Essay about Muhammad Ali Being Role Model

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Cassius Marcellus, Mohammad Ali Kelly was an American heavyweight boxer who is recognized as one of the greatest boxers in boxing history and one of the most important sports figures of the twentieth century.

Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, the largest city in the USA state of Kentucky.

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His father's job was writing and her mother sometimes worked as a cleaner to support the family. Cassius Marcellus informed the police officer when he was 12 years old that his bike had been stolen and said that if he found the thief, he would be entitled to it. the officer, Joe Martin. trained boxing children in a small local club. That's why he told her that if he wanted to fight the thief, you must learn boxing first

That's how he got into the boxing ring very soon. the 12 years old made remarkable progress in boxing with the speed of his mentor Martin. By the time he entered high school, he had won 6 titles in Kentucky. Because of these honors, school officials ignored his grades and poor teaching and issued a graduation certificate.

At the Summer Olympics in Rome. he won an amateur gold medal in the heavyweight category and then continued his professional boxing training under Angelo Dundee.

It was at the same time that he expressed his religious beliefs. His surprising results in the tournament and his tireless spirit earned him the nickname of Louis Weil. On 29 October 1960 in Louisville, Muhammad Ali defeated Tony Hunsaker, chief of east Fayetteville police, in his first professional round of 6 rounds.

From the year 1960 to 1963 the young fighter knocked out his other opponents in 15 breathtaking matches. People like Tony Sport, Jim Robinson, Danny Fleeman, and Duck are the same dong. Alonzo Johnson, Gorge Logan, Willi Besmanoff, and Lamar Clark had more than 40 decisive victories in their heyday.

Perhaps the most exciting and proud of the overall success at that time was the victory against Sunny Banks, Alejandro Lavorante, and Archie Moore, who had a dramatic record of victory. However, both Banks and Lavrenti were killed in the ring after another, and Muhammad Kelly only claimed the title against Sonny Liston. The confrontation with Sonny Liston was a rivalry that all boxers talked about, and the young boxer had not been able to defeat him so far and win the title.

Muhammad Ali was separated by race and he experienced some discrimination in his childhood. His father supported a wife and two by painting billboards and signs. His mother was a household domestic. Muhammad Ali had 9 children because he married more times but his final wife (Lonnie) remained with him until his death and they had one son together. He changed his religion to Islam in the 1970s and changed his name from Cassius X to Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali had Parkinson’s disease because of head trauma of boxing which gave Muhammad Ali it. Parkinson’s kills the neurons in the brain to produce dopamine, which leads to issues with movement. Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with it in 1984 and he had also Septic shock those diseases lead to his death.

Mohamed Ali was a former heavyweight champion known for being one of the best sporting figures in the 20th century and the first fighter to capture three heavyweight champion titles. Mohamed Ali won about 56 fights, after winning his first 19 fights which had 15 knockouts inside Mohamed Ali received his first title shot on Feb 25. Mohamed Ali dominated the match and so he screamed: “ I am the greatest “. he won an amateur gold medal in the heavyweight category and then continued his professional boxing training under Angelo Dundee.

It was at the same time that he expressed his religious beliefs. His surprising results in the tournament and his tireless spirit earned him the nickname of Louis Weil. On 29 October 1960 in Louisville, Muhammad Ali defeated Tony Hunsaker, chief of east Fayetteville police, in his first professional round of 6 rounds. From the year 1960 to 1963 the young fighter knocked out his other opponents in 15 breathtaking matches.

People like Tony Sport, Jim Robinson, Danny Fleeman, and Duck are the same dong. Alonzo Johnson, Gorge Logan, Willi Besmanoff, and Lamar Clark had more than 40 decisive victories in their heyday. Perhaps the most exciting and proud of the overall success at that time was the victory against Sunny Banks, Alejandro Lavorante, and Archie Moore, who had a dramatic record of victory.

Why is he inspiring ??

In our group, we all had a unanimous desire to choose Muhammad Ali because we all remember his legacy in boxing.

I´m going to talk about Mohammed Ali because he inspires me a lot. Once he was asked, 'How many sit-ups do you do?' He said, 'I don't count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that's when I start counting, because that's when it counts.

To be really popular, one needs to have both talent and the right attractive personality. Ali happened to be the finest example of a combination of these two qualities. He was not only one of the most talented boxers, but so much more than that. Just the fact that he is a big talented boxer made him popular.

Before the fights, he used to attack by his words and his extreme self-confidence. Even if no one believed in him, he used to believe in himself! His supreme confidence, the mockery of his opponents, and his ability to stand up for his beliefs are what made him highly revered, especially among youngsters, who saw him as an idol.

Apart from the boxing world, he was such a wise man. He understood the meaning of life, the philosophy of life, and the reason for the existence of humanity on earth at a young age. Having watched his numerous interviews, I was stunned and surprised by how deep this man is. He could talk on any given topic, unlike normal boxers who used to avoid the camera. His knowledge was very vast in various subjects. All these characteristics in one man were unparalleled which was a contributing factor to his fame.

He rose to prominence at a time when the civil liberties of African Americans were curtailed and his glory and fame made him even more popular with African Americans, who took pride in his success and saw him as a symbol of 'Black power' outside of the political arena. (Of course, this does not, in any way, mean that his fan following was limited to the African American community).

The end:

This concludes our presentation about Mohamed Ali. Muhammad Ali will forever be known as a famous boxer and an activist who changed the world.

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Essay about Muhammad Ali Being Role Model. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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