Informative Essay on the Beauty of Nature

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I appreciate the beauty of nature and everyday occurrences in a way that I love starting my day by seeing the beauty of nature in the very simple things around me, such as the mountain, trees, plants, and some animals that were here on our farm. Every time I see a place where I feel peace and I smell the fresh air, where there is no pollution.

I will say that this is the true life of being simple. And every day for me is like a gift, and every gift is beautiful in its own way. Sometimes the gifts are not directly received or given from one person to another, but they are simply all around us. They wait for us to notice and appreciate them. Just like nature, although before we ignore the beauty of it, it seems as time goes by nature or our environment gets better. So, God, give us the gift of being present and being open to the wonderful world that surrounds us. Appreciate the little things because sometimes the little things make you happy and contented. And also, we are often reminded that the little things are the ones that really matter in life, yet we are prone to be distracted by the pursuit of big milestones in our busy lives. Live in these moments that exist between the big events, and they will define you as much as the larger occasions that we remember. Every day is full of fragments that we can appreciate and cherish.

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Nature and its beauty are infinite. Some people find beauty and happiness in little things. But, some of us fail to see the beauty of nature around us. So, we just need to open our eyes and look around for a while. You will start seeing the beauty of nature in the very simple things around you. And some simple habits to appreciate the beauty of nature are planting a tree, making a garden, going hiking trails, watching more sunsets, reducing pollution, and last protect our nature. We can’t live without nature. The beauty of nature keeps us alive and happy.

As a future educator, I will do the best thing I know to teach and make all students appreciate the beauty of nature even in a simple way. Although by now all children are exposed to using different gadgets, and as a result, they no longer experience or do the things that children were used to doing before even seeing the importance of nature. But as a future teacher, I will do or create some activities that maybe children will love, being present to their different ideas, encouraging them to participate, promoting creative thinking, giving them good feedback, and also giving them a chance to appreciate and see the real world, because I believe their ordinary day living can make wonderful by exploring or trying different things to see that there is something in our everyday life that we need to figure out.

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Informative Essay on the Beauty of Nature. (2023, October 11). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Informative Essay on the Beauty of Nature.” Edubirdie, 11 Oct. 2023,
Informative Essay on the Beauty of Nature. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Informative Essay on the Beauty of Nature [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 11 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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