State essays

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3 Pages 2348 Words
Introduction Google was born out of pure interest in the linkage structures of the World Wide Web that Larry Page and Sergey Brin shared. They managed to develop an algorithm that did page ranking and used backlink data so that it could be possible to regulate the importance of any web page out there. In 2001, “Google” got its patent;...
2 Pages 1441 Words
There are many different ways to control stress. Stress is responding to changes in life, in a difficult or emotional situation. Life involves a change to everyone at any time and they can be constant. Stress can come from many different ways which are known as “Stressors”. There is no way to avoid stress, it just comes and goes in...
2 Pages 1374 Words
Within this essay, I will discuss Stress and Stress Management Techniques. Stress is a force that tends to strain or deform mental emotion or physical tension. Stress can be an unwanted feeling with deep emotions and physiological arousal which can be experienced in certain situations. When we look at different definitions of stress it can be seen in many ways...
1 Page 511 Words
The Legion of Honor was opened on November 11th, 1924. I didn’t visit it until October 26th, 2019. The museum was a lot of fun; I attended with Xareni Merino and my family. It only took us about 25 minutes until we were scolded. We tried to enter an area that we didn’t know wasn’t open to the public. The...
3 Pages 2483 Words
Prejudice is and has been a massive part of today’s society and has been seen throughout history. Prejudice is the pre-determined hate towards someone or a group of people that belong to a certain ethnicity, or look and act different from everyone else before you have even met that person, prejudice can be harmful to a person and can scar...
2 Pages 1162 Words
At some point in my childhood, my friends and I went outside to play together for the last time. Years later I am still keeping in touch with some, but we all know how most long-distance relationships go. You intend on keeping up with plans of hanging out as much as possible on breaks from school, but we didn’t always...
1 Page 1014 Words
There are many steps that you can take to achieve your goals and here are some of mine. First off, my name is Somer Queen, from Houston, TX. I grew up in a townhouse on the south side of Houston Texas with two older sisters. My parents always taught us to value ourselves whether it was in appearance or just...
2 Pages 1538 Words
The Stranger by Albert Camus begins with Maman’s death, the mother of Meursault, and also portrays the murder of the Arab, committed by him. The post-murder deals with the custody and trial of Meursault. Meursault’s life changes drastically with the circumstances that come along his way. The circumstances and his behavior to it are evident in the novel, through which...
1 Page 869 Words
In the Shakespearian dramatic tragedy play, Romeo and Juliet, there is much visible or known information detailing the importance of the minor characters. The friends of Romeo’s, Mercutio, and Juliet’s nurse are both characters that are not considered a major or main focus of the play, but play a crucial role in the advance of the play’s momentum, turning points,...
1 Page 1030 Words
In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare portrays Romeo as an impulsive and immature character who is ruled by his emotions. He is presented as a Petrarchan lover and his language at the start of the play characterizes him as an inexperienced lover, however, as the play progresses he has an increased maturity as a lover which is marked in his...
1 Page 782 Words
Contrastingly, although duality in The Picture of Dorian Gray is portrayed by dividing one’s self into two, in The Importance of Being Earnest, there are several instances of characters taking on dual identities. Jack Worthing is an especially interesting case of this dual identity because, in the end, he becomes the person he has been portraying all along. This causes...
1 Page 590 Words
The Stranger is Mersault, the storyteller and hero of the novel. He feels alone in the world. His story is isolated into two segments. Part I manages the normal undertakings of Mersault, except on two key occasions. The story starts with the demise of Mersault's mom. Since he is a straightforward man who acquires sufficiently only for himself, Mersault sent...
2 Pages 1641 Words
A presentation was given about women’s lives in France. Under the Napoleonic code, women had to obey their husbands and had no social status outside of marriage. This gives an insight into Marie’s character and why she is so desperate to marry Meursault who himself is not sure about getting married. In addition, Marie had a se xual relationship with...
