Breaking Dress Code Norms Essay

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I believe we should change the school’s dress code. Some things on it don’t make a lot of sense. There are quite a few things that should not be on there. You should be allowed to be comfortable at school and not have to worry about breaking a dress code rule.

You should be allowed to wear hats/hoods/bandanas. Lots of teachers would agree wearing a hood is quite disrespectful, but what exactly is disrespectful about it? Do teachers think they won’t pay attention in class? Do teachers think they’ll sleep in class? Hoods can be more comforting to students and make them feel cozier. Others say they use their hood as a security blanket, I think that is perfectly fine. Some days students feel different and don’t feel well so they put their hood on to feel better. I do that all the time at home and it does help me concentrate on something I am doing. Bandanas should not be banned. Bandanas could be a cultural thing for a person, you can’t take them away from that. They should be able to express their culture respectfully and not have to be shamed by it. Another thing is the hats. Hats can be very comforting in school, weather conditions are a thing. If it’s cold out, that person might want to wear a hat. Some get cold during school and might need to wear hats, too. Of course, when they do the morning pledge they must remove those hats or hoods.

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Another thing we should change is backless/off-the-shoulder tops. There’s nothing wrong with shoulders or backs. I’ve heard people say it’s a rule because shoulders or backs are “distracting” but what’s distracting about them? People should be able to wear whatever they want without having to deal with people shaming them. If someone’s distracted from their shoulders they should be the ones to get in trouble, not the person wearing the clothes. Also, when it gets warmer out people will want to wear those types of tops. You should respect someone no matter what they wear. Fashion can also express someone in their unique way and that should not be shamed by the school.

Bra straps are another thing that is banned and I think they shouldn’t be. Some tops can show a girl's bra strap or it could be a total accident sometimes and they would get in trouble, I don’t think that is right. Bra’s are something girls are supposed to wear if they want to and it shouldn’t be something the school should ban. Girls can’t help it sometimes. There is also nothing inappropriate about bra straps, I think it’s a little childish if someone thinks bra straps are inappropriate.

There are some things in my argument that have downsides, though. For example, a kid doesn’t remove their hat or hood during the pledge. I think kids should get in trouble if they continue not respecting the flag, they should lose their privilege of being able to wear hats or hoods.

These are just a few rules I think should be changed. Other than that, I think the list of things on the dress code is sensible. How they handle the dress code should be changed, too. I don’t think it’s okay for teachers to call you out in front of the class, they should do it in private.

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Breaking Dress Code Norms Essay. (2024, February 23). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Breaking Dress Code Norms Essay.” Edubirdie, 23 Feb. 2024,
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