600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Relevance of Issues of Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Modern World

Copyright is a significant form of intellectual property right. It is a legal right that is accorded to the creator of, among other things, films, soundtracks, and original literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works. It lasts for 70 years after the death of the author and any person who copies, sells or distributes a copyrighted work without authorisation can be sued by the author. The author can claim damages for a loss of earnings and seek a court injunction to...
1 Page 591 Words

An Appeal to Filippo Tommaso Marinetti on Modern Futurism

Dear Marinetti, If only you were alive to see the world we live in today! Your futurism movement is still a great influence for some. However, today, when we talk about futurism, we are not usually talking about painting, sculpture, or poetry. Futurism today is focused on technology rather than art, but like the Italian Futurists, today’s Futurists praise invention, modernity, speed, and disruption. I am worried about how futurism led to fascism back in your time, and why it...
1 Page 591 Words

The Successes and Failures of Each President of the United States

Each of the first five presidents had their successful moments and failures. George Washington had his good moments and his bad moments. He was the commander in chief of the continental army during the American revolution. He had many roles during the war. He gave his strategy of the war along with congress. He trained and organized the army and maintained the army's morale. In 1795, Washington had signed Jay’s Treaty with Great Britain. This forbids the United States to...
1 Page 610 Words

Career Features in Medical Sociology

Sociology is a field that I find very interesting because it forces me to look at things from all sorts of perspectives, not just my own. I'm used to viewing the world through my particular biases and leanings that it is exciting to see the world in different ways as well as understand why those views (including my own) are held. Because I eventually intend to become a doctor, the field of sociology that most interests me is Medical Sociology....
1 Page 604 Words

The World Should Use Animals to Help Them to Survive

I think the world should use animals. If the world does not use animals, and the animals are all free-range and live in the wild, this will be a lot of animals in an endangered state. Because, as people's lives continue to improve, their dependence on nature is getting heavier and heavier, and the pure wild space on the earth where animals can survive is becoming scarcer. This will also cause many animals to be displaced. At the same time,...
1 Page 595 Words

Necessity to End Life Tenure of Supreme Court Judges

The 28th amendment should be that Congress shall put term limit of ten years on United State Supreme Court justices after which they would retire. An appointment for life results in hesitation from justices to take risks, violation of our country’s democratic ideology, prejudice in judge nomination, and inordinate length of powerful influence. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section I, “The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior”.The term ‘good...
1 Page 586 Words

Interaction Between Genetic and Environmental Factors in Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis can be instigated by a variety of genetic and environmental factors. Individually environmental and genetic risk factors and how they affect atherosclerosis are understood. However, the understanding of how a genetic condition interacts with environmental factors is less understood. In this essay the interactions between Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and environmental factors interact and there consequences will be discussed. FH is an autosomal codominant disease, it is inherited and affects the metabolism of lipoproteins (Ramaswami et al., 2019). FH is...
1 Page 606 Words

Essay on the Analysis of the Painting by Pablo Picasso ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’

Pablo Picasso, born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain wanted to develop a new way of discerning that reflected the modern age, and cubism is how he achieved this goal. Throughout his life he painted a numerous amount of cubism paintings and one of the main ones was called as ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’. This painting we are going to discuss to explain cubism and what it is all about. Picasso wanted to focus on the difference between a painting and reality....
1 Page 621 Words

Effects of the Indian Removal Act

President Andrew Jackson, like many other white frontiersman, believed that Indians had no rights and should be treated according to such. After his election in 1828 Jackson recommended that the Eastern Indians be moved west of the Mississippi River to what had become Oklahoma. In Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi state laws had already stripped Indians of their powers, rejected the claims they had to their land, and denied Indians the right to sue or vote. Congress in 1830 in response...
1 Page 624 Words

Cleopatra as a Significant Figure of Ancient Egypt

In this essay I will examine the historical context, early life and achievements of Cleopatra VII, a significant figure from ancient Egypt. Cleopatra was born in Egypt in the year 69B.C. into the Ptolemy dynasty, who at the time were the rulers of Egypt and were founded by Ptolemy I, in 305 B.C. Cleopatra rose to power around the 1st century B.C. alongside her younger brother Ptolemy XIII (all boy children in the dynasty were called Ptolemy). After several years...
1 Page 580 Words

