Adolescent Obesity and its Effects on Social Participation

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Michael A. Pizzi, Kerryellen Vroman 2013 April did their study on Childhood Obesity to find if obesity had caused impact to children’s participation, psychosocial and mental wellbeing. Their study aimed and investigated the psychosocial issues due to obesity, the variant sequelae of psychosocial factors have been revealed with childhood obesity which includes the children being targeted and marginalized and being discriminated on weight bias and that these children deserve same opportunities for participation. Children who are bullied, teased often undergo depression and low self-esteem Occupational therapists view the issues from all perspective and use a model of practice that defines the relation between occupational performance and individual’s personal system to remove all that obstructs healthy psychosocial development.

Canadian association of occupational therapy in obesity and healthy occupation (2015) was done regarding obesity which being one of the chronic disease is treated with lifestyle modification, pharmacotherapy, and surgery. Occupational therapist are, as in other areas of chronic disease prevention and management, key members of the healthcare team for persons with obesity. It does not need a new skill for them to meet the needs of obesity, rather Occupational therapist must be informed about obesity, treatment and participation experiences to determine, clarify and advocate for the application of occupational therapy in the area of obesity prevention, treatment and management. Everyday life’s occupation provides good health and wellness for all population. Occupational therapy thus having role in helping people individually, in groups and communities to participate in occupation that has positive impact on their health.

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Salles-Jordan, Katie, OTD, OTR 2007, in her position paper on obesity and occupational therapy pointed out the importance of occupational therapy interventions in childhood obesity, explained the role of occupational therapists in addressing the impact of obesity on people’s ability to engage in daily activities. Interventions not only facilitate weight loss but also enable clients to make changes to performance in multiple areas of life, including incorporating appropriate productive and social activity as well as physical activity, to address obesity, thus improving health outcomes and maintaining long-term wellness. Through their knowledge of psychosocial, physical, environmental, and spiritual factors, as well as cultural traditions and perspectives that influence performance, occupational therapy practitioners help consumers develop and implement an individualized, structured approach for lifestyle change.

Alan J. Zametkin, M.D., Christine K. Zoon, B.S., Hannah W. Klein, B.S., and Suzanne Munson, B.A. conducted research on psychiatric aspects of child and adolescent obesity and highlight information in prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Health care professionals must take into account goals that provide with significant health benefits. The most effective treatments involves that the parental involvement in taking care of the child’s health. Mental health professionals must aid in developing the obese children and adolescents in building self-esteem to help them live their life without concern on the weight

Gregory John Jarvie, Benjamin Lahey, William Graziano and Edwards Frame

In his study on childhood obesity and social stigma reviewed the evidence for social stigma associated with body image in childhood in obesity. A relation between facial attractiveness, body image, and situation context and obesity stage was examined and discussed. It also aimed to investigate evidence for inter-relation between physical appearances involving the body and face and social growth. It was said that unattractiveness seemed to be influencing a child’s social interaction resulting from the way he/she is treated, though unattractive child has equal skills as that of attractive children they are not recognized. Thus the obese children assume that they look to themselves with handicap even when others don’t look at them that way.

Praween Agarwal, Kamala Gupta, Vinod Mishra and sutapa Gupta in 2015 did study to explain the psychosocial factors among obese, overweight morbidity in women from Delhi, where they have interviewed women of age 20-54 years who were selected from the national family health survey samples 1998-1999 a re-interview had been done after four years 2003, day to day issues were collected, not satisfied with body image and sexual needs, discrimination and stigma. They had found that psychosocial & behavior issues were found to be highly present which lead to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

Blanchard in 2006 in his study to determine the interrelation between obesity and age, education and socioeconomic status and depression and obesity in African- American. Information were collected by a direct interview for American health survey. Higher rates of obesity along with depression were found.

Mary A Forhan, Mary C Law, Brenda H. Vrkljan et al in 2014 in their study described that obesity had a great impact of quality of life in regard to their health, but was unclear on influence of participation in different occupation. This study explains the class 3 obesity and its impact on daily living occupation. Adults who were undergoing treatment for obesity were interviewed.

Datas were collected in descriptive methods where the people participating were scored under tensions, barriers and coping strategies in different occupations. Participation in different daily living occupations were described the level and quality of occupations were affected by barriers perceived in the surrounding environment. Participation was greatly affected for these class3 obesity individuals. The treatment in providing a meaningful participation in life’s everyday activities for obesity must involve adaptations of the surrounding environment.


Ketteridge and Boshoff in 2008 did a study to evaluate the participation of adolescents in physical activity and their perception for participation and the strategies that encourage the involvement. Using three focus group a interpretive design was formed in which a cross sectional study has been done. The reasons were found to be the benefits in areas like physical health, emotional, psychological and self-development. The factors that encouraged the participation were fun and interesting where they could have their own choices and not of the competitive type. The adolescents who participated were from private schools. Reduced results were found from adolescents who were less active.

Impact of obesity not only affected the individuals directly but also indirectly by job absenteeism (Bungum et al., 2003). Obesity indirectly reduced education and employment services (Puhl & Brownell, 2001); reduced access of the available healthcare and wellness services provided for everyone (Wallis, 2004); due to portrayals in television regarding obesity in which the obese women were less attractive and preferred by everyone which lead to the limited social participation (Greenberg, Eastin, Hofschire, Lachlan, & Brownell, 2003; Moloney, 2000).these ill effects and consequences causes a great deal of damage to their participation throughout their entire life, reducing their interest and performance in their desired activities.


