Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College

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At many colleges, being accused of any types of academic dishonesty is a common issue which affects the future of students. Thus, it becomes an educational concern, so in order to eliminate this behavior of the ethical code. Colleges draw up serious policies towards students who, for example, cheat during the exams and sometimes harsh actions against them such as their expulsion from college. First, a lot of students think that cheating is the easiest way to get good marks without making the least effort. This turns to be a very bad attitude so, they become lazy and inactive. in fact, they lose the learning motivation. Moreover, when they get used to cheating, the students become irresponsible, just relying on any other way to pass an exam but not hard working. During the exam, they are begging answers just like begging money from others freely saying “I cannot earn, I cannot do it myself, please, give me money, give me answers” Second, cheating is always wrong because it is dishonest and unfair to those who do not cheat. Cheaters get to make good grades without any work.

When a few students start cheating, then other students feel that they are being cheated out of a grade that they earned and begin cheating to compensate and even the score. Then, how it comes the teachers evaluate all the students in the same way when the students don’t use the same tools. Some of them just rely on their potential as a fruit of hard work and others who don’t make the least efforts.

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Those latter sometimes get better grades than the fair ones. It is unfair. Third, one long-term effect of cheating is that you don't have access to knowledge you never learned in the first place. For example, let's say you cheat on a structural engineering exam. A few years later, while working as an engineer on building a new pediatric hospital, you need to call upon certain skills that were covered on the exam on which you cheated. Moreover, *'Collapsing any nation does not require use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students'. A University professor wrote an expressive message to his students, at the entrance in a university in South Africa. The patient dies in the hands of the doctor who passed his exams through cheating, and the buildings collapse in the hands of an engineer who passed his exams through cheating, and the money is lost in the hands of an accountant who passed his exams through cheating. Although many people think that students must be expelled from college if ever committed of cheating, many others think that is not the right way to deal with this issue. For instance, students after being expelled, feel disappointed, as far as their expulsion reveals their weakness which results in losing their confidence, trust, and their creativeness.

Consequently, students` enthusiasm of being educated and graduated will be destroyed, and it will create feelings of anger and hate education. Thus, expulsion omits their challenge of learning and robs them from their opportunities to be competent. So, to avoid all of this, students must be aware of this big problem; they must work harder and never be committed in those affairs. More importantly, going to college is a chance to develop independence and personal skills.

Obviously, education is the key of success in life. In other words, knowledge means power that brings greater responsibilities. That`s why college enhances knowledge with skills to prepare students for their professional goals. To conclude, Students whether they should be expelled from college or not because of cheating remains of a big debate simply because expulsion policy has as many advantages as drawbacks.

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Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 19, 2025, from
“Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 Feb. 2025].
Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 27 [cited 2025 Feb 19]. Available from:

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