English 101 Self Evaluation Essay

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If you’re reading this, I hope it finds you well. You may have taken English 101. According to the University of Arizona’s English language department, English 101 “ is to introduce you to the conventions of academic writing and critical thinking (English 101: Introduction to College Writing).” Looking forward, in English 102 you can expect to build “upon the critical thinking, reading, and writing capabilities that you’ve developed in English 101”.

Based on my experience in English 101, focusing on motivating factors is essential in your coursework as well as directing yourself into thinking of ways to try to positively affect any given circumstance or problem you may encounter in your course as an English 102 student.

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My English 101 course was online. We were required to obtain an online textbook and submit responses to prompts given to the class almost every week. We used TRIAC, narrative, and SEA paragraph formats for our responses. There were thirteen prompts, in our textbook. Our unit prompts started with identifying and analyzing situations and work that utilized persuasive speech. Thesis statements were added in the latter half of our responses and essays. There were six essays in total, one of which was a final; four of these essays were on the ecosystem we chose to write at. The last essay was on what could be expected in English 102, and the final was an overview of our current day. In addition to this, we responded to, almost weekly, prompts on our chosen ecosystem.

Like English 101, English 102 will focus on analyzing writing elements, but with greater depth. The course will greater emphasize proper usage of grammar and mechanics; in addition to proper citing, so as to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism, intentional or not, is a serious concern that should be examined with students in order to help prevent it from occurring.

The following paragraphs are tips I have utilized in my English 101 course.

Developing Perspective

Tip one is developing perspective. Whether you’re facing a challenging assignment or experience it’s good to garner perspective. It can come from classmates, academic counseling centers, friends, and/or family. Also, remember that if you are having difficulties you can always take a break and revisit the issue when you’ve had time to explore options on how to proceed. I personally found that working with academic services provided by the campus (Brainfuse), discussing experiences with peers, who often share the same or similar experiences to mine, and revisiting problems have helped. If you find yourself in a position where you didn’t do as well in a course, then there is always a chance to retake the course and perform better by using the right mindset. Here is a retrospective quote from a college graduate on a potential setback:

Remember that big picture. While college is important, it is only a season. That one “D” I got in Calculus 2 doesn’t really matter now even though it caused me hours of unrest when I was in college. My current employer has no idea I had to drop the class (until she reads this article). My point is that we tend to get stressed over things that end up not being huge deals in the long run. Breathe deeply. This season will pass. (Sealey-Morris, Carrie)

This author was able to overcome an obstacle with perspective.

Growth mindset

The second tip is utilizing a growth mindset. Before Carol Dweck Ph.D., a Stanford University psychologist, started her research on growth mindset she started with an interest in how others coped with failure (Mindset-Updated Edition 3). She found two mindsets, growth and fixed, that people had adapted, and she studied their effects. People that displayed a growth mindset believed that they could improve their abilities through effort. People that displayed a fixed mindset believed that their inherent abilities were the ultimate determinant of their success. Throughout her research, she came to discover that students who utilized a growth mindset were more successful than those who did not (Mindset-Updated Edition). A study published in the journal Nature found that a fifty-minute online growth mindset training program resulted in higher math and science GPAs for lower achieving students as well as higher achieving students who were in environments that promoted the pursuit of challenges (Yeager, David S., et al). Throughout the course, I used a growth mindset to write on topics I was unfamiliar with.

Intrinsic Motivation

The third tip is utilizing intrinsic motivation. According to self-determination theory, people are naturally geared towards growth. And motivation can be split into extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is based on a desire for an external reward, while intrinsic motivation is based on a desire for an internal reward. Intrinsic motivation stems from three basic human needs: “autonomy, competence, and relatedness” (Deci 25). In an academic study, published by the International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, a positive correlation was found between student’s academic success and intrinsic motivation (Khoshnam, Amir Hossein, et al.). Whereas another academic study done by Deci, in 1971, extrinsic rewards are theorized to subvert one of these three basic needs, autonomy, and as a result, intrinsic motivation (qt. in Self-determination Theory). Money, applause, and grades can all act as external rewards. Examples of internal rewards include a sense of accomplishment through progress, a sense of expression, or a sense of calm or excitement provided in an activity. My intrinsic motivators have spanned from the clicking of my keyboard to learning and writing about the information I can take with me after this course.

These specific tips may or may not be applicable to you given that each student has their own approach and way of learning. There are also conflicting findings and theories on the cited information. As for what to expect in English 102, there is currently no standard for English 102, so certain concepts that I have discussed may not be relevant or as relevant to your course, although you will find “common elements (English 101: Introduction to College Writing)” in your English classes.

Overall, your concentration on motivating factors will best serve your progress and help you become a successful learner who puts in intentionally focused time and effort. English 102 is a chance to implement the skills you’ve learned from English 101. Have fun out there in English 102, and with your learning overall.

Works Cited

    1. Course Description: English 102 Is Designed to Build upon the Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing Capabilities That You De, http://wdonati.faculty.unlv.edu/syllabus.htm.
    2. Deci, E. L.; Vansteenkiste, M. (2004). 'Self-determination theory and basic need satisfaction: Understanding human development in positive psychology'. Ricerche di Psichologia. 25
    3. Dweck, Carol. Mindset: the New Psychology of Success. Random House, 2016. English 101: Introduction to College Writing, http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sung/english101/.
    4. Khoshnam, Amir Hossein, et al. “The Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Happiness with Academic Achievement in High School Students.” International Journal of Academic
    5. Research in Business and Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 11, May 2013, doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v3-i11/342.
    6. Sealey-Morris, Carrie. “Five Tips for Coping with Stress as a Student.” College Consensus, College Consensus, 24 Oct. 2018, www.collegeconsensus.com/resources/college-life/five-tips-for-coping-with-stress-as-a-student/.
    7. “Self-Determination Theory.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Dec. 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-determination_theory#cite_note-Deci,_E._L._1971-27.
    8. Yeager, David S., et al. “A National Experiment Reveals Where a Growth Mindset Improves Achievement.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 7 Aug. 2019, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1466-y#Sec8.
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English 101 Self Evaluation Essay. (2023, November 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/english-101-self-evaluation-essay/
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English 101 Self Evaluation Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/english-101-self-evaluation-essay/> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
English 101 Self Evaluation Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 20 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/english-101-self-evaluation-essay/

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