Same-Sex Marriage In World Religions

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Religion has always been an integral part of every nation, every nation or every culture. Depending on living conditions, personal conditions or direct or indirect agents, each person has a different viewpoint and religious practices. Social factors also greatly influence religious practice and the growth of religion on every believers. The day-to-day development of modern society also entails many social issues beyond the control of religious norms, such as same-sex marriage. Each religion has its own characteristics, a separate teaching system, as well as different moral standards, but the common point is that people are directed to the right and good things. So in modern society, when abnormal issues like same-sex marriage are no longer a noticeable issue, how are ethical standards assessed? In my point of view, I would like to assess the religious views on the issue of same-sex marriage for Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism.

Firstly, it is obviously that in the orthodox view of the Buddhist teaching, there is no mention of same-sex relationships. The sermon lectures all promote serenity, direction and support for all the right things in each person's life. Even though same-sex marriage is certainly an extraordinary, there are no rules that prohibit or force people to submit to or eliminate it. Homosexuality, according to scientists today, is not a disease, both psychologically and physiologically. This has been confirmed by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO: World Health Organization) and the American Psychiatric Association (WHO) by excluding homosexuals from the list of diseases world. The nature of homosexuality is not good or bad but good or bad is due to our conduct in life with our surroundings. Buddhism is a compassionate religion that saves suffering, equality and regardless of race, religion, color and gender. With the principle of loving all sentient beings, Buddhism does not advocate judging, not opposing or criticizing others, merely based on one's nature, because this is seen as an approval. judgmental and unfair. Buddhism believes that everything in the world is impermanent, human life also transforms constantly and depending on the karma of every being, the sex can change from one gender to another like a human. A man becomes a woman or vice versa and moves from generation to generation Therefore, through the teachings of the Buddha, we do not see him criticizing morally gay people. For homosexual Buddhists, the Buddha did not have any laws or advice on marriage of people of this gender. He said that He was just a guide, a guide for sentient beings to the shore of liberation. It is understood that he does not have the authority to force others to follow Him or what to do. This principle shows us that the Buddha's Dharma principle does not include the rules, customs and practices of society as well as the form of rituals for Buddhism. Venerable Thanissaro, the abbot of Metta Forest Monastery in Escondido, southern California, said the Buddha had never banned monks from practicing homosexuality at home. One of the features of Buddhism that can generate interest for gays and lesbians is that the doctrine does not place a special value on reproduction. Marriage and childbirth are considered positive but are not obligatory. Buddhism inherently does not emphasize sexual issues, though sometimes it becomes a problem in the process of awakening and enlightenment. Homosexual and same-sex marriage is quite the same, also not the main concern in Buddhism. Many temples, monasteries, as well as monks often teach Buddhists to see the world through the lens of karma. Every person is born to pay for karma in a past life. According to their explanation, all homosexual and homosexual people are often the result of adultery in previous lives, and so they must pay the result in this lifetime. So, they have to accept what society treats. This system of beliefs has created a solid conservatism in the culture of Theravada Buddhist nations.

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Secondly, same-sex marriage is also the big concern in Christianity. Based on the Bible, which sees them as serious depravity, the Church's tradition has always stated: 'Homosexual acts are intrinsically disorderly.' They are against the law of nature. They remove from the act of sex the gift of life. Nor do they derive from the need for true mutual and emotional support. These behaviors are not acceptable in any case. God created mankind so that men and women have sex only within the framework of marriage. The Bible condemns that sexual practice is not between husband and wife, whether it is the act of same-sex or opposite sex The argument against homosexual activity 'stems directly from the teaching of the revelation of marriage, specifically teaching that the two purposes of the act of human sexuality are the constant union of love between the husband and wife and childbirth - these two goals are inseparable. Because homosexual activity cannot accomplish one purpose or the other, it is certainly immoral in itself”. The current doctrine of the Church also teaches: “The marriage covenant, whereby a man and a woman form a community for life, is intrinsically directed towards the interests of spouses. like toward childbirth and education. This covenant has been raised by Christ to the sacraments among those who have received baptism'. The canonical law of the Church also stipulates as follows: “Because of the covenant of marriage, men and women form one communion of life. By nature, the covenant of marriage is directed towards the good of the couple and to the procreation and education of children. Christ raised the covenant of marriage between the baptized into the sacrament” (Canon law 1055 & 1). Thus, there is absolutely no doctrine or canon law that allows same-sex marriage marriage) between two men or two women, which some countries - including the United States - are allowing this type of marriage. This is a severe decline in the morality and purpose of marriage, an institution. For a long time in human society of all cultures, this institution only recognized marriage between a man and a woman. In general, Christianity is not really support LGBT community as well as giving any agreement in same-sex marriage.

Last but not least, Hinduism, India's largest religion, has a tradition of depicting homosexuality as natural and cheerful, although some Hindu texts contain specific measures against homosexuality. Hinduism also recognizes the third sex called Hijra. Historians have long argued that pre-colonial Indian society did not criminalize homosexual relationships, nor did it consider them unethical or sinful. Hinduism, India's largest religion, has a tradition of depicting homosexuality as natural and cheerful, although some Hindu texts contain specific measures against homosexuality. is between priests. On September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court of India legalized homosexuality by declaring Section 377 of the Indian Unconstitutional Criminal Code. Unlike Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which focus on the actions of a single lifetime, Hindu belief centers on a continuous process of birth and rebirth that ultimately releases the true self from the limitations of body and the ego – a freeing of the spirit called moksha. Hindus should understand the scientific and medical conclusions that LGBT orientations occur naturally in a percentage of most life forms. Hindu teachings hold the inherent spiritual equality of all beings, regardless of outer attributes. As such, Hindus should not reject or socially ostracize LGBT individuals, but should accept them as fellow sojourners on their paths to moksha. Various historical events are testament to such changes, and even in ancient times, Hinduism never advocated broad-based, harsh punishments for homosexuality.

In 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that same-sex couples in Canada were entitled to many financial and legal benefits often associated with marriage. The Ontario government's decision recognizing two marriages took place in Toronto on January 14, 2001, making Canada the first country in the world to have same-sex marriage legally legalized by the government. Being as a multi-culture country, it is understandable that government and people in Canada are quite comfortable in accept same-sex marriage and support LGBT community.

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Same-Sex Marriage In World Religions. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
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