Kristi Haracz, I Susan Ryan, I Michael Hazelton et al in 2013 did a study to describe that obesity is health concern globally. It usually lead to lower physical & mental health along with wellness and hindrances in performing occupation. The interrelation among health and wellness with occupation, where an occupational therapist can describe the causative factors and its consequences of obesity.

This study with evidence based support described the function of occupational therapy in obesity. It comprises of eight theoretical bases of which two qualitative studies and twelve quantitative studies. Occupational therapy treatment plans were based on certain categories such as in preventing issues and promoting health, increasing the participation in physical activities, changing the dietary patterns and decreasing the effects of obesity. The interventional categories were identified as evaluation, environmental modifications, health educating and adapting occupations according to needs. However studies were needed to provide a strong evidence base for practice of occupational therapy.

Position paper in occupational therapy published a paper to explain people working in profession other than occupational therapist how obesity impacts a individual from performing their everyday events of life. For the individuals with obesity occupational therapist evaluates and considers all the needs of the individual and sets goals and works on implanting them, they also works with individuals in designing the intervention plan according their interests and needs in areas affected due to obesity Occupational therapy programs put to action the personal preferences of client, their medical regimen a plan a intervention. Occupational therapy also does community program by changing their lifestyles and through education programs, introducing new healthy routines and habits, recommendation of certain modifications at home to reduce laziness and adaptive equipment to improve the effort in occupations, retraining ADL and IADL, good wellbeing program for adolescents and children, play and education program in schools regarding healthy lifestyle and social participation.

David Eitle and Tamela Mcnulty Eitle in 2018 in their study examined the relation between obesity and weapon carrying in school, where adolescents for protecting themselves from the bullying and teasing carry weapons. In these Males were found to be more involved to represent a measure to victimization, there was link between obesity and carrying weapons to school to harm those persons who tried victimizing the obese individuals, there need to be antigang to protect these obese individuals from being victimized.

Karthik kumar .B, Prasad H.K in 2015 in their research in adolescent obesity quoted that adolescent obesity is most common problem faced. Though these children should be screened for risk factors, a relative investigation should be done for endocrine and polycystic ovary. Treatment for obesity should be in way as investigation must be done less compared to medication and medication to be precede by surgery. Hence a combined therapy with healthy diet, physical activity and modification in environment is needed for a better outcome.

Levels of the USA accounted for 13% of obese people world wide in 2013, with china and india jointly accounting for another15%. Although age-standardized rates

Laurel Mellin in 1988 did study to find that the social relations were responsible for the development of obesity by the behavior and environment situations. Very little researches were done to prove the social context involved in obesity which can used to form intervention. The social network play a major role in intervention where the network of friends, family and community may be made known about an issue which is ignored by everyone and they can be encouraged to follow a sets of practice for all to follow in order to prevent obesity beforehand which can provoke a change in behavioral practice and make a great impact in the prevention and treatment of obesity. When new intervention model is formed this can be taken into consideration for the better results.

Laura Zettel-Watson, Michael Brittonstigma did their study to find the social interaction in obesity of the obese population of which the younger ones are more involved. Researches are being done that the social interaction affected in these younger population was affected when they grow into adults, data were collected by interview from population age of 60-93. Results were found that not much of the obese population were not affected in their social interaction proving when the factors of health level, self-esteem increases, age were controlled. Higher BMI in older adults did not create a bigger impact on the participation since they have learned to accept that obesity cannot be a reason to stigmatization for social participation.

Judy A Andrews Sarah E. Hampson, Missy Peterson, Susan C. Duncan, in their study to find the impact that children who did not do physical activity had on children who had a good social image due to physical activity of prolonged fitness and better growth, where a number 846 samples were selected out of which the 50% being female from different race, ethnicity or mixed type. An examination was done using the latent growth model showing on the impact that social image by early physical activity on obesity. Results showed that individuals who did physical activity in initial stage a had good social image about it had better results but they that stopped it over time were predicted for obesity. Thus concluding that a social image of physical activity from the early stage will have greater performance levels.

Flector Lu, lemonade did a study in creating the devices that could facilitate in performing physical activity using the current trends of social networking to improve fitness. The study was done on adolescents aged 14-15 with experimental group consisting of 20 subjects who were using the fitness device and control group consisting of 15 subjects did not use the fitness device. Primarily they tried changing the attitude of the target group regarding the fitness, and then the benefits from the devices used for fitness was studied, finally if the social device could actually improve the body fitness and attitude. This device consisted of thirteen exercise which the person can perform alone or with his friends, this devices records the performance and progress which they can share and motivate others and themselves be motivated. Results showed improvement in physical fitness and attitude towards fitness by the use of the fitness device.

Sema Sal Altan, Murat Bektas did their study to determine if adolescent obesity is effected by the way the parent feeding and social anxiety. As part of their cross sectional analysis samples were collected from secondary school adolescents from turkey numbering 649 samples, schools were selected from both rural and urban society. Information was collected based on the parent-child data of socio-demographics form. Individual assessment on the anxiety levels, self-efficacy and parent feeding style. Results showed in obese adolescent males that they feared places, relationships, in healthcare prevention effectiveness and dietary consumption and in obese female adolescents feared the same outer environment, healthcare prevention effectiveness, socio-emotional, anxiety in unknown places and strict diet consumption. This proved that the feeding styles by parent, social anxiety and feeding styles by parent greatly impact on the obesity.

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Adolescent Obesity and its Effects on Social Participation. (2022, July 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“Adolescent Obesity and its Effects on Social Participation.” Edubirdie, 08 Jul. 2022,
Adolescent Obesity and its Effects on Social Participation. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
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