Essay on Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China

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When we walk out of the door on a Monday morning, the first word that comes to our mind is ‘school’. When a student walks out of the door in China, the first word they think about is ‘pollution.’ Air pollution. In China, people suffer every day for no reason at all by breathing in toxic air. They only suffer due to the sheer lack of awareness of the Chinese government. This is not just horrible but selfish as well and the Chinese government must implement management plans to stop air pollution in China. The government must prevent air pollution for the sake of the environment and the people.

To begin with, plans must be taken into action because air pollution is destroying wildlife. Air pollution puts a risk to every animal’s life by damaging its respiration systems. Animals and plants breathe in toxic air that could end their lives at any moment. Plants will die if they take in dangerous chemicals such as ozone which can stop them from photosynthesising. This means that plants will die due to air pollution. Water bodies will become inhabitable after being affected by acid rain. Studies show that most streams and rivers in China exceed dangerous particle matter due to consistent pollutants in the air. Air pollution will keep on causing a huge loss in the environment if we take no action. There has already been enough damage caused by air pollution, surely, we don’t want more!

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Last but not least, air pollution must be stopped because it is causing the people of China to suffer. Air pollution is the source of many health issues and delays in the community because of China’s dense smog. Many people fall victim to deadly diseases such as lung cancer or consistent coughing symptoms. These can lead to even more deaths with currently an average of 1 million people dying every year in China and more people will die if this is not prevented. Air pollution is also the cause of many hold-ups. Smog results in many plane delays and traffic jams in the city. The smog is so dense that in the most severe cases, people can’t even see their own hands in front of themselves. But this isn’t the worst. There will be terrible consequences if nothing is done. The society of China is already in a threatened state and doesn’t need more pressure from the government.

However, some people may think that air pollution helps boost the economy. Although this may be true, air pollution can lose money through its economic income. There are other ways to boost the economy without slaughtering thousands of people in the process of replacing fossil fuels with reusable energy. This can boost the economy without producing pollution and deaths.

Air pollution destroys the environment. It destroys the community. So why are people doing nothing about air pollution? I strongly hold the opinion that the Chinese government must implement management plans that could be taken into action. This includes using reusable energy or limiting people’s use of fossil fuels. If the government of China can show some leadership and tell people what to do, they can help change China into air polluted environment.

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Essay on Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China. (2024, January 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 2, 2024, from
“Essay on Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China.” Edubirdie, 18 Jan. 2024,
Essay on Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 2 May 2024].
Essay on Effects of Globalization on Air Pollution in China [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 18 [cited 2024 May 2]. Available from:

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