Lion essays

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1 Page 438 Words
The lion has lived on this planet for over a million years and is the second largest wild cat after the tiger. It is a symbol of strength, power and courage. Most lions live in Africa. There is also a small population of lions called the Asian lion that lives in India. General Information The second largest wild cat. Males...
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2 Pages 702 Words
Introduction Lions and tigers are two of the most iconic and well-known big cats in the world. Both animals are apex predators in their respective habitats, and they are often subjects of fascination and study due to their power, beauty, and behaviors. Despite belonging to the same genus, Panthera, lions and tigers exhibit significant differences in their physical characteristics, social...
2 Pages 878 Words
“Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game”, - Rodriguez. Poachers, and rich big game hunters, kill millions of animals each year. Trophy hunters alone, kill over 70,000 animals each year. Despite how much money people make for big game hunting, it should be illegal because it doesn’t only control the animal...
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