Essay on Art and Religion: Analysis of Cultural influences on Rome

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As Rome conquered the different towns in different places she did not only gain territory and subjects, but she also gained foreign ideas. Rome sucked foreign temples and obtained new ideas of religion and art. Those who were captured in war and were educated and civilized she made slaves and often Rome used them as teachers of Roman children and writers of books (Morey, 1901).

In spite of the fact that Rome had many influences the most powerful foreign influence was Greece. The Greece influences were seen in religion, philosophy, literature, art, and manners. The religion of the state changed considerably when Rome got in contact with the Greeks, so much so that the entire Greek Olympus was introduced into Italy, and Rome adopted the Greek stories of the gods (Morey, 1901). The more educated Romans also focused on the study of Greek philosophy and studied the nature of the gods and the moral duties of men. Some philosophical influences were the ideas of the Stoics which helped to preserve the simplicity and strength of the Roman character while the ideas of Epicureans were used to justify a life of pleasure and luxury (Morey, 1901).

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Before the Greeks influenced Rome, the Romans did not have much literature other than ballad verses. The Greeks taught the Romans how to write, and they gave rise to writers that contributed to Roman Literature (Morey, 1901). The first Latin author was Antonius, and he was a Greek slave who wrote a Latin poem that imitated the style of Homer. Then Nevis combined the Greek taste and Roman spirit and wrote a poem about the first Punic War. Genius wrote a great poem called the Annals which is about the history of Rome. Plautus and Terence who were known as the greatest writers of Roman comedy had Greek influences. The Romans also obtained refined features of art from the Greeks, and they collected Greek works of art (Morey, 1901).

When it comes to manners and Morals some Romans like Scipio Africanus favored the introduction of Greek ideas while others like Cato the Censor opposed it. Roman culture was characterized by civilized people who adopted the best elements of the ancient world at the same time it also showed their selfish, ambitious side which lacked a generous spirit and a barbarous spirit that was especially present in the form of amusement (Morey, 1901).


  1. Morey, W. C. (1901). Outlines of Roman History. Forum Romanum. http:www.forumromanum.orghistoryindex.html
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