Comparing Two Articles Media Analysis Essay

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1. Introduction

To analyze the articles, first, I read all the articles to get an overview of the topics they dealt with and the way they dealt with them. I chose set A because it dealt with an issue that directly threatens the civil liberties of Indian citizens and is seen as a threat to the secular nature of Indian discourse. Next, I read both the articles of set A in comparison to each other, trying to verify the facts and data presented in both articles. Upon doing so, I formed a conclusion which will be presented in this essay.

The articles deal with the topic of the 'love-jihad' laws on grounds of forced conversion to Islam using coercive methods of marriage. The articles present two contrasting views which, as per typical political discourse, we may refer to as the views of the 'left' and the 'right'. The left argues that the laws are unsecular in nature and infringe upon the civil liberties afforded to us by the Constitution, whereas the right argues that the laws are a necessary measure to prevent domination of the Muslim population over the Hindu population and to protect the Hindu citizens, typically women, from being trapped in inter-religious marriages leading to forced conversions.

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2. The 'Right': Swarajya Magazine

The article is written in the backdrop of two news articles, one about the 'Provision of Unlawful Conversion Bill 2020' introduced in Uttar Pradesh, the other about a judgment of Allahabad High Court affirming the rights of individuals to live with and marry a partner of their choosing, irrespective of their religion. The author expounds on the reasons attributed to conversions due to marriage being a menace and a threat to the Hindu population, detailing the five 'asymmetries' between Hinduism and other religions. He lists these as the Abrahamic religions being imperialist in their approach, Hindu girls not being educated to protect their religious rights within marriage, the imbalance caused due to prevalent personal laws, the closeted atmosphere that Muslim women exist in, and the law of apostasy in Islam. He employs phrases like 'predatory, expansionist and imperialist religions', and 'sheer naivete' of Hindus. He employs metaphors like 'fighting against guns unarmed', trying to bring changes by modifying the gun laws. He tries to justify his claim of the subjugation of women in inter-faith marriage with an example of a rape victim having to marry the perpetrator.

Clearly, the article is meant to be provocatory, instigating the reader against the Abrahamic religions, especially Islam. But the theories presented in the article are not backed by evidence, even as the author makes hypothetical statements. The author makes several purely subjective claims such as Muslim women being closeted inside their society, or Hindu women: 'make them fall into a trap they did not see when they married someone from another religion who they liked', which are not only unsubstantiated but also misogynistic, confining women to a religious instrument without an identity of their own.

The author, being the editor of a premiere right-wing magazine, represents and reflects the typical propaganda of the communal narrative.

3. The 'Left': Al Jazeera

The article is written in the context of the refusal of the Supreme Court to stay several 'love-jihad' cases. The author elaborates on the discriminatory nature of the 'love-jihad' laws enacted in several states. He exemplifies this with accounts of several instances, such as that of Raina Gupta and Mohammad Asif, Owais Ahmad, etc. He goes on to claim that the rhetoric of 'love jihad' is merely a conspiracy theory conjured by Hindu nationalist groups such as the BJP. He justifies this with the juxtaposition of the claims made by the BJP with the results of two inquiries conducted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Kerala and then, in Kanpur. He then refers to the dismissal of the case against the marriage of an inter-faith couple by the Allahabad High Court. Finally, the author concludes with some examples of other recent laws which he believes to be a part of the larger agenda of far-right nationalist parties to victimize Muslim men.

The author uses invention, stating facts and figures to back his claims, and individual incidents to justify his claims regarding the issue of 'love-jihad'. He tries to explain the gravity of the situation and, in part, provokes the reader with the usage of words like 'criminalizing', 'victimizing', 'harass', etc. He tries to further his rhetoric of an anti-Muslim stance of the BJP, by mentioning the Citizenship Amendment Bill, Triple Talaq law, but does not give any proof as to the veracity of the claims.

The author is a faculty at Delhi University and has been known to oppose the government on issues such as the CAA.


    1. Jagannath, R. 'Love Jihad, Conversion: Five Asymmetries That Hindus Must Come To Terms With'. Swarajya. Nov 5, 2020. www.swarajyamag.compoliticslove-jihad-conversion-five-asymmetries-that-hindus-must-come-to-terms-with.
    2. Apoorvanand. 'India's 'love jihad' laws: Another attempt to subjugate Muslims.' Al Jazeera. Jan 2021. www.aljazeera.comopinions2021115indias-love-jihad-laws-another-attempt-to-subjugate-muslims.
    3. Chadha, Kalyani and Prashanth Bhat. 'The Media Are Biased: Exploring Online Right-Wing Responses to Mainstream News Media in India.' ResearchGate. Jan 2018. www.researchgate.netpublication322277601_The_media_are_biased_Exploring_online_right_wing_responses_to_mainstream_news_media_in_India.
    4. 'Delhi Riots: Police Question DU Professor Apoorvanand, Seize Phone.' The Wire. Aug 2020. www.thewire.inrightsdelhi-riots-police-du-professor-apoorvanand.
    5. Rehman, Asad. 'Allahabad HC says previous orders on interfaith marriages not 'good law''. The Indian Express. Nov 25, 2020. www.indianexpress.comarticleindiaallahabad-high-court-hindu-muslim-marriage-love-jihad-up-7063742
    6. Srivastava, Prashant. 'Draft UP law on 'love jihad' proposes 5-yr jail, marriage annulment for 'forced conversion''. The Print. Nov 22, 2020. www.theprint.injudiciarydraft-up-law-on-love-jihad-proposes-5-yr-jail-marriage-annulment-for-forced-conversion549637
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