Effective Leadership essays

15 samples in this category

Essay examples
Essay topics
4 Pages 1663 Words
[bookmark: _Hlk27179602]The City of Kelsey has experienced a great amount of growth in the population in the past 100 years. This growth has led to a need to create a sustainable water supply. In order to sustain the growth, prepare and plan for future growth, the city of Kelsey is working on a way to maintain the current water supply...
Case StudyConversationEffective Leadership
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2 Pages 1183 Words
Effective leadership involves problem-solving and decision making. These are only achievable if one can think critically without assuming lots of things and looking at everything from the face value. It is, therefore, necessary that a critical thinker has to learn critical thinking skills so that he can be best placed to successfully lead and control a company. These critical thinking...
Critical ThinkingEffective Leadership
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2 Pages 919 Words
This reflective essay will use a case study approach to critically evaluate leadership, management and collaborative interprofessional practice used in nursing ( 1.Harvis and Mayo, 2018). The scenario took place in an elderly ward where the nursing and medical team participated in seizure care (see Appendix). The contextual focus of this essay is on the nursing leadership and management style...
Case StudyEffective Leadership
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4 Pages 1802 Words
Different countries have a various range of cultures that they experience and follow, each culture following a different set of rules, therefore a various range of leadership styles develop that are tailored to those cultures as well as the people in the country. In this essay, I will be looking at the cultural dimensions of 2 countries, Iran and Saudi...
2 Pages 744 Words
Skills such as interpersonal communication in the military are extremely important as it directly correlates with leadership competency. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. Successfully interacting with others is determined by knowing what others identify. It depends on accepting the personality, responses, and causes...
ArmyEffective LeadershipInterpersonal Communication
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2 Pages 1085 Words
A crisis is the truth of today’s fast-paced business world. Rapid organizational change, changing economic conditions, problems with personnel, unexpected technological changes, and political effects cause instability in today’s business world. This instability appears out of state control as economic disruptions that result in crisis. The process approach to crisis management builds on the concept of crisis incubation, that “crises...
like 156
4 Pages 1705 Words
Isn’t it inconvenient that women are perceived as less effective leaders than men? Isn’t it inconvenient that women are valued less than men around the world? And isn’t the 21st century the ideal time to create change and equality in the world for a more prosperous tomorrow? Continuing to live with the world’s current and inaccurate perceptions about women’s leadership...
2 Pages 800 Words
Why do you think Singapore is where it is today? Indeed, many good leaders have helped shape Singapore into where it is today. Everyone has different perspectives on who they believe is a good leader. To me, it is without a doubt that the person who I think is a good leader would be Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew...
Effective LeadershipLeader
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3 Pages 1398 Words
Leadership cut across all spheres of life, ranging from the family setting, church setting, business setting, market setting, school setting, football setting down to the political setting. Everybody defines leadership in many different ways, but one definition that got to me was John C. Maxwell’s definition. He defines leadership as: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the...
Effective LeadershipLeader
like 219
5 Pages 2190 Words
Understanding Leadership: More Than Authority and Power Leadership is both the study area and practical skill that encompasses the ability of an individual or organization to “lead” or direct others, teams, or entire organizations. Basically, this is a process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others to achieve a goal. Leadership comes from social influence, not from power...
Effective LeadershipLeaderLeadership
like 228
5 Pages 2444 Words
Case Study: Robert Kuok Hock Nien as a Role Model of a Good Leader Introduction Robert Kuok Hock Nien is a Malaysian business magnate and an active investor. Born on 6 October 1953 in Johor Bahru. His father is a Chinese from Fujin. He is the youngest of three brothers. Robert Kuok is a graduate student from Raffles Institution and...
Case StudyEffective Leadership
like 433
2 Pages 770 Words
Introduction Donald Trump, a name synonymous with wealth and opulence, stands as a prominent figure in the realm of business. As a businessman, Trump has been a polarizing figure, eliciting both admiration and skepticism. His journey from inheriting a portion of his father's real estate empire to becoming a globally recognized brand is a testament to his business acumen. However,...
Donald TrumpEffective Leadership
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1 Page 522 Words
John D. Rockefeller was a man who went after what he wanted. It can be said he was an effective business leader based on the things he accomplished not only for himself, but the economy as well. John owned his own oil company and then went on to create opportunity for the economy by increasing advancements in gasoline, manufacturing, and...
Effective LeadershipRockefeller
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6 Pages 2850 Words
Reviewed double_ok
There are several stores illustrate unethical leadership taken place in a working environment every single day. Unfortunately, that type of behavior still does not provide clear boundaries of what unethical leadership should incorporate. Before defining unethical behavior, need clearly to describe the meaning of ethics and ethical behavior. Whom are ethical people are? This is people who recognize the difference...
Effective LeadershipLeadership
like 272
2 Pages 1012 Words
Over the last half century, the conventional aim and public role of higher education have been challenged by new pressures (The National Task Force 2012). One might argue that the aim of higher education appears to be to acquire new knowledge and to prepare one for the workforce. On the other hand, one would also suggest that higher education institutions...
College EducationEffective LeadershipLeadership
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