Academic Interests essays

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3 Pages 1493 Words
Background of the study The study focuses on the relative contribution of the Family Socioeconomic and Academic interest on ABM students. The consumption of a large amount of money on education, and to the social classes have focused on the educators and the problems of the understudies. Meanwhile, how students learning based on family SES are affected. The purpose of...
2 Pages 824 Words
Business analytics is a field that investigates the performance of businesses and explores the market through data and statistical methods to gain insights and drive business planning. With the emergence of start-ups that have ambitions and great ideas, skills in business analytics become more and more indispensable in the job market. In China, there is a huge number of start-ups...
1 Page 684 Words
The management of business fascinates me. Maybe it is because I come from a family of entrepreneurs who believe that nothing in life is easy and that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If we need or want to live that dream, then the initiative must be ours alone. My idol is my grandmother, an indomitable...
1 Page 669 Words
Criminology has always appealed to me, due to its complex nature. Crime has been projected and hyperbolized in the media, where it often incites fear and excludes criminals from our society as it often doesn't promote rehabilitation. Consequently, instead of focusing on many rehabilitation methods, the system rushes to punishment. This has shown to be an ineffective method for the...
2 Pages 993 Words
Throughout the ages of time, physicists have come and gone. Very few of them get recognized in their lifetime. Names such as Satyendra Nath Bose, Julius Robert Mayer, and Emilie du Châtelet. The chances of these names getting mentioned in conservation about science are slim beyond compare. But in retrospect, these physicists have, or had, made significant impacts in the...
2 Pages 765 Words
“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them”, -Walt Disney. My statement of purpose is actually my story, a simple and normal story of a young man in his mid-20’s, who has dreams and wants to fulfill them. I am not exceptional, outstanding, immensely talented, genius, natural leader or claim to be one;...
1 Page 604 Words
Way back in 2012, when I started my senior secondary education, I chose biology as a major subject and slowly it became subject of core interest. By the time I completed my two years with I got fully mesmerized with biotechnology. It was no wonder for me that I scored highest in the subject. Pursuing biotechnology as a core subject...
1 Page 632 Words
The aspect I admire most about engineering is its problem-solving approach which combines physics and mathematics to face problems of increasing complexity. Engineering is both used to solve human problems as well as satisfy human curiosity. A great example is NASA's rover Opportunity, which survived almost 15 years longer than expected against all odds. We can attribute opportunity's success to...
1 Page 512 Words
Academic sources, also called scholarly sources, are sources which can embrace books, educational journal articles, and printed knowledgeable reports. The content in educational sources has typically been peer-reviewed, which suggest that it has been reviewed by consultants on its topic for accuracy and quality before being printed. While building the assignments it is basic to recollect strong hotspots to consider...

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