Childhood Experience That Changed My Life: Essay

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How books changed my life

I was an imaginative child.

I was the type of child who would stay up late thinking of castles and dragons. I loved daydreaming and creating scenarios in my head.

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Over time, that changed. The same kid who would spend hours creating fiction no longer could, the imagination and subsequently, the magic faded. That’s what happens when you grow up; you have obligations and bills, and all that magic kind of disappears as you begin to pay attention to other things.

As messy as life became, though, one thing remained the same- my love for reading.

As a child, I used to spend a lot of time pent up in my room, reading. From romantic novels to thrillers and comedy, reading was everything. These days I do more of human psychology and self-help books, but the one habit that has stuck with me through all these years is reading.

A lot of times, when I’m down or going through some issues, a book has changed my life. Somehow, there always seems to be a book for every problem that I face. I’ve not read a tiny percentage of the books that exist, yet I feel like the countless ones I’ve read, like a torch in a dark room, have always pointed me in the right direction. Often, during a dark hour or an idle point, a book has changed my life. Several books have helped me find my voice and organize my life.

I believe that if it weren’t for books, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Books do that to you. Good books have the power, and if you let them, they can illuminate your life and give you that extra boost you need just when you are feeling weak.

I’m willing to bet that if you take time to think well, you can think of at least one book that has changed your life.

For those who would love to experience transformation in the pages of a book, here are a few ways that reading can change your life.

    • Belongingness

Often, when we go through challenges, we think we are alone, and nobody would understand us. That’s why there’s nothing quite like finding a book written by someone you’ve never met, probably years ago, carefully dissecting your issues as they’ve lived through it. There’s a feeling of camaraderie and solidarity that comes with knowing you’re not alone, after all.

    • Empathy

Reading involves a lot of listening; you’re quietly talking through the author’s mind as if you were in a conversation with them. You’re at the receiving end, and the writer is subtly feeding you with opinions, advice, and ideas from their perspective. The author is not there with you; all they can hope for is that you care enough to listen and see things from their point of view. This invariably improves your ability to connect and see things in another light. In other words, build empathy.

    • Confidence

Reading involves a lot of soul searching, it challenges you and pushes you to your limit, but when you do come out on the other side, you will grow stronger and become sure of the values that you hold dear. That’s one of the most significant confidence boosts you can get. Confidence in yourself, your abilities, and your philosophies.

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Childhood Experience That Changed My Life: Essay. (2024, February 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Childhood Experience That Changed My Life: Essay.” Edubirdie, 09 Feb. 2024,
Childhood Experience That Changed My Life: Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Childhood Experience That Changed My Life: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 09 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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