CSR Analysis of Volkswagen Car Company

CSR is the social responsibility a company talks on board during the expansion of their business. These responsibilities may include environmental protection, helping the surrounding community, or how the employees are being treated. Some companies reach certain size and start to disregard these responsibilities because of the way I can bring extra cost to their company. One of these companies is Volkswagen. Company Overview Volkswagen is a German car company, and the largest automaker by worldwide sales from 2016 to...
1 Page 592 Words

Should Bernie Sanders Drop Out of the Presidential Race

As someone who is a supporter of the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States, this is not an easy topic for me to write about. To be honest, I’m still reeling a bit (almost 2 months after Super Tuesday) at how far we’ve come to be talking about the former democratic front-runner dropping out of the race – and for Joe Biden of all people. I don’t have anything personal against Joe per say; I actually...
1 Page 620 Words

The Overview of Lupus Disease

'My Lupus was literally a matter of life-or-death”, Said Selena Gomez, a celebrity who had been diagnosed with lupus. In 2017, This young singer announced on Instagram that she had a kidney transplant due to complications from Lupus. Now she has returned to the limelight as she sings in her new song “I’ve been running through the jungle; I’ve been crying with the wolves” (the word ‘lupus’ means ‘wolf’ in Latin). Systemic lupus erythematosus ('lupus' or ‘SLE’) is one of...
1 Page 602 Words

A Critical Look at the Blockchain Revolution and Its Socio-Economic Impact

Stepping away from blockchain’s economic impact, its impact on society as a whole is just as influential. Firstly, the creation of digital identities not only affords individuals financial inclusion but also political and social opportunities such as the right to vote. Moreover, these identities enable us to prevent human trafficking, forced labor and child labor (Lapointe & Fishbane, 2018). Blockchain has also been used to store land registry information to allow individuals to prove their land ownership, preventing fraud and...
1 Page 604 Words

Importance of Considering the Cultural Differences Between Australia and Singapore When Entering Singapore Business

Power distance in Australia is fairly low compared to Singapore's high power distance. In Australia, hierarchies are formed for convenience, meaning that managers rely on their employees knowledge and expertise. Employees in Australia are expected to make a contribution directly whether it be formally or informally. In Singapore, employees do not have much control over what they do, with power being primarily centralized on managers, bosses and rules. Communication in Singapore is predominantly formal and indirect. Australia is a highly...
1 Page 618 Words

Concept of the Sociological Imagination in the Context of Social Issues

We all have imagination. Let us be reactive and envision life in a new way. There is something called sociological imagination. In sociology to understand one's own self, we must understand the relationship between self and society. The concept of the sociological imagination was presented in 1959 by C.Wright Mills in his famous book of the same title where he states the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. The...
1 Page 619 Words

Essay on Inflation and Its Effects

While increasing demand is generally great news for an economy, a lagged supply chain can cause Inflation. In this blog post, we'll go through why this is a very real issue facing economic managers all around the world. Firstly, what is inflation? Inflation occurs when the demand for a product/service is greater than the current supply. When this occurs, the products value will naturally rise to meet the maximum amount consumers are willing to pay for the supply available. This...
1 Page 607 Words

Essay on the Negative Effects of Smartphones

The majority of the innovations across the human history have been constrained by the functions they performed. However, the smartphone exceeds these limitations. It has become more than just a gadget but also a companion. This essay will argue that the comprehensive adoption of smartphones by most people is a cause for concern. It will discuss the negative effects of excessive smartphone use on the body, such as its physical and psychological effects that outweighs its benefits. Firstly, the psychological...
1 Page 618 Words

The Colonists' Struggle for Freedom

On April 19, 1775, the first battle of the American Revolution began in Lexington, Massachusetts. However, the idea of getting their independence from the British had been in the minds of the colonists for a long time. They felt that the British were controlling and abusing them in an unfair way and that they deserved to be free and to govern themselves and grow as a free country. The colonists made a good choice by rebelling against the British because...
1 Page 621 Words

Mother Teresa as Servant Leader

The principles of servant leadership predominately have the central interest in one’s personal growth in order to achieve their fullest potential and capability. Personal development is a vital part in a person's growth, maturity, success, prosperity and happiness which is what servant-leadership focuses on. The servant-leader aims to improve and maintain the well-being of people. A servant-leaders should obtain certain principles in order to be a prime example for others including, the ability to share leadership and responsibilities, selflessness and...
1 Page 605 Words

