550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Columbus Hero or Villain

On Monday, October 14th, citizens all around America commemorate Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the new world. However, beneath the American flags and fireworks, many of the horrors of his voyage have gone untold. Throughout his expeditions, Columbus terrorized the Taínos people, which ultimately lead to mass genocide. Christopher Columbus has been regarded as both a hero and a villain. However, due to his cruelty with the Tainos and his abuse of political power, he must be seen as a...
1 Page 547 Words

Homosexuality And Genetics

Homosexuality has turned as significant issue in our community abundant argument. The choice to be transparently homosexual is stiff for some due to the uncommon approval that they get. Society undergo made it so difficult for homosexual people to be approved, given the bias against them. The justice that have extract from homosexual, have prompted a pursuit for understanding on the inquiry of whether homosexuality is genetics or a possibility. Each body cell accommodates forty-six chromosomes, twenty-three inherited from the...
1 Page 545 Words

Chemistry In The Context Of Maths

I chose to study chemistry as part of a of a science degree with mathematics being my major area of study. Knowledge of basic maths is essential for understanding chemical processes and solving chemical problems. Stoichiometry is a great example of this as every step involves some level of maths, from balancing chemical equations to unit conversions. A strong parallel between chemistry and maths is the ability to use logic as part of the decision-making process when working through problems....
1 Page 536 Words

Which Is The Oldest Religion In The World?

At the present time, most religions raise their voice and claim that their pearls of wisdom and traditions have been consistent since the beginning of life. But all over the ages with the same consistency as kingdoms, some new mystical traditions have appeared and some disappeared from the religion. These oldest traditions are known as Manichaeism, Mithraism, and Tengriism. Some of these traditions are disappeared at present time, but a few of the ancient religious conviction and practices still exist...
1 Page 542 Words

The Beliefs And Values Of Buddhism

Buddhism has always been a religion I’ve been curious about because Buddhist always seem so peaceful and kind to one another. Buddha believe in teaching and providing simple solutions to become happier people and living a life without suffering in rational ways. Also they teach the fundamental idea that kindness and compassion are skills we can learn and master. Buddhism has become more popular over the years, and people are becoming more curious about this religion. The beliefs and values...
1 Page 566 Words

The Peculiarities Of Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF)

Introduction For many Century, there are more and more people formed different peace organisations to create peace for the world. Buddhist Peace Fellowship also known as BPF, is one of the many peace organisations mainly based on Buddhism. BPF was first found in 1978. The reason why that this Buddhist peace organisations is selected is because they demonstrated their actions through the perspective of Buddhism and this would be the main difference compare to other peace organisations. Theological/Philosophical Background The...
1 Page 547 Words

The Good Life: Buddhism

There is no set definition to ‘A Good Life’. Various people have different ideas and meaning behind this phrase. Definitions between cultures and religions may differ drastically while others closely resemble each other. What is Buddhism? Before we start delving into what makes a ‘Good Life’ in a Buddhist eye’s, we must first understand what Buddhism as a religion actually is about. A good place to start is a definition of Buddhism from The Buddhist Centre, ‘Buddhism is a path...
1 Page 565 Words

Buddhism In The Maurya Empire

Buddhism really changed the Maurya empire but in what way? In the Mauryan empire Buddhism affected their culture in so many different ways. Buddhists believe that when you reach nirvana you’ve achieved an absolute state of peace and enlightenment and lived peaceful lifestyles. Many citizens who lived in lower class were influenced by the simple lifestyle of Buddhists.This caused a spread of Buddhism in India and eventually all over the world. Before Buddhism, the majority of people in the Maurya...
1 Page 559 Words

The Aspects Of Ethics Towards Co-workers In Islam

Islam is the complete code of life offering guidance in all walks of life; social, economic, moral and political. As in social life one must live together and have responsibilities according to their positions in a society. Relationship between workers is very important in a working environment. Islamic ethics set for both workers and the rulers ensure harmony, peace of mind and a favorable, productive working environment. The organizational ethics mainly are ethics towards co-workers, rulers and sub-ordinates that are...
1 Page 553 Words

Abd al-Rahman, The Beginning Of Islam Itself

“Often the test of courage is not to die but to live” (Vittorio Alfieri, n.d.). Strong leader, influential visionary, ambitious builder and tenacious survivor, Abd al-Rahman (731-788) had every single opportunity to surrender to the Abbasids’ domination and abandon his ancestral roots. This man, being one of the few survivors of his slaughtered Umayyads’ family, fought back with more power, wealth and terror than ever before. This future emir came from a background that helped him achieve remarkable deeds and...
1 Page 565 Words

