Master's in Bioinformatics at Vrije University

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This decision came naturally to me because of my innate inquisitiveness and passion for the subject and I was easily able to narrow down my choice to your prestigious university because of its international reputation for excellence. I reached out to your Student Ambassadors with my queries, and they helped me out immensely as well.

My long term goal can be best described by the Winston Churchill quote, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. I had decided at a very young age that I wish to give back to society in whatever way possible and have spent the last 12 years of my life dedicated my free time to social work, be it teaching underprivileged students English and Math, conducting workshops on sanitation and healthy eating habits, painting public walls and setting up public benches or just by spending time with these children and playing football with them. A lot of these students are prone to falling sick and have close to no medical help available.

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I’ve realized that the sky is the limit when it comes to creating a lasting impact on the groups that I care very deeply about, and in the future I see myself coming up with solutions that will let me apply what I learn at your organization and convert my long term vision into reality.

I have been a bright child since school and currently, rank among the top 20 students in my batch of 250 students in my undergraduate program. I have also given equal importance to staying in touch with the industry and have interned in different domains like a medical clinic, an IT company, a statistics company and a pharmaceutical industry. These internships have given me exposure to the intricacies of these domains and have also made me realize that a collaboration between these industries will unlock a whole new way of solving problems and this is already in progress thanks to the fields of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. My current internship in the Genomics and Bioinformatics department of an international cancer super specialty hospital has encouraged me to read up more about this field on a daily basis and has propelled me further in the right direction. I am currently working on a project on HLA typing and writing a review on the current trends in Pharmacogenomics. I am also pursuing courses online to better prepare me for my subject of choice.

In order to develop a more well rounded personality, I have spent time polishing my communication and leadership skills. As a swimmer and basketball player, I subconsciously bring in focus, dedication, resilience, and teamwork to every task I take up. Classical dance taught me the lesson of hard work and patience. I am an outgoing and approachable person and this made my various leadership roles – be it as the head of my NGO or the organizer of conferences and workshops – very fruitful and exciting for me.

I would like to carry out more research in the field of incurable diseases. People not just in India, but all over the world suffer from chronic diseases and with the help of systems biology and bioinformatics, we can attempt to use mathematical and computational models to approach problems in a more holistic manner. Epidemics, virus borne diseases and neurodegenerative diseases continue to plague our society and it is up to us to augment research in these domains.

Vrije University has a history of granting scholarships to promising students from the developing world in order to further their skills and knowledge. I am sure many scientists around the world share a vision similar to mine, but what sets me apart is my unparalleled commitment towards giving this field my all. I believe that my dedication to academics, my work experience in various industries and my intense interest in pursuing Bioinformatics and Systems Biology as my future career path makes me a worthy candidate for this prestigious scholarship. I realize the honor being bestowed on me for being considered for selection and I am committed to meeting your stringent performance standards through my diligent and ethical work regime. Thank you very much for this privilege and I look forward to commencing my learning odyssey at the September 2019 semester.

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Master’s in Bioinformatics at Vrije University. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 31, 2025, from
“Master’s in Bioinformatics at Vrije University.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Master’s in Bioinformatics at Vrije University. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Jan. 2025].
Master’s in Bioinformatics at Vrije University [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2025 Jan 31]. Available from:

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