Apathy essays

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2 Pages 843 Words
One of the most important factors to staying independent as an older adult is the ability to perform daily tasks of living and self-care. The progression of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) leads to an increasing inability to perform daily activities, loss of independence, and a decreased quality of life, and it generates socioeconomic and occupational impairments (Morris, Watts, & Iansek, 2009)....
4 Pages 1636 Words
Introduction It has been years since the alarm of the climate crisis has been ringing, a cascade of catastrophes following in its wake while civilization remains either aware and alert but also unaffected. There is a constant discussion in media about the alarming trends that speak for themselves; the rising global temperatures, warming of oceans, rising sea levels, shrinking of...
6 Pages 2587 Words
Voter turnout has increased in recent elections, but the issue of non-voting remains a prominent concern. According to van Deth’s (2001) model of political participation, almost every activity by a citizen can somehow be understood as a form of engagement in politics. However, activities such as: party membership, contacting politicians, signing petitions, demonstrations, blocking streets, reading information and volunteering amongst...
2 Pages 984 Words
The ever growing effects of political disenchantment are more than evident upon analysing the attitudes of populism alongside the dangers of apathy within modern society. Evidently within the youth, the underlying consensus of apathy displays distinctly, attitudes towards voting that pose a threat to equal representation under a democratic system. Whereas one may also assess further disenchantment arisen from the...
3 Pages 1222 Words
George Orwell’s 1949 satire Nineteen-Eighty-Four, ignites new ideas about human behaviours prompted by totalitarian government’s degradation of individual and collective experiences and thus invites the reader to see the world differently. Orwell explores how oppressive authorities suppress societal expression and freedom to maintain power. He then reveals how this suppression brutalises human behaviour and motivations because it undermines emotion and...
2 Pages 862 Words
Negativity is unfortunate and misfortunes endeavors that majorly results due to some people’s undoing or ignorance. Normally, human beings are exposed to all manners of emotionally, physically, and psychologically disturbing events and activities that might either lead to a state of indifference or apathy. The state of indifference is characterized by a lack of interest, concern, or even sympathy about...
5 Pages 2269 Words
Any action that humankind takes is a decision that could lead to either progression or degeneration. A civilization is comprised of a system that is created to serve the well-being of a people, not a corrupted one that has been succumbed to indifference, lack of morality, deception, and materialism, etc. Looking back at history, we can discuss the struggles of...
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