Graduation Project Reflective Essay

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All the things people do nowadays for everyday routine are related to information technology. Description of a collection of methods, processes, and methodologies in information technology such as coding or programming, data communication, data transfer, storage and recovery, system analysis and design, control systems, and related equipment used to capture, process, and present information. In broad words, including IT, workplace automation, multimedia, and telecommunications. It is the research, design, development, and implementation of computer-based information systems, especially software applications, computer hardware, and mobile devices, to support or manage them. This deals with the use of electronic devices and computer applications to transform, store, monitor, process, transfer, and back up information safely. Most state agencies are now expected to conduct their business with computers, networks, and other technological IT. IT work involves computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, web creation, technical support, and other related work.


During my schooling, I always had fun with numbers & computers. In 7th grade, my uncle gifted me a computer and I started exploring it, initially, I only used it for entertainment purposes like gaming, movies, music, etc. I found the games are nothing but programs and was curious to know how the program was developed since then my interest in computers increased and made me choose my major as computer science in my under graduation. This decision gave me ample opportunities in the creative field and hardness of my aptitude. During my early years of graduation, I was simply unprepared and underestimated the efforts it demanded and remained distracted my health too did not help much either but the key reason at all is there are no excuses I have backlogs that’s the fact but I have learned lessons the hard way in my final years I had put my at most interest in coding and my subjects and secured good score.

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In my early, graduation days I was first introduced to programming languages like C, and JAVA. I was more interested in these subjects and realized that they have played a vital role in the current programming world. As a part of my undergraduate education, my first project was creating a “Banking Application” that performs operations like creating an account, assigning an account number, involving deposits, withdrawals, and handling transactions. I initially wrote this program in C language and later created the same application using Java programming, I made improvements like a graphical user interface.

Besides the undergraduate program, I completed courses like core Java, and HTML and to explore my knowledge I participated in various workshops such as cloud computing, internet of things, network design, and implementation which motivated me to choose computer and information systems as my major in graduation. In previous years, I have paved the way to shape my career, but I realized that undergraduate education has given me only a glimpse of knowledge in this field. My decision for a Master of Science in Computer and Information Systems is an effort to quench my thirst for knowledge and contribute to the field through positive research. From the consultants of my professors, the guidance of my seniors, and careful perusal of the web pages of the university, I am convinced that my career will be in the best hands at your University. Not only was I attracted by its distinguished faculty, excellent laboratory facilities, and a high reputation but also by the quality of research going on. My choice of this specialization is motivated by its multidisciplinary nature which will broaden my horizons and give me flexibility in professional practice.

The undergraduate curriculum enabled me to clear my fundamentals. So I felt the need to complete my master's. The fast-emerging global scenario in the field of computers, and the quality of education and exposure to a plethora of research work in the USA supplemented by my interest, have helped me to fortify my decision to pursue graduate studies in the USA. I applied to Rivier University because of the excellent reputation of the school. In addition, the splendid facilities are also a major attraction for me. In my experience as a student, I know for certain that good facilities can make a difference in a student's life and learning experience.

Skills required:

As the world is more inclined to create programs and achieve the desired programming result, so computer programmers will be increasingly in demand shortly. It's not an easy job to become a computer programmer and requires some important skills such as:

    1. Problem resolving: A person should be enthusiastic about solving a problem and can, therefore, become a successful programmer.
    2. Great communication abilities: Good communication skills are necessary for excellence in any sector. Even in the computer programming sector strong communication skills are needed.
    3. The ability to learn concepts and apply them to solve other problems: a person should be good at learning concepts and applying them to solve different problems, thereby being an efficient computer engineer.
    4. Basic mathematics knowledge: Basic mathematics skills are required for excellence in any field and computer programming is no exception.
    5. Good writing abilities: This certainly helps strong writing skills in being a successful computer programmer.
    6. Strength in computer operation: A person should have the ability to be comfortable when working on computers, and then be an effective computer programmer.
    7. Inquisitive mind: To become a successful computer programmer, a person should have an inquisitive mind to challenge anything and figure out the root cause of the problems.

