Persuasive Essay on Net Neutrality

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My name is Grace Niego and I am currently a senior at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School in Chicago, Illinois. The problem of net neutrality has come to my attention in a recent class. Net neutrality, otherwise called the Open Internet, is the rule that Internet service providers should empower access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without preferring or blocking specific items or sites. Net neutrality is important to me because I believe that everyone should be given equal opportunities, including equal access to the Internet. Net neutrality is a key part of the expression, protecting innovation, and creating an equal playing field.

Net neutrality plays a fundamental part in free speech and expression. Internet service providers should not be able to block content or slow down web pages simply because they don't approve of it. Net neutrality allows online speech to be accessible to everyone.

Despite the fact that there are organizations that have made billions of dollars because of their access to the web, they were able to get started on the same footing. When the internet stays impartial, innovation is secure. Large companies still have the same access as little and moderate size businesses or specialists and this permits everybody to acquire a happy living or offer data in a way that best suits them.

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Net neutrality also offers a level playing field where companies of all sizes can drive innovation and pursue unrestricted customer consideration. Abolishing net neutrality can establish a ' two-tiered ' Internet. This would cause wealthy established corporations to have the ability to pay for their favored content to be conveyed at quick speeds while new and small emerging companies are left with moderate loading times which will dissuade consumers, frustrate their net income and stifle development inside the international market.

An opposing view of unhindered internet would be the possibility that it removes authority from the Federal Trade Commission, which has traditionally protected security rights. The FTC is another agency framed in the early 20th century that mainly manages to punish corrupt organizations. However, the FTC is essentially a responsive organization and net neutrality does shift authority, but with good reason and no loss to consumers.

I hope you take into account all the pros I have stated about net neutrality. Having access to the Internet truly impacted my life as a student and has given me so many opportunities in life. It has allowed me to expand my knowledge I know for a fact that net neutrality would change the lives of so many citizens.

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Persuasive Essay on Net Neutrality. (2023, November 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 3, 2024, from
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