800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay on the Role of British industrial Revolution

Whilst the definitions of labour and resources are quite straightforward, there can be some room for interpretation when defining capital and institutions. North D.C (1993, p.2.) has an interpretation that institutions are characterised by formal constraints (‘laws and constitutions’) and informal constraints (‘norms of behaviour, self-imposed codes of conduct) followed by their enforcement mechanisms. Capital in this context refers to productive resources (machinery etc.) and most notably is that money itself is not included in capital from the economist's point...
2 Pages 803 Words

The Underground World of Early Imperial China: Study of Terracotta Army and Qin Shi Huang

The Underground World of Early Imperial China with English Writing Requirements The first emperor in China was Qin Shi Huang who was the first king of Qin. Qin Shi Huang is believed to have had remarkable leadership skills and a superb mastery of the arts of war. He is also known as an anti-intellectual king but also remains precious data that we can see how people live in ancient China. Typically, tomb of Qin Shi Huang is one of the...
2 Pages 800 Words

Discursive Essay on Knowledge and Dialogue about Safe Sex

Evolution of Sex Education Curriculum Sex education has evolved a lot over the last few decades as the earlier abstinence-only programs were ineffective in controlling unsafe sex practices and in educating teenagers to be responsible towards others and themselves. Earlier, there were lot of controversies around the sex curriculums in school and morals behind sex education. Knowledge and dialogue about safe sex was considering taboo. Hence, a lot of teenagers were exposed to unsafe sexual behaviors The focus of sex...
2 Pages 785 Words

Concept of Integrity in Atlas Shrugged: Analytical Essay

Integrity is one of the main identified and extensively defined virtues in Atlas Shrugged, along with rationality, honesty, independence, productiveness, justice, and pride. It is a fundamental quality that any person should acquire and develop, regardless of their field of work. However, when it comes to business and leadership, integrity is essential if you want to ensure success. In Atlas Shrugged, we can observe many situations in which the main protagonists have maintained their integrity. We can also identify cases...
2 Pages 804 Words

The Effect Of Panchabhautik, Ghrita, Nasya in The Management Of Mental Retardation: Analytical Essay

Introduction Mental retardation is defined by the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) as “significantly sub average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with related limitations in two or more of the following applicable adaptive skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure and work,” with such limitations manifested “before age 181. Mental retardation is one of the most common disabilities occurring in childhood2. Intellectual disability is one the great burden for the...
2 Pages 791 Words

Literary Analysis of All My Sons by Arthur Miller

The Playwright: Arthur Miller was born in 1915, grew up in middle-class Jewish parents in New York City. He studied at the University of Michigan. He wrote 17 plays, and wrote a series of unsuccessful plays for theater and radio, it was not until the opening of All My Sons in 1947 that Miller won a Tony Award for Best Authored Play.Some of his works are: The Crucible, Death of a Salesman, All My Sons. He died in 2005. Characters:...
2 Pages 816 Words

Characters of Antony and Cleopatra: Critical Analysis

Cleopatra is described as someone with infinite variety. ‘age can not wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety’. The way in which Antonys own friend describes Cleopatra this way implies the idea that even though she is incredibly beautiful; which firstly attracted Antony she is in fact hard to work out and determine, due to her constant changing moods and the amount of them that she does have. This change in attitude could be seen as one of the...
2 Pages 780 Words

“Black+White…Equals Black” and “The Long Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven”: Comparative Analysis

The Making of “The Other” Have you ever felt like a lone wolf, endlessly walking through your life in a society that doesn’t feel like home? That’s how it feels to be “the other”, and you are not alone. In “Black+White…equals black” by Lawrence Hill and “The Long Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie, characters also undergo being “the other” in their life due to internal and external factors. Firstly, they experience being “the other” through their...
2 Pages 792 Words

Paul Aster’s “In the Country of Last Things” and Jonathan Foer's “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close': Comparative Analysis

The current study presents the comparison of the apocalyptic imagery in Paul Aster’s “In the Country of Last Things” and Jonathan Foer's “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'. Moreover, the study illustrates how both writers use apocalyptic imagery to present the moral, social and political corruption in America during the twentieth century. Furthermore, secondary resources are used to illustrate how both novels present apocalyptic imagery in a postmodernism setting. For endurance in an anonymous metropolis and post-apocalyptic, this study purposes at...
2 Pages 783 Words

Individuals in Society: Portrayal of Primo Levi in Survival in Auschwitz

The holocaust Levi's involvement with Auschwitz was self-contradicting. The Holocaust was an uncommon slaughter by Nazi Germany, with the objective of disposing of all Jewish people1. He did in the end become one of the most powerful observers of the Holocaust and these concentration camps, yet not without encountering it direct. He graduated in 1941 from the University of Turin and got the most elevated distinctions in science. So it is suggested that Levi is an astute individual, through books...
2 Pages 822 Words

