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Social Issues

Race And Gender: Analysis Of The Article Race, Gender, And Refraction In Scandal

Gomez, S. L., & McFarlane, M. D. (2017). “It’s (not) handled”: Race, gender, and refraction in scandal. Feminist Media Studies, 17(3), 362-376. doi:10.1080/14680777.2016.1218352 This article was written by Stephanie L. Gomez, an Associate Instructor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah, and Megan D. McFarlane, an Assistant Professor of Communication at Marymount University. The subject that the article addresses is how race, gender and the refraction of such is presented on ABC’s Scandal. Gomez and McFarlane argue...
1 Page 612 Words

The Influence Of Clothing On First Impressions

When a man is wearing dirty old clothes most people assume that this man is homeless. In today’s 21st century society it is common to judge people by their appearance and most of the time it is done unconsciously. Social responses and first impressions are influenced through clothing choices because clothing communicates extensive and complex information, people who dress similar to one another have more effect on each other than those who do not and those who wear formal clothing...
1 Page 620 Words

Race and Identity Issues in A Lesson Before Dying: Book Review

In A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J Gaines, addresses a few of the major race and identity issues that plagued the United States past and in some ways still linger into the present. The character which the memoir takes place in the 1940s and revolves around a character which goes by the name of Jefferson. He is a man who is mentally slow, somewhat literate and becomes the innocent bystander to a shootout with two black robbers and a...
1 Page 597 Words

First Person Narration In Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

Edgar Allan Poe endured many difficulties and sadness over the course of his life. His life was filled with unstable living conditions, a broken family, and the loss of many loved ones.. These life experiences heavily influenced the way he developed his poems and short stories, which led him to become one of the greatest writers of his time. Poe is known for his Gothic style of literature which include elements of fear, horror, death, gloom, and suspense. There is...
1 Page 583 Words

General Overview of Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

In Washington Irving's short story “Rip Van Winkle” the main character experiences many changes while asleep atop a mountain range for 20 years. Within the 20 years, the main character Rip Van Winkle sleeps through the American Revolution and comes back to his town where he encounters new people and a new town altogether. Some of the changes that he encounters are that his friends were gone, his family is all grown up and has a grandson, his wife died,...
1 Page 595 Words

Emily Dickinson And Death Throughout Emily Dickinson’s 1,800 Poems

Emily Dickinson and Death Throughout Emily Dickinson’s 1,800 poems, about one quarter feature the subject of death. Although Dickinson penned a great many poems featuring death, there are no two which have precisely the same perception of it, and these perceptions can appear contradictory at times - Dickinson portrays death as alternatively tender, ominous, or simply inevitable. There is an ambiguity to the ways in which she gives shape to death and what follows it. Her poems focusing on death...
1 Page 619 Words

Medicine Personal Statement: I Desire To Study Medicine To Benefit Others

Being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a young age made medicine fundamental to my wellbeing. I have been under the care of consultants who demonstrated a sympathetic attitude throughout my time under their care. My dieticians kept meticulous food diaries which imparted to me the importance of an eye for detail and displayed diligence. The way that a multidisciplinary team came together to ensure my wellbeing and to improve my health outcomes, inspired me to join a rewarding career...
1 Page 581 Words

Suicide As An Urgent Problem In Modern Society

Suicide is a permanent solution to a problem that is only temporary, why is it important you may ask? It is the act of someone intentionally killing themselves and it takes the lives of approximately 40,000 Americans every year. It’s also important because someone is more likely to die from committing suicide than them dying from homicide, there’s a ratio of 2:3, meaning that for every two people killed by homicides, there are 3 people that have committed suicide. Many...
1 Page 596 Words

Using Genetically Modified Crops to Alleviate World Hunger

This response will analyse and evaluate the scientific studies discussed in a source related to using genetically modified crops to alleviate world hunger. Suggested improvements and extensions to the investigation will be made as well as a conclusion. Introduction Gerry (2015) proposes that genetically modified crops can be utilised to assist in solving some of the world’s most worrisome issues such as world hunger, which affects over 800 million people worldwide. Crops can be genetically modified to grow in more...
1 Page 576 Words

