Find The Crucible Essay (by Abigail Williams)

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Arthur Miller wrote the play, The Crucible (1952), during the time of the Red Scare in the United States when the House Un-Americans Activities Commission was investigating and accusing innocent people of communism or of participating in communist activities. Miller critiques and compares the case of The Red Scare to...

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2 Pages 1065 Words
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In matters of life or death, people do whatever it takes to not be hanged. In times where accusations, regardless of their accuracy, determine one's survival, people do what is necessary to survive. In Arthur Miller's, The Crucible, a constant string of allegations leads to people convicting the innocent of witchcraft. Ultimately, this leads to those convicted people accusing more...
1 Page 712 Words
The Crucible and Today's Society We are in the 21st century but the crucible is still relevant to today’s society after 50 years ago with writing but it includes many issues such as justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance, empowerment, also revenge, pre- juices, jealousy, love, and hate was and still is behind all of that. The main lesson and reputation after...
2 Pages 883 Words
The witch trials were a confusing time for people no one knew who or what to believe. Abigail Williams and Tituba in Arthur Miller's Play, The Crucible is two main important characters who could have done more to end the hysteria in Salem. All of the girls were undressed in the woods which led to people being accused of witchcraft....
2 Pages 1077 Words
The Crucible is a 1953 play by American writer Arthur Miller. It is a dramatised and in part fictionalised story of the Salem witch trials that occurred in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during 1692–93. John Proctor is a hardworking moderately aged farmer, husband, and father. He values genuineness and has extraordinary scorn for hypocrisy. Incidentally, John is concealing a scandalous...
4 Pages 1808 Words
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Introduction to Hypocrisy in "The Crucible" In the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the story unfolds with a town named Salem. This town follows the Bible strictly and anyone who disobeys the rules of the Bible will be put in jail or will be hanged. Since, the town heavily relies on the Bible; dancing and any other activity that...
4 Pages 1810 Words
Introduction to Reputation in The Crucible Most people have developed a reputation for themselves in one way or another during their lives. The desire to protect one’s reputation is an extremely prominent theme in The Crucible. This play takes place in a Puritan society in Salem, where the moral code and beliefs learned from the Bible stress the importance of...
2 Pages 741 Words
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John Proctor is one of the most significant and vital characters of The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in 1952 and released in 1953. John Proctor is a farmer in his middle thirties, the sort of important man with a bad temper. Miller does not use the name of the character by chance: his name is a telling-name because he...
4 Pages 1740 Words
Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is a fundamental example of social injustice when the citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. Citizens didn’t speak up for their neighbor for fear of being accused of being a witches themselves so, the kept their mouths shut. “The Crucible” identifies the reason the Salem witch trials of 1692 came into existence. Salem was settled by people...
2 Pages 982 Words
Fear is often based on an absence of information. This year celebrates the 65th anniversary of ‘The Crucible’ written by Arthur Miller. A play based on the Salem Witch trials of 1692 when, nineteen people were persecuted and subsequently imprisoned or hanged after they were accused of witchcraft based on nothing but accusation and hearsay. Arthur Miller himself had been...
2 Pages 1088 Words
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The 32nd president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt once said during the presidential election of 1932, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Roosevelt was trying to describe that fear is the one thing to be afraid of since it can be used to manipulate many with fears and make them act irrationally, which gives...
1 Page 639 Words
The two characters, John Proctor and Giles Corey in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, both illuminate the theme that “it is nobler to die with integrity than to live without self-respect.” They both proved that they were willing to die for what they believed in and be truthful, rather than live with a lie. John Proctor repeatedly displayed his acts...
1 Page 451 Words
Complimentarily, Arthur Miller’s application of juxtaposition highlights the differences between characters who are significantly different and brings to light those who don’t belong. An example of the juxtaposition Miller applies is between the characters Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. The black and white rulings of the characters would be almost ironic, bearing in mind that Arthur Miller wrote this play...
1 Page 556 Words
The Crucible story lands in a village called Salem where people believe that the devil resonates there. People in Salem were prosecuted even when they were all probably innocent and their deaths were all due to false accusations to people’s ridiculous belief in superstition not questioning if there is a cause behind it. The people of Salem believed in the...
3 Pages 1402 Words
A sentiment of one’s own value or a sense of excessive conceit, pride is the fatal flaw of which leads to his destruction, yet shepards Proctor’s redemption. Although hidden throughout most of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, pride is an underlying force that drives most of Proctor’s decisions in the play. Being prideful of his reputation and name while being driven...
3 Pages 1185 Words
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To first answer this question we need to determine what a tragic hero is and who John Proctor is. After these analyzations we must ask if John Proctor meets the certain criteria of this literary term, tragic hero. The first instance of the term “tragic hero” was created by the greek philosopher, Aristotle. It is a term that he described...
3 Pages 1223 Words
A creepily feel of the word “witchcraft” grazes through the ears of the townspeople of Salem, Massachusetts. No one was safe in this time of 1692; henceforth, if you even just said you had seen someone’s spirit, the person you told upon would be sent to hang. Through these times, many chaotic things occurred with the townspeople's; furthermore, there are...
2 Pages 1002 Words
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What do you get when you put two men in a room together who value their pride more than anything in the world , the answer to that is absolute chaos. Every situation has an alpha male just like wolf packs. In the play, “The Crucible,” Arthur Miller shows how John Proctor and Reverend Parris are similar yet different through...
1 Page 416 Words
Christopher Pike once said, “Nothing is as it seems.' John Proctor, from the play The Crucible, relates to this quote. John Proctor is a farm owner in Salem, Massachusetts. He was a well–respected man who went through some road bumps that made his characteristics change drastically. John Proctor changed throughout the play because of events that made him have to...
1 Page 511 Words
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In the play ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller, Reverend Hale makes an internal change throughout the story by shifting his opinion from being convinced the witchcraft was real to making the realization that it was all a ploy for vengeance towards other characters in the story. From the beginning when Hale was introduced, he gave a sense of authority when...
2 Pages 816 Words
In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, there are many “moments” where the author uses literary devices to convey how a few characters rebel against and conform to authority figures and peers and the values and expectations of Puritan society as a whole. Ultimately, Arthur Miller is saying that societal pressure can make you believe very wild things; societal pressure also...
3 Pages 1525 Words
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Proctor’s last act is a noble and honorable way to die. He chooses to die not only for himself and his wife, but also for those who stand wrongly accused. Proctor decides to die with the honest people of Salem instead of selling those people out and dishonoring their memory and deaths by falsely admitting to the crime of witchcraft....
5 Pages 2174 Words
In the beginning of the play, Miller introduces the character John Proctor as an individual that remains unalterable with Proctor’s stance on honesty and integrity, unlike the narrow-minded Salem community. In Act I, Miller presents John Proctor as a bold man, standing up to hypocrites. Further on, Proctor argues with the Putnams and Reverend Parris due to bizarre accusations about...
2 Pages 752 Words
Have you ever been accused of something that you didn't do just because people fear that they were going to be accused of it? That's exactly what Arthur Miller wrote in a play called The Crucible during the most fearful and terrifying times for Americans...The Red Scare. This led to a range of actions that had a profound and enduring...

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