John Winthrop's Sermon: Discursive Essay

During the 1600s things were not going so well in England. This was a period of an ongoing crisis of people landless and without a job looking for labor service. Most English immigrants sought economic opportunities in London and various other cities but were quickly disappointed. This was only one of many other various reasons, another being that disease (bubonic plague) ran rampant throughout England killing lots of people another reason people were leaving was the low success rate on...
2 Pages 803 Words

The Flowers' by Alice Walker and 'Dirge For a Saturday Night' by Kathleen Sutton: Critical Analysis

Innocence versus the disturbing and horrifying truth of reality. Sadly innocence loses. After reading 'The Flowers' by Alice Walker and 'Dirge For a Saturday Night' Kathleen Sutton the reader gets a taste of the macabre tone of Racism. Although, the poem 'Dirge For a Saturday Night' was a disturbing piece of art it cant compare to short story, 'The Flowers'. The short story has such a emotional appeal to all age groups, its easy to comprehend,and the diction and tone...
2 Pages 818 Words

Emily St. John Mandel’s Novel Station Eleven: Critical Analysis

Emily St. John Mandel’s novel Station Eleven, spans across multiple timelines and provides her commentary of the modern world, ironically through it’s ‘downfall’. Station Eleven explores life post, during and after a cataclysmic pandemic, the Georgia Flu; a disease that wiped out the preponderance of mankind and for the most part, what Mandel viewed as toxic was also left behind. The novel, which highlights human-kinds ability to not only survive but rather thrive when facing chaos and anarchy revolves around...
2 Pages 820 Words

How The Economic Challenges and a Constantly Rising National Debt Has Continued to Threaten Job Security

Many Americans feel threatened due to questionable job security brought on by economic issues and steadily building national debt. We have all heard the outrageous statistics of unemployment and the never ending battle of who is responsible for this in the first place. While some factors may play a major role in the reasons behind layoffs and vanishing positions, there is another factor that will change everything in the next couple decades. The increasing use and growing reliability on technology...
2 Pages 804 Words

The Problem of The Lack of Punctuality and Why Students Should Be Penalized for Being Late

A man walks wearily down a small trail from the factory after a hard working week. It’s almost 7 in the evening. The sun starts going back to its home after working tirelessly in the day. The dreary, dull night begins to embrace the whole distant countryside. The man continues heading to the train stop. He takes short, slow strides step by step with a deliberate manner despite hearing the resonant siren. As he gets to the station, the train...
2 Pages 783 Words

Abraham Lincoln is the Best President Essay

Abraham Lincoln is one of those individuals whose stature is so large that he has become engulfed in myth—myth that often replaces reality. In poll after poll, the man who died on April 15, 1865, has consistently been ranked by historians and the American people as our greatest president. Both political parties claim to represent his values and never hesitate to invoke his name to bolster their image. Over 145 statues of Lincoln stand, more than two dozen of them...
2 Pages 825 Words

Causes of the Hurricane Katrina

On the 29th of August 2005, Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 hurricane hit New Orleans, Louisiana. With its location and altitude New Orleans is especially vulnerable to Tropical storms. But was the response to the storm optimal? One of the good points of the response to this hurricane is that the population of New Orleans were informed before the hurricane hit of the importance of leaving the city. A full day before the storm hit the residents of New Orleans...
2 Pages 824 Words

The Need for Federal Agencies Funding Towards Wildlife Conservation

Declines in biodiversity poses a serious threat to human civilization today, and will remain so far into the future. In order to maintain species populations and protect habitat for wildlife, several national and international organizations have developed reporting guidelines for conservation of species. However, current methods of preserving particular species do not coincide. Conservationists believe that these lands should be set aside to be protected for the preservation of animal and plant species. Whereas the conservation model used by hunters...
2 Pages 816 Words

Brief Description of the Paricutin Volcano

The Paricutín volcano is the one of youngest on Earth and belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. It is situated in the central part of Mexico in the state of Michoacan, 322 km from Mexico City. The eruption occurred from 1943 to 1952 in the Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field (Larrea et al., 2017). Paricutín is notable for the fact that scientists rarely manage to capture the formation of a new volcano and the full cycle of its eruption (Larrea et al.,...
2 Pages 815 Words

