Hand Washing essays

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3 Pages 1442 Words
In this essay, I will talk about my experience with the skill of hand hygiene in clinical practice. First I will explain how I perform the technique and my reasons for doing so using official guidelines such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), and research into hand hygiene to explain and support my method for hand hygiene. As well as...
3 Pages 1515 Words
Introduction: A handshake is a globally widespread, brief greeting or parting tradition in which two people grasp one of each other's hands. But at the same time, these handshakes serve as a vector for the transmission of pathogens from one person to other. At the time of composing this article COVID-19 has spread all throughout the planet with basically no...
6 Pages 2801 Words
Abstract My inspiration for this essay is from a critical incident that occurred in my practice. Mrs. O. was admitted to the ward with complaints of Shortness of breath, chest pains, and syncopal episodes. A diagnosis of NSTEMI (Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction) was given after an ECG (Electrocardiogram) and blood cardiac protein levels were checked. she was then swabbed for coronavirus...
5 Pages 2108 Words
Evidence-based practice may be defined as a problem-solving approach that requires nurses to be conscientious in their clinical practice. Therefore, the practice is emphasized on the incorporation of best evidence in making decisions with regard to patient care, from well-designed studies, and the preference and values of the patient (Vaidotas et al., 2015). The use of feedback by health care...
6 Pages 2804 Words
Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine which water temperature was most successful in the removal of pathogenic growth from handwashing. The experiment consisted of three participants which include: Taylor Pumo, Rebekah George, and Lexi Vendl. There were two procedures involved in this experiment. The first procedure was washing the left hand with bar soap in warm water....
3 Pages 1220 Words
Abstract With increasing urban migration there is a need of improving facilities available in the public restrooms to ensure a safe contamination-free environment. This project attempts to design and develop an Automatic Sanitization system for public restrooms using an integrated circuit with a pre-defined control algorithm (555NE). This system comprises a hand washing and hand drying system built in a...
2 Pages 850 Words
Hand washing (or handwashing), additionally called hand hygiene, is the act of cleansing fingers for the motive of removing soil, dust, and microorganisms. If water and soap are not to be had, arms may be wiped clean with ash. Medical hand hygiene refers to hygiene practices associated with medical approaches. Hand washing earlier than administering medication or hospital treatment can...
2 Pages 1043 Words
Handwashing as an intervention is everyone’s responsibility, but for us as nurses, the NMC Code requires us to ‘promote professionalism and trust’ as one of our main standards, this includes nurses and professionals acting as a role models for other colleagues and patients, including children (NMC, 2021b). This demonstrates the importance of working as a collaborative team to provide the...
1 Page 489 Words
The sudden outbreak and fast - unexpected and underestimated - spread of the new Coronavirus has indeed stunned millions of people everywhere who weren't at all prepared to face such a disease especially since the virus is of unknown origin and has caused hundreds of deaths til date in many countries. The Coronavirus has stirred up various and unequal public...
1 Page 533 Words
Scientists are working to identify dangerous COVID-19 and how it extends over the world. But the only thing they know without any doubt is (washing your hands decreases the destructive power of coronavirus. Hand washing truly, truly works. Moreover, it makes a different anticipate, the spread of a wide assortment of disease-causing micro-organisms, which are called pathogens, from food causing...
1 Page 600 Words
It seems evident that we are not aware of the importance of maintaining good hand hygiene. Otherwise, the fact that only two thirds of adults use the toilet after going to the toilet would not be explained. However, it has been shown that the hands are one of the main routes of entry of infections to the rest of the...
2 Pages 807 Words
Cleanliness is the basic part of our religion. Every religion in the world gives the message of cleanliness. It could be cleanliness of our body or environment but most importantly it is cleanliness of our body. A person’s personality is judged by his physical look and attitude. According to a medical research 80 percent of the infections are transmitted through...
3 Pages 1233 Words
Hand washing has been a central pillar of personal hygiene among communities, cultures, and religions. This has since created a link between handwashing and health thereby introducing new methods of handwashing. In recent years, handwashing with soap and other forms of hand hygiene has been gaining recognition as a cost-effective, essential tool for achieving good health and nutrition globally. Furthermore...
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