Freud Psychoanalytic Theory And Islam

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory is a personality theory which says that people go through different life stages of development, It basically focuses on the unconscious factor in which our drives are present which are the reason for our motivation, human mind also has three provinces which include: ID- pleasure principle, present entirely in unconscious. Has all our impulses, desires and pleasures. Ego- Reality principle, operates both in subconscious and conscious, it basically tries to fulfil id’s desire in an acceptable manner....
1 Page 527 Words

Islam Revolution And Reformation

The twentieth century is where Islam and Muslim societies overcame many obstacles that made this regionally fixed community finally become independent and branch out worldwide. This century is mainly dominated by a war in which Muslims demanded freedom from European powers and the tension created over religion and cultural identity. This event is how the question revolution or reform begins to raise since the term revolution would persist of the new found freedom and independence from European powers Muslims won,...
1 Page 528 Words

Is Islam Is A Religion Of Peace?

Islam is a universal religion through worldwide that brings peace and freedom to all human beings. I am totally agree with this statement because I had done my own research about this religion. There are no doubt that Islam is a peaceful religion and a way of life in our daily activities as a human. I will reveal the truth and good things about Islam to convince the Non Muslim from their accusation about it. Firstly, Islam is a religion...
1 Page 537 Words

The Legalization Of Weed In Sports

You see it all the time in sports. Professional athletes getting suspended from competition because marijuana was found in their system. The question is why are they getting disciplined over this drug? Professional athletes should be allowed to use marijuana as a way to ease the pain of their injuries and relax after tough competitions. Whether it is the NFL, NBA , MLB, or any other professional or Olympic sport, athletes do use medicinal marijuana. Athletes are people too, and...
1 Page 533 Words

The Issue Of Sexism In Sports

To say that sports are only for men is absolutely and definitely wrong, Sports is for everyone despite your culture, race, height, age, weight and etc. From being a beginner to an athlete, each one of us has the right to physical activity. Sports is not all about physical activities, it also involves casual participation that aims to use and improve the ability and skills while giving entertainment to participants. Moreover, The International Olympic Committee also recognizes chess and bridge...
1 Page 572 Words

The Evolution Of Sports Commercialization

Commercialized sport was one of the growth points of economy at the phase of industrial revolution in the late Victorian era. This Era came with the introduction and development of numerous modern sports including cricket, cycling, horse-riding, and water activities (Cunningham, H. 2016). Modern sports links to commerce are highly visible. Stadiums and arenas bear the names of businesses, while sponsors' logos appear on athletes' clothing, equipment, and event titles. Media companies pay vast sums for the rights to broadcast...
1 Page 552 Words

Youth Sports: A Call To Action

As previous research has found, the media ;TV, newspapers, social networks, radio; and social environment ; friends, family, school ; have a significant influence on children’s development according to Nicely, 2007; Hardin & Greer, 2009. Picture the typical youth basketball sports game in Lebanon — a blur of motion and sound. Some parents are prowling the side-lines. Others are busy cheering positively or just chatting among themselves. These parents became field generals and forcing their children to shine. Today, over...
1 Page 561 Words

New York Sports: Types And Features

New York City is most definitely a city that loves its sports and cheers for the home team. New York is probably the best represented city and state in this country when it comes to major league teams. I've never quite seen anything like it but I honestly can't imagine a night when there isn't some sort of major sporting event taking place somewhere in this great city. The National Hockey League that almost wasn't is back and going strong....
1 Page 559 Words

Sports And Society

Sports is an activity which an individual or a group can participate or watch at their leisure. Sports teaches us to face challenges. It is a teacher which promote the idea that with hard work, dedication and pure confidence success will be attained. Society has become sports and sports has become society. The modern idea of sports came at the time of the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. Something that has been taken as simple leisure has also been an immense...
1 Page 554 Words

Is Engineering A Good Career?

