Lack of Sleep essays

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1 Page 433 Words
One of the major effects of losing sleep is the increasing rate of being easily irritated, short-tempered, and vulnerable to stress. Without sleep you and could easily have a bad day, therefore, the lack of sleep increases stress levels, effects performances, and decreases attention to detail. People who lack sleep seem to maintain the same physical state and mental state...
Lack of Sleep
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6 Pages 2868 Words
According to (Leahy and Gradisar 2010), 40% of children aged between four and eleven have struggled with some form of sleep issue, even if this is for a short amount of time. Sleep is essential for humans at all ages; without adequate sleep, we would be unable to survive. According to Meijer et al. (2008), in European countries the average...
Cognitive DevelopmentLack of Sleep
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2 Pages 1093 Words
As human beings we all have basic needs that have to be met, understanding those needs will help us understand the factors that contribute to the drive to achieve certain goals. Students are preoccupied with many things: classes, work, home life, grades, and health, etc. When students are concerned about certain needs, their behaviors are easily centered on meeting those...
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3 Pages 1487 Words
Introduction Sleep is a fundamental physiological process for human survival and health; however, its common deprivation is an increasing area of concern for many students. Studies have demonstrated the significance of sleep for daily cognitive function, as it strengthens the synaptic connections made during the day, storing information for long-term use. However, with constant academic pressures, paired with students’ social...
Academic PerformanceLack of Sleep
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1 Page 457 Words
Health Issue High levels of stress and insufficient sleep can affect a student's physical health, emotional well-being, and academic success. Stress and inadequate sleep are major obstacles to academic success for undergraduate students (Hales & Hales 2016). Short-term effects of sleep deprivation include decreased cognitive function, memory, performance, and attention (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Minimizing stressors and supporting healthy coping...
College StudentsLack of SleepStress
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