Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem

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Across the years we have been inhabiting this earth, the human society has been changing the local ecological system and prompted the change of regional climate. In our present day, mankind has just begun to see their effect on the planet’s climate. One of these conflicts is overpopulation. Not only on a local scale, but on a global scale our population is rapidly growing causing resources to diminish among other negative effects on our planet. To resolve this growing problem, we must resort to using sustainability, on an individual and community level, to ensure the health of our earth and our home.

With our population on the rise in our local community, we must act now to prevent the overbearing effects of overpopulation. The impact of a large population on climate is immense. Overpopulation can cause overcrowding conditions, the worsening of our land, pollution, lack of water and food, and inadequate or non-existent health care. To avert this, thankfully we have a thing called sustainability. Sustainability in our climate-vulnerable state can be a habit that we easily pick up; taking shorter showers, or recycling. In an overpopulation sense, sustainability is more widespread and extensive. Taking small steps toward our community living in full sustainability will help achieve the ultimate goal: preserving our environment.

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Overpopulation affects our communities in various ways, which means there is no universal fix. Though, the first thing to think about for our local community is being innovative and transforming into a smart city to increase our efficiency. As communities become overcrowded, traffic levels increase, making it more difficult to get around. Accommodating overpopulation in a smart city means offering people sustainable options for getting where they need to go, such as biking paths, electric scooters, or free public transportation. For example, more than 50 percent of San Francisco’s residents commute by walking or biking. (Interesting Engineering, 2018). In a lower technology strategy, having access to and education about birth control, contraceptives, and natural family planning without the social taboo can help minimize overpopulation effects instead of worsening them.

As the population increases, so will the demand for energy and common resources. Fossil fuels supplied about 80 percent of the energy consumed in the United States in 2017, while Renewable energy supplied about 11 percent. (Yale, 2018) At the rate we are using our natural resources such as biofuel, coal, and oil, we will soon run out leaving us with no other choice: renewable energy. Instead of waiting until our natural resources decrease, we should implement green energy in our local communities to not only help the preserve amount of our natural resources, but the quality of our air. Renewable energy will reduce the amount of biofuel (wood) being used and cut down, which as well causes the soil to degrade and become infertile, lessening farming production in certain areas.

To conclude, overpopulation is a rising problem for our world, and our local community. The overpopulation of people on the planet affects the health and well-being of our planet. While food scarcity increases, pollution increases and global warming becomes even more of a concern, overpopulation affects all of us. Joining environmental groups to spread awareness, reducing your personal consumption, and educating yourself on this issue can help minimize the effects of overpopulation or even help save our environment and improve the quality of life.

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Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem. (2021, August 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem.” Edubirdie, 09 Aug. 2021,
Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 09 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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