Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Photosynthesis

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Deforestation is the process of removing trees and forests from a landscape. This may be done for many reasons including making way for other land uses such as agriculture and also to harvest for wood resources although it might not be something you see or hear about every day deforestation is a problem that is happening all over the world and has been for many years you might be wondering how does this affect me why should i care well think about the dessk that you are sitting at and the pencil and paper you’re writing with along with the majority of furniture rooms at home what do they have in common they’re all made from trees we use trees to make a lot of different products that we use every single day which means have to cut down a lot of trees to make them so now you may be thinking well why should I care there are lots of trees and forests on earth it’s true there are a lot of trees on earth in fact forest covers a quarter of all land surfaces on earth but the problem is the rate at which you harvest currently humans are cutting down forests at a rate of 36 football courts. 

Deforestation affects many ecosystem functions but the question we’re asking is how does this affect the climate. First off, let’s talk about Carbon cycling. Think about how you breathe in oxygen and breath out Carbon Dioxide. Plants and trees do the opposite, they absorb C2D and release Oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. When we cut down large amounts of trees Carbon Dioxide is no longer absorbed and it stays in the atmosphere. This is a problem because C2D acts as a greenhouse gas, this means it acts like a greenhouse by absorbing and readmitting radiation back down to earth we further contribute to this when we burn forest materials because the carbon stored in them is then released into the atmosphere greenhouse gases have a warming effect and because amounts are being released into the atmosphere all around the world. They are having a global warming effect on the local scale however deforestation is having a different effect. First, let’s talk about Albedo. The Albedo is the amount of light that is reflected off a surface. The main control of albedo is a surface color picture of a black car in the Sun. 

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Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Photosynthesis. (2023, October 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Photosynthesis.” Edubirdie, 27 Oct. 2023,
Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Photosynthesis. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
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