It is a broad term that covers a wide range of applications and industries. Combining mathematics, science and technology, engineers produce creative solutions to real world difficulties. It is therefore an amazing career option with so much potential for growth. You just have to figure out where your curiosity lies. It is all about the passion, aim, pride, dream and joy. It totally depends on you in which field you want to make your career. Engineering is an activity other...
1 Page 561 Words

Transitions And The Career Roles

The word career can be seen not only as a job, journey or decisions, but also as a set of different roles. According to (Stevenson & Waite, 2011) role is: A person’s or thing’s characteristics or expected function, or an actor’s part in a play film. Each job involves multiply roles and they change over time. Roles are defined by, individuals, by others, by the organizations or by the companies. Role examples can be: student, parent, worker, child or a...
1 Page 564 Words

Words As A Very Powerful Device: Quotes And Sayings

Words are a very powerful device, and none more so than the ones that the bride and groom will say during their wedding day. This doesn't just mean the vows that they have taken, although this is probably the most important words that will be spoken during the wedding. This also includes the bride and groom wedding speech, delivered together or individually, as the first official speeches the bride and the groom will be giving as married individuals. Even so,...
1 Page 526 Words

The Role Of Character Traits In The Novel Indian Horse

Character traits are all aspects of an individual’s behaviour that reflects their personality and how they handle circumstances in life. Mother Teresa is a concrete example of how her positive attributes helped her to handle life situations. She was a woman admired for her unselfishness, bravery, generosity and her hard work. Likewise, this is also the case with Saul. In the novel, Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, Saul’s resilience, intelligence, and perseverance are the most important traits that he uses...
1 Page 528 Words

Black, Muslim, And Senegambian Family

Family, ethnicity, personal interests and the environment you grow up in are all factors that contribute in shaping an individual’s identity. Several aspects may influence your identity more than others. These factors influence an individual’s ethics and morals, choice of music, and numerous other characteristics of life. The surrounding environment that an individual grows up in influences a person’s way of clothing, social activities and morals. Everyone is unique based on personal interest, which in my case was influenced by...
1 Page 526 Words

How Defensive Steering Institutes Can Instill Confidence In Learners

Defensive steering is essential to be implied to keen drivers in building a safe learning experience. Despite the basic steering skills, many drivers basically get into trouble for not being skilled in defensive driving. There is always a requirement for individuals to learn more regarding steering, this enables them to enhance their skills regarding secure steering. Driving schools in Calgary provide steering tactics to enhance confidence after the notice provision from the court. These institutes are administered from courts. Hence...
1 Page 548 Words

The Duality Of Life: Philosophy And Science

I’m a person housing two personalities in a single body: I come to have a strong fascination with science, especially physics, and from the different vantage point I am tantalized by the doctrines of philosophy. On one hand, I have a world of facts, explanation and hypothesis and on the other I have a world of pure imagination and something more humane than biology itself. But it is not the distinction between the two that intrigue me, but the correspondence...
1 Page 532 Words

What Role Does Technology Play In Science?

Innovation is rapidly assuming control over each part of our lives, including illuminating wrongdoings. The quick upgrades in innovation have implied that unraveling wrongdoings nearly takes on a cutting edge factor, such as something from a work of fiction. During the scientific science process, legal gear is utilized to process tests and proof to unravel violations and good for the online science quiz. Estimations incorporate examination of proof, fingerprinting or DNA distinguishing proof, breaking down medications or synthetic concoctions, and...
1 Page 539 Words

Selfish Characters In A Midsummer Night’s Dream

In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” by William Shakespeare, several characters reveal selfish and self-centered behaviour that result in unhealthy relationships. To begin with, Helena demonstrates self-centered behaviour when she exposes Hermia and Lysander’s plan to run away. In addition, Hermia’s behaviour towards Helena shows selfishness when she blames Helena for Lysander and Demetrius loving her instead. Furthermore, Oberon shows signs of being self-centered when he wants to take the Indian boy from Titania. Overall, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” contains characters...
1 Page 565 Words

The Era Of Muhammad Ali

The Egyptian government during the era of Muhammad Ali was an absolute government in which the rule of individual rule prevailed, but the difference between it and what it was in the Mamluk era is that Muhammad Ali Pasha established a system for its administration, so this system replaced chaos and confusion, as it was considered one of the advocates of absolute rule (this is a point) Weakness in his history), but his advantage was that he had an idea...
1 Page 564 Words

Are Viruses Alive?

In my opinion I don’t necessarily believe viruses are alive because of the fact that viruses can't reproduce on there own, they need a cell to reproduce. If you had a looser definition of alive then maybe they can be considered alive. I also beileve there not alive because according to the seven characteristics of life for something to be considered alive it has to be able to grow over time, respond to stimuli, metabolize energy, produce offspring, maintain a...
1 Page 545 Words
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