Synthesis of Aspirin as a Widely Used Drug

Aspirin is a widely used drug which helps reduce fevers as well as reduce pain. It was originally just salicylic acid, which can be found naturally in the bark of willow trees. It is one of the oldest natural medicines used to treat fevers, illnesses as well as reduce pain. However, it was harsh on the stomach taking the acid by itself, which is why chemists in the 19th century began experimenting to find a softer version which does the...
1 Page 576 Words

The Most Common to Detect Deception

Many people believe that they know how to detect deception. They rely on nonverbal cues or actions that often speak louder than words. Indeed, there are body language signals that can help determine if a person is telling the real story. It is often believed that you can tell if the person is honest or not by looking at his eyes. If he looks straight in the eye, he is presumed honest. However, there have been instances where nonverbal cues...
1 Page 600 Words

The Underestimated Contribution of Chinese Immigrants to the Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad

They served with back-breaking labor during both cold winters and hot summers. Hundreds died in explosions, landslides, injuries, and diseases. And even though they made significant contributions to the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, these 15,000 to 20,000 Chinese immigrants have largely been forgotten by history. Looking back, historians claim that the Chinese, who had started to arrive in the United States in large numbers during the California Gold Rush of 1848-1855, were thought too frail for the dangerous, strenuous...
1 Page 617 Words

SWOT Analysis of Mini Cooper

BMW is a huge manufacturing organization known for its automobiles, motorcycles and financial services. As the case study shows, BMW’s market is doing well with its market share all around the world. It has a percentage of its market in America, North America, Germany and in the rest of Europe. With the help of the advertising agencies, BMW became more popular and the unit sales have been increasing for their products yearly. The main issue that BMW faced was that...
1 Page 581 Words

My Purpose of Applying for the Student Exchange Program

I am writing with the view to expressing my interest in exchange program in IT field at IUBH (University of Applied Sciences) University. As I have been involved in this area of study, both learning other countries’ experience in the field of IT (Information Technology) and making best use of it in my future career are very crucial for me. The exchange program which our university is offering is certainly what I have always wanted and it meets my all...
1 Page 583 Words

Impact of Diversity on the Organization

According to Milliken and Martins (1996) there are four types of effects of diversity on organization: affective, cognitive, symbolic and communicative. The affective effects relate to satisfaction, identification and involvement, perception of discrimination and social integration, role conflict and role ambiguity. In diverse organization all employees are working with people of a different gender or ethnicity, which can carry negative emotions. This effect can be explained by the phenomenon of ‘homophony’. It refers to the fact that people are attracted...
1 Page 612 Words

The Significance of the Feminist Theory for Women

Contemporary Feminist Theory is a generalized, wide-ranging system of ideas about social life and human experience developed from a woman centered perspective. Working to describe and critically evaluate the world from the distinctive vantage points of women, Feminism investigates the various situations of women in everyday society. With a history of influencers including Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, Marianne Weber, Harriet Martineau, and Patricia Hill-Collins, women in history were labelled as activists rather than sociologists. Intending to discredit their education as...
1 Page 606 Words

Student Loan Debt as a Major Problem in the United States

Student loan debt is one of the biggest problems in the United States at the moment. There are 1.6 trillion dollars of debt in the country and 44 million are in debt. That's an average of $36,364 per person. College debt only started in the 80s and it grew very rapidly when President Ronald Reagan made cuts to social programs. Today, student loan debts are persistent because of lack of funding from the state governments. Student loan debt is a...
1 Page 586 Words

Vitamins as Nutrients Essential for Health

Although the human body is made up of many different tissues, they are all based on cells. Tens of thousands of chemicals in these cells are responsible for the growth, repair and health of the human body and the energy they need. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc., are needed for the body's growth, repair, and health. The body derives these from the food you eat. The body needs oxygen and oxygen to get the energy it needs to perform other...
1 Page 598 Words

A Day Without the Internet: An Essay

Today almost half of the world's population is using the Internet, and that number is increasing every second. The public, governments, forces, businesses, airlines, industries, educational institutions, the media, there is no other sector in the world that does not rely on the Internet. What if the Internet of the world shuts down for a day? The answer to this question may surprise you. It's not inconceivable to happen. The Internet can be interrupted by cyber-attacks on a national or...
1 Page 589 Words
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