Hewlett-Packard Sustainability Essay

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Hewlett Packard which is more commonly known as HP is a technology-based company that provides technology-related services to many consumers. Its consumers range from businesses to individuals or institutions and households. Its headquarters are located in California, USA but it has expanded itself worldwide where it operates in over 170 countries. It provides its customers with a variety of services from personal computers to infrastructure for IT along with printing and imaging services. The company has a mission of assisting its customers in the form of technology and services. HP has gained immense popularity and stands at the top of the world service providers. With their operations in many countries worldwide, they have included a large customer base.

In HP’s sustainability report, the president and the CEO left the message at the start of the report that their customer, consumers, and employees expect them to devise the strategies and programs necessary to maintain sustainability (Sustainable Impact Report HP, 2018). HP is known to have a leading role in sustainability as it has been practicing sustainable approaches making notable appearances when working towards suitability was not even considered cool or trendy, Nowadays business work towards sustainability to produce a notable influence in the market and gain some popularity due to the trends sustainability has been following and allowing many organizations as well to enter into this. HP has the biggest customer base due to its influence worldwide. It is recognised on all important platforms and thus the company has customers and consumers that demand that the company should be working towards sustainable approaches. Many companies are pressured by the stakeholders and their customers or consumers. To attract more customers and consumers and keep the already satisfied ones, HP takes into account the practices for sustainability approaches and thus satisfying their needs. Global trends are another external factor that allows them to shape their plans and strategies. HP is recognized as one of the most sustainable organizations and as sustainability has now become an ethical and moral responsibility it falls upon them to keep themselves in line with the new trends and changing environment. Competition is also threatening their position which is why they need to have better systems and plans for sustainable developments to keep their competitors down. To keep themselves in a strong competition environment, they work for better sustainable options that can outgrow others and thus make HP stand out. It will help them to be in the A game of the competition. HP is working for multiple causes such as helping to reduce deforestation. They are advocating for human rights and reducing the pollution produced by plastic.

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Hewlett-Packard Sustainability Essay. (2024, March 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/hewlett-packard-sustainability-essay/
“Hewlett-Packard Sustainability Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Mar. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/hewlett-packard-sustainability-essay/
Hewlett-Packard Sustainability Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/hewlett-packard-sustainability-essay/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Hewlett-Packard Sustainability Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Mar 27 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/hewlett-packard-sustainability-essay/

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