1 Page 727 Words
The injustice of addiction was and still currently is a multidimensional problem in the United States. In Sonny’s Blues James Baldwin illustrates how much of an issue drugs and violence were in the 1950’s and truly captures the constant struggle between failure and redemption. Sonny’s addiction problem provoked his arrest resulting in a disconnection with his brother. At first, the...
2 Pages 1842 Words
The world is meaningless and absurd, and only by embracing the meaningless indifference of the world can humanity achieve true happiness. First published as L’Étranger in 1942, and later translated into English as The Stranger (also known as The Outsider), the novel follows the seemingly irrational character Meursault as he undergoes a murder trial. Written in wartime France, The Stranger...
2 Pages 1438 Words
Throughout the drama, “Abe Lincoln in Illinois,” author, Robert Emmet Sherwood presents the themes of death, doubt, and war and peace. Sherwood conveys these themes through the use of structure, character development, and language. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama contains the historical context of Abraham Lincoln’s life and reflects various experiences he faced from his early, unsuccessful days as a postmaster...
1 Page 780 Words
Raina Telgemeier wants to be a normal sixth grader, after one night after coming home from Girl Scouts. While she was running with her friends, she fell and injured her two front teeth. That same night Raina goes to the hospital with her mom and dad. The next morning she wakes up with a cast in her mouth and forgets...
1 Page 911 Words
People have different ways to define social justice. There has never been a well-defined line that distinguishes social justice and social injustice. Every person has their reasons for standing for what they perceive to be the truth. Their reasons may be drawn from personal experiences or factual discoveries. However, it all comes to a personal level on how people relate...
1 Page 1042 Words
One may believe isolation to be a terrible weakness, but it can be a great advantage: confinement can be used to build individual strength, integrity, and character. In certain circumstances, teamwork may be increasingly beneficial, but that team calls for a strong leader to take them all the way. A capable leader is a vital part of a team, providing...
1 Page 587 Words
In the story Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, The characters Candy, George, and Curley's wife have unrealistic dreams given their circumstances because Candy wants to do things without them being taken from him, George has hopes to work for himself, and Curley's wife wants to be a movie star. The character Candy in Of Mice and Men has...
1 Page 439 Words
In Thor: The Dark World, Thor develops through the Hero’s Journey. He starts off wanting to be the king of his father’s realm, but an attack on Asgard and the love of his life contracting an Infinity Stone teaches him otherwise. The first part of the Hero’s Journey starts in the hero’s ordinary world; in this case, Asgard. Thor was...
1 Page 923 Words
The first support group that Jack joined was for people diagnosed with testicular cancer. These groups are the lone way the narrator is capable of getting any sleep. By visiting various support groups for people with terminal illnesses, and assuming false identities, he can find a sense of belonging that is otherwise missing in his life. This specific support group...
3 Pages 1984 Words
 Although capitalism has been the dominant form of economic system globally in the past 50 years, its success in allowing individuals to self-thrive has been constantly criticized (Meltzer, 2012). Karl Marx’s Volumes I, II, and III of Das Kapital, published in 1867, 1885, and 1894, respectively, famously theorizes the collapse and self-destruction of capitalism. Capital, known as being “a bible...
2 Pages 1390 Words
I am writing to urge you to reconsider your position on price increases that Nostrum Pharmaceuticals, LLC may apply to future medications – these pricing decisions can have a detrimental impact on patients, as these treatments often constitute a matter of life or death. Nostrum Pharmaceuticals LLC is engaged in the formulation and commercialization of specialty pharmaceutical products and controlled-release,...
3 Pages 2153 Words
Intersectionality, as espoused by Kimberle Crenshaw, is a theoretical framework that we can use to identify how those with identities that are othered and oppressed by mainstream society are pushed to the intersections of society. The use of an intersectional framework helps us to be able to highlight how those who are othered by the mainstream are left to fend...
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