The Impact Of Chemistry On Society

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Chemistry has impacted society by a broad discipline that applies to all industries such as medicinal chemistry, environmental sciences and material science and it has also aided technological advancements and fortifying natural defence and as a result helps and impacts people and the society in many ways and on a daily basis and in the ‘past two centuries the development of nuclear technology and electronics has been aided by chemistry’. (1)

Medicinal chemistry industry has a large impact on society as its main vital role is production of medications and drugs and also researching and developing new drugs which can help humans in many ways and for many illnesses, diseases and pains. For example chemistry yielding is helpful chemical tests that diabetes can be used to quickly check their insulin level. ‘Also there’s no need for suffering from pains and aches as there are three popular painkilling chemicals that can be bought over the counter and these are aspirin, paracetamol, and ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a good inflammatory, paracetamol is a good painkiller but aspirin can do both however it can cause the risk of stomach bleeding. These are positive impacts for people but they have their side effects’(2). Scientists in this industry also synthesise new pharmaceuticals and also test and improve new pharmaceuticals also there’s a lot of trial and error but they consistently work to create the exact drugs desired. The study of pharmacy is integral to the study of chemistry since pharmaceutical science studies how different medications react chemically with the chemicals within the human body and human organisms are so complicated that scientists only partially understand it. ‘These chemists work with other scientists from different areas such as biologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, theoretical chemists, microbiologists, and bio pharmacists’(3), all these would impact the creation of new drugs, substances and medications for the society and without them the society would be in disaster and danger.

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Chemistry on a daily basis is ‘responsible for household convenience items such as detergents, adhesives, pain relievers and lubricates’.(4) It’s also important for the fertilizers and pesticides that farmers use to improve crop growth and improving quality of life worldwide to reduce hunger. ‘The principals of chemistry plays a vital role in water treatment facilities to make water safe to drink and safety in sports has many impacts from chemistry because of padding and helmets made from advanced plastics’.(5)

Chemical industries also have a major impact on society to help economy, economic input and labour productivity. All the various branches of chemistry and its areas of study provides an abundance of employment and labour productivity in workplaces such as factories, laboratories, hospitals, pharmacies, crime scenes for forensic technicians or in laboratories as well and universities or colleges. ‘The chemical industry is part of making different products from raw materials through chemical reactions and the most common raw materials in this industry are oil, natural gas, metals, mineral, coal, salt and air and water’(6).

These industries are highly important for the economy of any country due to the supply of pesticides and fertilisers to the farmers which are needed for growing crops and as a result this contributes to agriculture and food for every country. Apart from agriculture the chemical industry also contributes to almost every other sector of economy’s such as in our everyday lives by using industrial and ‘chemical products, the production of fibre’s and dyes which are used in textile industries and the chemical industry indirectly aids the pharmaceutical industry and health care industry by providing essential chemical substances.’(7)

All of these chemical industries bring in a lot of finances to many companies, employee’s, and the society overall and the business of chemistry continuously grows and as we can see chemistry has a great positive influence on society.

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The Impact Of Chemistry On Society. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 26, 2024, from
“The Impact Of Chemistry On Society.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
The Impact Of Chemistry On Society. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Oct. 2024].
The Impact Of Chemistry On Society [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Oct 26]. Available from:

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