical Technology

Science and Jewish ethics have begun to occasionally conflict as new technologies increase. While science revolutionises our society, ethics ensures that we still have the right values. Jewish medical ethics uses traditional halacha as a basis. During biblical times, the technology that is available today did not exist and so most rabbinical commentaries do not specifically have as much guidance on medical ethics. Surrogacy is a new medical technology that has only been around for the last 40 years, and...
1 Page 573 Words

Alzheimer’s Disease And Its Treatment

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative encephalopathy which occurs in pre- and post-elderly conditions with a gradual loss of cognitive and memory functions. As the population aging intensifies, the number of AD patients worldwide is growing rapidly, resulting in a heavy social burden. Thus, how to treat Alzheimer's disease is the focus of the whole society. In fact, the treatment of AD is a comprehensive management, which not only requires individuals, families, and even the whole society to participate....
1 Page 541 Words

Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia

Etherisation, mercy killing or assisted suicide is exactly what it sounds like, suicide with assistance or killing to end suffering. But before you jump to a conclusion and claim that it is a cruel act let me tell you that it isn’t without its purposes. Assisted suicide is a choice that people can make when they have been in an accident or are badly sick and can’t live life like they use to. It is a simple procedure involving nothing...
1 Page 561 Words

HIV/AIDS as an Expression of Social Disadvantage

HIV/AIDS is a globally infamous pandemic that still continues to spread all around the world, with its substantial effects on public health, social attitude and social disadvantages still evident even in today’s setting. HIV/AIDS does not only influence the physical health of those affected but has also become a historically consistent role in the perpetuation of systematic social inequalities, such as the marginalisation of minorities and those of lower socio-economic status, both on a micro and macro scale. This essay...
1 Page 533 Words

Is the Fast-food Industry Responsible for the Rising Rates of Obesity?

Many people are quick to blame fast-food restaurants for the rising rates of obesity, but are places like McDonalds and Subway really to blame, or are they just an easy excuse for the poor decisions we make when it comes to food choices? I believe that obesity is not the fault of the people that make the food, but the fault of the people who buy it, and there are two main reasons why. Firstly, no one is forcing you...
1 Page 548 Words

Artificial Intelligence Impact on Society Essay

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is amongst the latest trend in today’s world. AI is best defined as a simulation of processes that replicates human intelligence and these processes are generally performed by machines. As we leap into a future of technological advancement, AI is estimated to play a major role in almost every aspect of life. This project will discuss why AI is and can be an issue if not minimised some of its destructive potential and also,...
1 Page 564 Words

The Challenges of Holden Caulfield and Mark Zuckerberg

In David Fincher's The Social Network and J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, an account of two youngsters, Holden Caulfield and Mark Zuckerberg face numerous challenges and at last are entirely defenseless spirits. The problems that Holden and Mark face are distance, selling out and character. Fincher and Salinger both utilize numerous strategies so as to feature these difficulties, including setting, the topic of companionship/reliability and imagery. Mark, not at all like Holden was the character in the...
1 Page 556 Words

Comparison Of Gender Gap In Higher Education Between India And UK

Introduction Higher education is vital for generations irrespective of gender to lead a path of development and growth. Being emphasized by Swami Vivekananda - ‘To educate your women first and leave them to themselves, they will tell you what reforms are necessary’, but unfortunately there has been a gap in various perspectives. Considering countries like India has drastically reduced the gender gap from 2013 and as per HRD report it has considerably reduced gap by nine lakhs but still figures...
1 Page 556 Words

Why is Shakespeare Still Relevant Today Essay

William Shakespeare was an English poet, actor, and playwright, known as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. He was born in April 1564 and died on 23 April 1616. Shakespeare wrote three main sorts of plays, histories, comedies and his most well known, tragedies. His plays include Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer’s Night Dream and Macbeth. He mostly got his inspiration from Chaucer. He uses several of Chaucer's poems as sources of...
1 Page 575 Words
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