Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement

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The world of fitness and the perfect body image has been around for thousands of years. At the beginning of human existence, the men with the best physique were more apt to survive in the wild and were the best hunters. Fast forwarding thousands of years during the Ancient Greek and Roman times the male physique was the centre of ancient culture. This was a time when the world was littered with war and young men became more physically fit to survive on the battlefield. The first Olympic Games were also during this time period, where men improved their bodies to outperform their competitors. Art even depicted the perfect muscle composition of the male figure. During the Renaissance, thousands of years after the Greek and Roman time periods, research was being done on human anatomy and how muscles worked which increased the outlook of the male physique. During the Industrial Revolution, a couple of hundred years after the Renaissance, the need to be physically fit increased to be ready to serve one’s country as a patriotic gesture. In the modern fitness world that we know today, the view of male and even female physiques has increased dramatically since the beginning of human civilization. This day in age scientific study suggests that being physically fit helps one have a longer healthier life. The rise of competitive sports has also driven the increase in fitness. However, today, the media exploits popular views or ideas. Men and women are always looking to get ahead of their peers or competition because of the influence advertising has on the culture. Sports nutrition companies have gotten out of control, questioning their ethical standards. Maximum Human Performance (MHP) is one of many companies that utilize corrupt advertising techniques to persuade the reader to buy their product. Utilizing the placement of a paid professional, misguided words to appeal to the audience, and scientific words MHP effectively persuades the audience to buy their products.

Maximum Human Performance is one of many companies that has a professional bodybuilder pose in their advertisements to show what their product can do. This advertisement in “Muscular Development”, Maximum Human Performance utilizes the placement of Victor Martinez flexing with heavy dumbbells in his hands. MHP’s advertisement has Victor Martinez Team MHP – IFBB Pro written in small non-contrasting text. There are many different federations that sponsor professional athletes like the International Federation of Association Football FIFA, United World Wrestling, or UWW, just to name a few. The International Federation of Body Building or IFBB sponsors professional bodybuilders. This phrase states that not only is Victor Martinez a professional bodybuilder of the International Federation of Body Building but he is also sponsored by Maximum Human Performance. Someone who is passionate about fitness but is naive to the different chemical agents that are necessary to achieve that body image would buy this magazine, see this advertisement, and think they need to buy this product to achieve that professional body-building physique. The problem with these professional bodybuilders is it takes years of dedication to a healthy diet and an intense training program to achieve that image. On top of all that most professional bodybuilders have dedicated their lives to training which consists of taking more supplements than the advertisement advertises. However, this technique is used by all sports nutrition companies to sell their product. Maximum Human Performance develops believability in their company and product by advertising their product in Muscular Development and by utilizing a sponsored professional bodybuilder.

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What is said in an advertisement is a vital part of how a company successfully makes its ad appeal to its audience. Using catchy phrases or words is one way the company makes its product appeal to the audience. Combined with the image of a professional bodybuilder, Maximum Human Performance sells its product with misconstrued words and phrases. At the top of the MHP advertisement, in big bright yellow letters, it says REBUILD! which initially catches the reader’s attention. Getting the reader’s attention is the most important step in persuading the reader to dig deeper into the advertisement. Below that in white lettering it talks about the benefits of taking this post-workout drink mix. Sports nutrition companies place these descriptions closest to the top right corner of the advertisement because it has big scientific words in it to make their product seem elite. However, as the reader digs deeper into the advertisement they will see a phrase at the very bottom of the advertisement that states the product of the advertisement isn’t evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Sports nutrition companies don’t have to have their products evaluated by the FDA. Not all but most products sold in sports nutrition are not sent through the Food and Drug Administration. Being so, this proves that the smart scientific paragraph describing their product doesn’t have any structural evidence or proof that their product can do what it says it can. In Muscular Development, Maximum Human Performance sells their post-workout drink powder by using misguiding scientific words that aren’t supported by the Food and Drug Administration to have their product appeal to the reader

In advertising, the way the company persuades the reader to buy their product is the most critical part of the advertisement. Sports nutrition companies use flashy logos on their bottles with a supporting paragraph of the ingredients within the product. Maximum Human Performance has a professional bodybuilder showing what results the product produces, a paragraph talking about the ingredients and their purpose in muscle building, and a fancy bottle with a creative appealing name for their product to persuade the reader that their product is better than their competitors. Having Victor Martinez posing in the advertisement shows the reader what they will look like if they take their product. However, there isn’t one single product that will give one the image of a professional bodybuilder. Then Maximum Human Performance has a detailed paragraph of the benefits of their product. When the audience reads this paragraph, they see big words like BCAA’s and anabolic which makes the product seem beneficial for muscle growth. These ingredients that are listed in the paragraph are good for muscle growth however, as previously stated, their product isn’t supported by the FDA. The bottle of their product is dark blue with a bright yellow lid and a bright yellow name called DARK MATTER. This strategy is commonly used to make their product eye-catching and appealing. This better helps convey why the reader needs to buy their product. Maximum Human Performance is one of many companies that exaggerates the potential of their product with the use of a posing professional bodybuilder, misleading text, and an appealing label to convince the reader their product is better than their competitors.

Maximum Human Performance utilizes advertisement techniques such as the placement of professional bodybuilders, misguided words to appeal to the audience, and scientific phrases to persuade the audience. MHP gains its credibility by having Victor Martinez, a professional bodybuilder, pose in its advertisement. Also, by having sports nutrition distribution companies’ logos on the bottom of the advertisement. They have contrasting colors of their product, and by using catchy scientific words to make their product appeal to the audience. Maximum Human Performance subliminally debates why its product is better than its competitors by having a professional bodybuilder as a visual of what its product can do supported by a meaningless paragraph about the ingredients of its product. Fitness, but society in general has changed dramatically since the beginning of primitive man. Today peoples’ goals and interests are manipulated for economic gain. Companies that sell sports nutrition supplements know that today there is a huge market of competitors wanting an edge, so they manipulate their advertising to make their products seem elite.

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Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 31, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-on-an-advertisement/
“Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-on-an-advertisement/
Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-on-an-advertisement/> [Accessed 31 Jan. 2025].
Evaluation Essay on an Advertisement [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2025 Jan 31]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/evaluation-essay-on-an-advertisement/

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