Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse

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The two big problems that are faced by Cape Town teachers are truancy and drug abuse. The learner's irregular attendance is an issue that is seriously affecting the overall success of large urban school district. For the purpose of this study truancy will be defined as a consecutive illegal absence from school or class. Learners are giving teachers a hard time when it comes to attendance, some are leaving their homes telling their parents they are going to school but they never arrive, some are going to school but are absent in the classroom and school girls who are affected by unwanted pregnancy are staying at home to avoid being harassed by their peers and bullying may sometimes lead to the use of substance abuse. Learners who are drug abusers get without difficulty tempted because of having the right of entry to tablets, alcohol and firearm which makes them very violent. Pelser (2008) believes communities have been regulated with the aid of homes, schools and the instantaneous environment which they live at. In other instances the availability of drugs is near the school or within the school premises from other learners


Many teachers apprehend that truancy and drug abuse amidst pupils are considerable obstacles to the success of educational objective. Learners who take drugs do them at any given chance, whether it's in the morning before school starts or during their school break. School Program is a complete federal strategy financed by the U.S Department of Education which was made to enhance applications that stop the use of drug abuse and violence around the state colleges. The purpose of this research is to develop a solution that can be proposed to the nation in an effort to decrease truancy and drug abuse. The objective is to identify how teachers feel about truancy and drug abuse as they are directly involved in learners lives and how much time they are willing to offer in an effort to decrease or eliminate this problems altogether.

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Problem statement

Learners are skipping school, which disrupts their learning process and directly affecting other learners who attend school well, the teachers and curriculum also suffer due to this. Learners' absenteeism interrupts the progression of their curriculum. Sometimes this learners are present but they are not listening or understanding what the teacher is saying because they are under the influence of drugs. Their bodies are there but their minds seem to be on another planet.

Learners who are substance abusers do not seem to care about anything or anybody else. It's all about their drugs and they can't help it because they are addicted. Their parents suffer because they steal money or stuff in the house to sell them so that they can get money for the 'fix'. Teachers and other learners who do not use drugs also suffer because of the behavior of drug users in the classroom, they don't listen nor participate in school work and they disrupt teachers while they are busy teaching.

Research method

The methodology that I'm using is qualitative research, this approach is more explanatory and it can be used to properly acknowledge how character subjectively perceive and offer that potential to their social fact, it is used to improve consciousness.

Data gathering

  • In-depth interview

An in-depth interview is a loosely structured interview. It allows freedom for both the interviewer and interviewee to explore additional points and change direction.

  • Direct observation

Watching interactions and processes as they occur, example observing the teacher assisting the police to analyze learners who are involved in truancy and gang violence.

  • Case study

The learners came with different ideas about the research, their different backgrounds and qualities they showed assembled together to make a versatile case.

  • Focus groups

Learners’ uncommon beliefs, opinions and perception pushed the project towards a more informative positive side.

Sampling procedure

A sample of learners from a specific school in Cape Town will be chosen to take part in the case study. This approach will be employed to inquire all aspects of truancy and drug abuse in urban schools.

Involvement of participants


The police play an important role to the community at large, they help with crime prevention and reprimanding people who break the law, their part in this motion is to combat gangs and offer a safe environment for learner to learn freely, without discomfort.


It is every parent's responsibility to ensure that their children go to school and check for any foul behavior in case their children have started using drugs. Parents should also lead by example and stop exposing drugs, alcohol and violent behavior to children.


The principal's role is to check learners who frequently absent from school and advise them to come to school regularly. He or she should work with the police and allow them to regularly come to school to check for drugs and weapons.


Teachers work with the principal and parents, inform them about learner’s absenteeism and general behavior in the classroom.


Learners must abide by the rules of the school and honor their parents, teachers, the principal and the police. Learners should also learn self-respect and take good care of their health.

Data analysis

Results were analyzed through observations and interviews, they revealed that the root of these problems are within the community, the environment that learners live in needs to be re-structured.


Dysfunctional families

It is recommended that the families of affected learners should be given an opportunity to visit therapists and other organizations that are equipped to deal with such matters, to help check the root of the problems. Talk about their issues and get solutions.


The parents can try and look for organizations that can help them with skills and knowledge so that they can go to work or open their small businesses. This way they can earn some income or profit from standing up and doing things themselves.


The police should work together with the community to identify these gangsters, those who are doing damages to properties, raping, hijacking and killing people should be arrested.

Reducing juvenile offenses

There are many organizations equipped to help these young people to move their mindsets from gangsterism to future leaders. Some of the organizations are Big Brother Movement, Father A Nation and Brothers for Life.

Increasing school attendance

Sports and games should be available and indigenous at schools to keep learners busy with positive things and encourage them to want to go school.

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Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 27 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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