Democracy and Participation

The source discusses the view that UK democracy is in crisis, and argues that, in some aspects, there does seem to be evidence to suggest that the UK is experiencing ‘something’ of a participation crisis, due to a decrease in public confidence and a lower voter turnout in the past few decades. On the other hand, the source also suggests that ‘crisis’ is too strong a word to describe the UK’s political participation, as people are not as disengaged with...
2 Pages 817 Words

The Context and Influence of Concordant Proclamation of The Thirteen Colonies of The USA

From the time our generation landed in Jamestown, we have been respecting your acts and regulations. During those times, many inappropriate actions both sides have taken. However, your recent actions of the Molasses Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend Act, the Tea Act, and Coercive Acts cannot be tolerated by the colonists. These actions have led us to revolt against your will and will not be condoned because of it suppressed our natural rights. The colonists and I...
2 Pages 815 Words

The Connection Between Optimism and Reality

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”- William Arthur Wart. In my opinion, I feel that there is not a fine line between optimism and reality. The reason being that the feeling of optimism can brighten and influence what you say and your interactions with the people around you. Positive vibes from one individual rubs off onto others when one is in a discussion or short conversation and adds hopefulness,...
2 Pages 824 Words

Isaac Cline and Galveston Hurricane

The essay talks of the 1900 Hurricane that rocked the city of Galveston on September 8. The City of Galveston on the U.S map is located on the Western part of the South-Central part of the United States. The speed of the wind had estimates of 135 miles per hour (217 km/h) on its landfall placing its mark as a category 4 storm as defined by measurements on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. The effects that accompanied the storm were severe...
2 Pages 822 Words

The Reasons of Many Colonists Dying in Early Jamestown

The American colonies were established by people who fled British religious persecution. The British government is deeply involved in colonial affairs, and people are beginning to worry about losing their freedom again. After failing to establish a colony on Roanoke Island, Jamestown was known as the first of 13 colonies. It was founded by the London company in 1607, mainly to make money. As we all know, Jamestown is a port and commercial center. This is where people come to...
2 Pages 803 Words

Positive Events That Happened During the Revolution

American History has many significant events and key figures. I will talk about Specific events that occurred during American history specifically during the Revolution that had positive outcomes even though it might not seem like that is the case. Acts that were passed that did not sit well with the people which led to actions and started battles. I will even mention a vital piece of document that declared Americans freedom from the British. The Stamp Act was passed by...
2 Pages 787 Words

American Revolution Analysis

After the American Revolution, Americans, who had just broken free from the British, completely changed their politics, economy and society. The Founders decided to change how they wanted to run their society, even though, in the end, they went back to a more powerful federal government like Britain. Most people’s daily lives didn’t change much but the principles from the revolution made some try to look for better financial opportunities. Women, slaves, and loyalists were changed a lot in society....
2 Pages 791 Words

Socio-economic Conditions in 'What is Poverty' by Jo Goodwin Parker

“What is poverty?” by Jo Goodwin Parker may be a denotative interpretation of poverty. UN agency the poor area unit and the way the society’s stereotype is injustice. Parker with success describes the poor people’s issues and also the purpose of read that society has for those who sleep in poorness. Apparently, in Seventies the socio-economic condition people was awful and also the indisputable fact that Parker wrote the essay in 1971 may be altogether relatable to the socio-economic conditions...
2 Pages 817 Words

The Clinical Waste Management in Cameroon

Poor clinical waste management is a common problem in Africa and other developing parts of the world. Ineffective clinical waste treatment methods put many people at risk of contracting waterborne diseases and blood-borne pathogens (Chang & Wey, 2006). Uncontrolled and substandard burning of clinical waste also increases environmental pollution and exposure to harmful metals and gases. For example, clinical waste, such as syringes, and contaminated sharps could expose people to harmful pathogens through percutaneous injuries, abrasions, or skin cuts (Niessen,...
2 Pages 778 Words

Water Scarcity in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia experiences water scarcity issues. To help fight this problem Saudi Arabia has implemented a water management strategy, a desalination plant, to create more freshwater available for use. This plant uses the Red sea and Persian Gulf to create more freshwater for the country. Water scarcity means there is not enough fresh water available to meet the demands of the people and the environment. Here is a smaller breakdown: Physical - There is physically not enough water. Economic -...
2 Pages 797 Words

Greywater Recycling: Limitations and Perspectives

Greywater Definition Water is vital for the creation and sustainability of life on the planet and is essential for growing crops. Because the majority of water on Earth is salty and is not appropriate for irrigation purposes, the scientific community should assess the possibility of greywater use and its effects on the crops. This endeavor would increase the amount of recycled water and allow people to irrigate lands where freshwater is scarce. Greywater is all water, except for the water...
2 Pages 818 Words
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