Re-Evaluation of the Importance and Legacy of Oedipus Rex

Perpetuated misunderstandings of Oedipus Rex defines its importance and durability, specifically explicit in the interpretation by Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalytic book Interpretations of Dreams. The transition of authority from playwright to reader encourages projection and imposing of views and values onto the play and ultimately results in a poor analysis and understanding. These projections are derived from reader context and perspective, and thus this frequent re-evaluation of the importance and legacy of Oedipus Rex through continued analysis via different...
1 Page 592 Words

The Representations Of Love In Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing was written in 1598, but the story takes place sometime around the 16th century during the Italian Wars in Messina, Italy. The focus of the essay is to write an analytical essay that explores the representations of love in much ado about nothing in response to the quote, “the course of true love never did run smooth”. In much ado about nothing love didn’t run smooth at all. I will be focusing on Hero and Claudio...
1 Page 593 Words

Bless Me Ultima: Character Analysis

Kids usually take the time spent as an innocent and pure child for granted, perhaps even expecting it to always be that way. But eventually reality sets in and the world pressures you into being what society has labeled an ‘Adult’ working for a living, getting an education and overall being a mature and wise person. The protagonist from the novel Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya, is expected to rise to his calling as an adult rather quickly. As...
1 Page 579 Words

Summary Of Robert Nozicks's Philosophy And The Meaning Of Life

In this paper, I will be explaining the main points of the essay called Philosophy and The Meaning of Life by Robert Nozick, where Robert Nozick begins to talk about how we have to understand the unquestioned assumptions and do we really want to know about the meaning of life. In his essay he talks about what a meaningful life should be, he starts with the modes of meaningfulness, the conflict with his meaning of life with death, a person's...
1 Page 594 Words

Being American: What Does It Mean

Different people have varied perspectives on what it really means to be an American. Most of these perspectives are informed by an innate desire to aspire for greater and to use all the opportunities that life presents to make the most out of everything that life gives. Americans are born in a land full of opportunities and this alone gives them an advantage over other people especially when it comes to pursuing their dreams. This paper seeks insight on what...
1 Page 599 Words

Life Lessons We Can Learn From Ants

We often think of ants as a nuisance and a pest in our gardens and home but few take the time to observe or get to know more about ants. A well-known SouthAfrican Poet and philosopher Eugene Marais said 'Go to the Ants you Lazy person, observe his ways and become wise' (roughly translated) He spent a lot of time observing the ants and noted everything he found carefully down and eventually wrote a book called 'The soul of the...
1 Page 590 Words

Difference Between Invention And Innovation

Introduction Some of us acknowledge English indeed is a funny language. While analogous sounding terms tend to have a separate meaning; there are some words which we had taken for granted as having the same sense. We had been using these words in our daily conversation; articles as well as research papers; and various other areas of business. We know that any misused words can have an adverse impact and the other person may have a adverse feeling about us....
1 Page 587 Words

The Importance And Essence Of Quantitative Research

There are so many things that are yet to discover in this world and to be able to attain a full comprehension of those is through a research. A research can be classified into two types: qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative research is essential in the field of education for it is used in several cases. Through this type of research, things such as the effectiveness of a teacher, the student’s performance and growth, the student’s learning preferences, and other...
1 Page 583 Words

The History Of The Creation And Improvement Of The Phone

How would you communicate with your friends,family or people around the world without a phone?Would you send letters,or even emails with no idea of understanding their true feelings?The only other option would be going and visiting them every time you wanted to talk.Phones are one of,if not the greatest invention ever created. Phones had one purpose when they were invented,and that was to talk to someone when you were not with them.They gave you a way to hear someone's voice...
1 Page 581 Words

Quantitative And Qualitative Types Of Research

Living in a data driven world, it is imperative that people carry out research using the data generated either from systems or surveys conducted on subjects of interest. With that reality there are two (2) types or forms of research methods, namely, Qualitative and Quantitative. All the research methods or techniques have their own merits and demerits, and each one of them are ideal in different areas of research, though some researchers employ both techniques when ideal. Therefore, the essay...
1 Page 619 Words

The Essence Of Bronfenbrenner's 'Ecological Theory'

If I had to choose a theory of human development that best fits my viewpoint, I would select Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory. This theory is very interesting because of its concreteness and good sense. I found that it stems from psychodynamic theory which explains similarities and differences in human’s development at different ages and their abilities to solve problems and conflicts. There is a slight difference between psychodynamic and Ecological theory. According to psychodynamic theory, a person develops through overcoming barriers...
1 Page 580 Words

