Soldiers essays

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1 Page 586 Words
Introduction The phenomenon of child soldiers has been a pervasive and tragic reality in many conflict zones across the globe. These children, often forcibly recruited or coerced into military service, are subjected to unimaginable horrors, including physical violence, psychological trauma, and exposure to addictive substances. Drug abuse among child soldiers is not merely incidental but is frequently a deliberate strategy...
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1 Page 535 Words
In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Fronts, by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul, a German soldier, is drafted into the war and witnesses many traumatic instances of war. Throughout the book, Remarque demonstrates the mental trauma and emotional stress involved in warfare that Paul experiences to convey the significant impact of war on the mental stability of soldiers. Remarque...
2 Pages 1068 Words
Ward Muir, an orderly who worked at the London General Hospital during the First World War, vividly recalls how: ‘I never [before] felt any embarrassment … confronting a patient, however deplorable his state, until I came in contact with certain wounds of the face’. In The Men with Broken Faces, Marjorie Gerhardt examines the experience of civilians, patients, and surgeons...
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4 Pages 1700 Words
In 1914 the world became plunged into a conflict that would be known as the war to end all wars. World War I was a transformative crossroads in African American history. What started as an apparently far off European clash soon turned into a war with progressive ramifications for the social, monetary, and political eventual fate of black people. The...
1 Page 477 Words
One of the most important parts of the American Revolution were the weapons. All wars back then were fought with weapons. Weapons were used for other things to, like hunting for food, but weapons were mostly important in wars. The soldiers felt like they could not win without weapons and when they had some decent weapons back then, like the...
2 Pages 1048 Words
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Throughout the world, child soldiers are being used more commonly in armed conflicts. Be it with the government in which they have to fight or a terrorist organization forcefully taking them from family. This has created an international debate as to whether these children are criminals deserving of persecution or are they innocent children from nearby countries caught up in...
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5 Pages 2493 Words
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Introduction to the Army Profession Established in 1775, June 14, the army profession is recognized as the first military branch to protect the United States Constitution against foreign and domestic. The profession of the army is an important task; not everyone in the world can do. It represents being part of something bigger than themselves. The occupation of the army...
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5 Pages 2186 Words
As a saying goes, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing” (George Bernard Shaw). Likewise, the mentality of a child is altered to function like an adult when they are impelled into the environments of war. The child leaves behind their innocent childlike characteristics to become a brutal combatant, as their minds...
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4 Pages 1713 Words
Introduction World War I was possible because of the soldiers, and so it should be because of them we are here today. When the war began, the males were forced to depart from their beloved families to fight for their country. While it may all seem heroic and patriotic, unless being put into a position of a militant, life can...
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2 Pages 971 Words
Overflowing with patriotism and idealism, the sonnet, written soon after World War I, exemplifies the glory of self-sacrifice. Rupert Brooke details the optimistic perspective of a British soldier through the themes of courage, nationalism, and self-sacrifice. By doing so, the poet conveys the beauty of defending and dying for one’s country, concealing the doleful aspects of war. A sonnet written...
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3 Pages 1196 Words
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the importance of discipline, military bearing and professionalism in today’s army. I intend to prove that discipline on the battlefield begins with discipline off the battlefield. I will discuss how an army can only be as professional as it appears to be. To finish, I will talk about how mission readiness is...
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3 Pages 1285 Words
One of the deadliest and transformative events was The Second World War with 39 million of dead war on Europe alone. Large amount of facilities and infrastructure were destructed for about six years of ground battles and bombing. Many were even forced to evacuate without the assurance of where to go and how they can live. Periods of hunger became...
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1 Page 476 Words
Introduction Veterans Day is a significant national holiday observed in the United States on November 11th each year. It is a time when we come together as a nation to honor and express gratitude to the men and women who have served in the armed forces. In this informative essay, we will explore the history and significance of Veterans Day,...
2 Pages 1129 Words
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This informative essay will introduce and break down the responsibilities of a Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) and their legal obligations toward a Soldier and the Army as a whole. An NCO is a leader, appointed above lower enlisted Soldiers to provide training and mentorship to prepare them to become future leaders of the Army. NCOs will sometimes branch off into different...
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2 Pages 984 Words
From when President Eisenhower gave his ‘Domino Effect’ speech in 1954, to the fall of Saigon in 1975, the U.S. military had been inserted into Vietnam in order to fight off the communist forces at war with South Vietnam. Although the Vietnam conflict was never considered a real war, nearly 60,000 U.S. soldiers were killed in battle. America’s involvement went...
2 Pages 899 Words
“Solider up” is the first word I hear, and I need no atomic scientist to explain to me the meaning of the statement. It is the officer in charge of the syndicate waking us up to prepare for the morning training session. I quickly pull my body out of the sleeping bag and stand at attention, and there she is....
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3 Pages 1190 Words
In the novel “The Things They Carried” talks about how war can take a toll on a soldier and his comrades. The author Tim O’Brien addresses his readers in this book about how difficult it is for soldiers to adapt back to reality after the war. This novel talks about the loss of innocence that develops throughout the novel and...
4 Pages 2044 Words
Because Saddam Hussein did not withdraw his troops from Kuwait as demanded by the United Nations Security Council, the Gulf War began in 1990/1991 (Khan Academy, 2019). A tremendous airstrike coalition led by the United States of America forced Hussein to call a ceasefire and give up Kuwait in February 1991 (History, 2019). The Gulf War is also known as...
1 Page 563 Words
Introduction The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands as a solemn and revered memorial, paying homage to the anonymous soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Situated in Arlington National Cemetery, near Washington, D.C., this hallowed ground serves as a poignant reminder of the countless lives lost and the deep gratitude owed to those who...
3 Pages 1137 Words
When you imagine what life as a Civil War soldier would be like you think of the things that they had to suffer through and all the pain that came with it, but what about the times when they weren’t fighting during the Civil War, some free time was spent with small groups of friends huddled around the fire (Frank...
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