Five Paragraph Essay on Christopher Columbus

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The discovery of the new world will be an extraordinary discovery initially for Spain and later a disaster. when we look back in the past, it makes us understand that five hundred years before, Spain was a country invaded by fear, and superstition and that any man who dared to dream big was persecuted by the ruthless Inquisition and the crown. This was not the case of the admiral Christopher Columbus who believed in a way that could lead to the Asian islands without going through Africa and the Turkish islands. the reasons why he wanted to reach this island of Asia were because of its spices, its gold, and also to spread Christianity throughout the world. Thanks to the financial support of the Spanish Kings Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, on the three August one thousand four hundred eighty-two, they left Spain for this island so described by Marco Polo's stories. After having spent almost eleven weeks of travel, they arrived on what was called the New World on October twelve, one thousand four hundred eighty-two, yet it was the island of Guanahani.

According to the film '1492: conquest of Paradise,' the native way of life was reminiscent of the Eden era. In fact, during that time, there was freedom and if the conquistadors wanted to convert the natives, it should be by persuasion and not by force. The reason why it had to be so is that the natives never showed any kind of revolt against them on the contrary they entered into a relationship of peace, honor, joy, and mutual aid with the Spanish settlers. They lived in harmony all together and learned to adopt everyone's way of life. The type of welcome granted to the settlers was the same on all the other islands they went to, but it was because of their appearance as Gods they wore.

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The natives were characterized as uncivilized people who lived from hunting, agriculture, and handicrafts. Their life system was very precarious and above all they had a strong belief in the spirits which would make colonization a little complex later. On November twenty-eight, one thousand four hundred eighty-three, Christopher Columbus made his return to the lands of the New World. This comeback will be very shattering as they will realize the death of his thirty-nine men left behind and it will also mark the beginning of a tension between conquistadors and Amerindians. Indeed, the settlers began to cause trouble among themselves, to contract diseases and kill each other, as is the case of Moxica who always challenged Christopher's authority. On the other hand, the indigenous population began collapsing following diseases reported by the settlers, wars, and the ill-treatment of the Spanish.

During this period, Christopher Columbus made some trips and discovered the West Indies and the Caribbean coast of Central America but in one thousand five hundred seven, the discovery of a new continent was attributed to Amerigo Vespucci. We also noticed a kind of mixing between the Spanish and Americans. Very often, the nature of this mixing was either voluntary or involuntary because some natives were raped or courted by the colonists.

We can therefore summarize by saying that the discovery of the new world was certainly beneficial for the settlers but horrible for the natives because they were deprived of all their ancestral wealth including their culture, their raw materials, and their freedom. It also attracted other explorers such as Jean Cabot June twenty-four, one thousand four hundred ninety-seven who explored the Bonavista or Fernando Lavrador in one thousand four hundred ninety-eight who explored northern America, and many others.

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Five Paragraph Essay on Christopher Columbus. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“Five Paragraph Essay on Christopher Columbus.” Edubirdie, 29 Feb. 2024,
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