The Problem Of Keeping Killer Whales In Captivity

Imagine if the word you lived in, space you breathed in, and freedom you played in was all suddenly taken away from you. Killer Whales are kidnapped, usually from a young age, and taken away to be tortured for the pleasure of an audience at Sea World. The experience these Killer whales undergo cause extremely poor health in whales, including dorsal fin collapse as well as various skin conditions. Killer Whales are an incredibly intelligent species, “They've got their own...
1 Page 603 Words

Analysis Of Energy Generation From Exhaust Of Automobile Using Peltier Thermoelectric Generator

Authors investigated the application of thermoelectric generators for the power production by consuming the left-over heat from the exhaust of the automobile. Thermoelectric generator works by capturing exhaust’s and waste gas stream on its device and produced and output of small D.C. electric current as per the temperature difference across heat exchanger (Bell 2008). Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) is similar to a warmth motor which converts the heat energy into electric energy and it works on the seebeck impact principle. Authors...
1 Page 601 Words

The Reliability Of Police Statistics

It was first in April 1998 that the Home Office introduced a methodical recorded system when it came to counting and recording crime statistics . Beforehand the statistic results gathered would not have been part of official figures and therefore would have been lost in translation and not reliable to be used as a data source for what crime was occurring across society. Throughout the years, the Department of Justice (DoJ) has been releasing these statistic reports bi-annually (Spring and...
1 Page 617 Words

History Of Creation Of Medival Invention

Medival engineers created marvellous machines, some of which were capable of immense destructive power. But others were useful in other areas such as architecture, farming and industry. The first area which we will be discussing and analysing is warfare and inventions. One that really came into action was gunpowder in medieval Europe. Gunpowder was introduced to Europe during the 13th century after information broke out that the Chinese developed a dark powder of some kind. Although we know that what...
1 Page 621 Words

Nikola Tesla's Research Path And Discoveries

In all of history, there is a fairly short list of people who can be remembered for changing how the world functions. Nikola Tesla is one of those people. He is most commonly known as Thomas Edison’s rival, but he is also the father of modern electrical generation. He dared to defy the contemporary belief in direct current motors, and his induction motor would later become the standard. His reclusive nature later in life meant he was not known for...
1 Page 609 Words

Unique Features Of White Tigers

Intro Imagine you are in a zoo you don’t Know where to go and you go to the new flashy exhibit marked “white tigers”. You see a flash of white as a white tiger runs in front of you at its top speed of 60 mph. You see a sign next to the glass that says “Zebra a white tiger born at Cary Zoo in 2018” this tiger will never be let out of captivity because it can not survive...
1 Page 599 Words

Elizabethan Times: Witches Beliefs And Superstitions

Witches have made a big impact in the time of the Elizabethan era, and all throughout time. From the beginning of time witches have been known. Healing people or cursing them; being “white” or “bad” still got them on trial for doing some magic whether being for good or bad. The first-ever sighting of a witch was many many centuries ago. The first-ever recorded citing comes from an ancient book The Bible in Exodus 22-18 Moses wise words say “Thou...
1 Page 593 Words

Relevance Of Poetry In The 21st Century

One of the biggest arguments today is whether or not poetry is relevant in the 21st century. Many people believe that poetry is not relevant to the current generation and therefore should not be taught at school. However, poetry is important for various reasons, which allow it to be relevant to the modern era. Firstly, most poetry was written long before the 21st century. These poems are about life before this time. Poetry often addresses historic problems and grizzled experiences...
1 Page 597 Words

Alexander The Great: Legendary Conqueror And Military Leader

The topic left a long-lasting impression on me because of his acts as his life goes on. Some of these impressions were most felt by me was when the class was watching the video on Alexander’s life. Where is the start, he was the most loved person by everyone, but as time passes, he becomes the ruler that nobody likes. Such acts of killing his close ones would not be considered as traits of a well-militarized ruler. According to information...
1 Page 590 Words

Sports Psychology: Australian Swimming Team

Previous training strategies and performance regimes have failed to adequately prepare the Australian swim team. As the newly appointed director of sport psychology I understand that failure to address the mental components of performance leading up to competition has led to poorer results, attitudes and behaviour. The integration of new psychological skills and strategies will optimise performance by teaching the athletes how to appropriately manage motivation, anxiety and arousal and will be key to long term success. - Motivation: is...
1 Page 577 Words
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