Job opportunities:

Information technology is a fascinating area of work, equally difficult, fairly easy to get into and it can also be very lucrative for the right person. A consensus is that there is a significant shortage of skilled, talented, and trained talent in America. IT workers are in demand in all sectors and companies can pay for top-notch professionals. Many jobs require a certain college, some require certifications, and some require a degree. The recruitment in areas such as federal, business, academic, and corporate positions would explain possible candidates, and requirements for the planning and hire. Therefore, an exploration of academic and estimated compensation details will benefit a prospective employee seeking to specialize in the area of information technology.

Federal jobs can be found within the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Smithsonian Institution, Army, Navy, Air Force and. IT remains a vital component of government work in all sectors and markets, as well as an industry of its own. America, however, continues to suffer from a shortage of professional IT staff with versatile and portable skills who can readily adapt to ever-changing IT demands and processes. If you want to specialize in technology, you will consider the professional skills for every position you apply for.

Technical and technical certifications are growing more common and ever more relevant for all IT-related occupations. To remain professional in this competitive environment, IT staff must constantly upgrade and learn new skills. Carrying out vocational training is also an advantage. Community colleges play a vital role in the training of new employees and the retraining of both veteran staff and employees from other industries.

Individuals interested in becoming computer support specialists typically need only an Associate degree in a computer-related area, as well as extensive hands-on computer experience. We must also possess good problem-solving and analytical abilities and outstanding communication skills as troubleshooting and helping others are such critical aspects of the work. There is regular contact with other technical workers, clients, and employees on the job, and technical support professionals need to be able to communicate easily on paper, via e-mail, and in person. They must also have good writing skills when it comes to preparing manuals for staff and clients.

Job roles:

Software and Hardware Engineers

Engineers in Information Technology work on different systems, both hardware and software. They help to build the hardware equipment needed to make the computer systems. The engineers are actively engaged in market research. Computer engineers design and create software applications that help businesses automatically run numerous processes.

Hardware engineers design, test, and monitor systems that run the computers and enable processes. We ensure the hardware devices are still up and running, without interrupting the workflow.

Fresh graduates may start as junior engineers or help them. Candidates with over 3-5 years of experience for the Project Leader / Manager position should be considered. Project managers usually carry on a supervisory role and oversee a team of computer engineers and IT specialists. Most technology companies also offer a robust internship program, which acts as a breeding ground for emerging professionals in information technology.

IT Consultants

Professionals in information technology are increasingly being pursued to play the role of consultants for different businesses. They research processes such as supply chain, inventory management, etc., and propose solutions based on information technology that makes the process error-free, easier, and quicker.

Consultants based on information technology are needed across various sectors of the industry, right up to government organizations. Entrepreneurial IT consultants can also set up their own consulting companies and independently advise clients about how information technology can support their business and improve profits. Having a minimum of 5-10 years of experience in the related areas of information technology, IT professionals may branch out into their consultancy.

Network Administrator

A network administrator may operate from college to large corporations. Their job with the multitasking components can be very challenging. They aim to run a smoothly running network-free machine with bugs, glitches, and interruptions. Examples of what a network administrator may do during his day can include computer software; getting the machine or network up and running again after it crashes; installing new devices and regularly solving computer problems. This job provides hands-on networking and management expertise.

Database Specialist

A professional in software constructs customizes and manages corporate software applications. These will involve programming as well as planning and design while working with common database applications like SQL and Access. Their database programs can range from reporting POS purchases to customer information, or applications based on the web. Database specialization is both an increasing field of IT expertise and an incredibly well-paid one.

DOL has tried to recognize and incorporate industrially defined approaches to tackle vital shortages in the workforce. It has listened to employers, members of industry organizations, and others affiliated with the information technology industry about some of their attempts to recognize problems and incorporate successful strategies for the workforce. DOL's Employment and Training Administration supports extensive industry, employment, and social growth collaborations that have developed creative solutions that meet the workforce needs of the industry while also successfully helping workers find good jobs with good salaries and exciting career opportunities in the IT field.


Finally, my career plans include the computer science industry. I know I need to gain educational and professional experience in that area. This experience will give me the ability to refine my skills and experiment with new ideas. In the long run, then, the degree of flexibility should allow me to start my own company. A computer science profession opens doors to many different work opportunities including public sector job opportunities. The broad variety of job opportunities available in the public and private sectors, as well as the high demand for individuals with this degree, demonstrate the importance of computer science to the economy today.

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Graduation Project Reflective Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Graduation Project Reflective Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
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