Essay on Nikola Tesla Inventions

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Tesla's first time experimenting was when he showed that alcohol was less damaging than caffeine, chewing gum, tobacco, etc. An innocent and amateur experiment in the professional world but it is a beginning. His conclusion on the experiment can be seen in the line” A drastic, if not unconstitutional, measure is now being put through in this country to prevent the consumption of alcohol, and yet it is a positive fact that coffee, tea, tobacco, chewing gum and other stimulants, which are freely indulged in even at the tender age, are vastly more injurious to the national body, judging from the number of those who succumb. So, for instance, during my student years, I gathered from the published necrologies in Vienna, the home of coffee drinkers, that deaths from heart trouble sometimes reached 67% of the total.” (Tesla pg 9)

Tesla's vision was always ahead of his competition; he was thinking already two centuries in the future, a world where people could communicate with radio waves, and illuminate cities without using wires. He was not afraid of innovation: for this aspect, Tesla will always be an indisputable example. Nikola Tesla was a man with big ideas, as shown by the 300 patents to his name. Unfortunately, he was way ahead of his time and while a lot of his more elaborate ideas theoretically worked, they never really panned out. Still, while he never received the recognition of his chief rival Thomas Edison, the man was a brilliant inventor who gave the world some amazing and pioneering innovations. These are some of the most incredible creations of Nikola Tesla. The top three greatest achievements of Nikola Tesla are:

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Alternating Current: Nikola Tesla's most significant advancements include his contributions to alternating current (AC). It is important to remember that he did not invent or even find AC, but his inventions made AC suitable for extensive use, helping to electrify the earth. It's difficult to tell the tale of how Tesla's AC became the dominant energy system without speaking about Thomas Edison. In his younger years, Tesla began working for Edison, whose business had formed a direct current (DC). DC is comparable to the battery, in that it only sends out energy. The issue with DC is that electricity loses energy as it runs further out. That is when Tesla created his advancements in AC, which not only sends out electricity but also takes energy back to the source. This has made it far more viable to send big quantities of energy over a big region. Edison disliked AC and believed that Tesla was incorrect on the matter, leading to a separation between the two. When Tesla was unemployed, he worked strange employment until he was able to collect cash for the Tesla Electric Company. His work gained the attention of engineer and businessman George Westinghouse, who purchased most of Edison's AC patents. A crucial moment in the history of electricity was to light the Chicago World Fair in 1893. Edison and Westinghouse presented quotes with Edison stating they could light up the entire fair for $554,000, while Westinghouse said they could do it for $399,000. Westinghouse won the bid, and hence the AC became more popular and useful it is the one still used today.

The Tesla Coil: The Tesla coil was invented in 1891 and uses two coils, a primary and a secondary, with each coil having its capacitor. A capacitor, like a battery, saves energy. The coils are connected to a spark gap, which is just open air where the spark can generate, and the result is that the Tesla Coil can shoot lightning bolts, send electric currents through the body, and create electron winds. Tesla developed this because he was obsessed with powering cities wirelessly. Today, the Tesla Coil is used for entertainment and can be seen in places like science centers and museums, and some elements of it are also used in radios. The importance of the Tesla Coil comes from the fact that it helped engineers understand the nature of electricity and how to use it. For many, this was the most practical work of his.

Circuitry using the Tesla coil was part of the first generation of wireless telegraph transmitters. Tesla used his brainchild to explore such diversified fields as lighting, X-rays, and electrical power transmission. Personalized Tesla coils are now often used to spark strong mercury and sodium street lamps. Even though they have now been mainly substituted by more advanced circuitry, Tesla coils often appear in popular culture, usually in the form of high-tech weapons in video games, flashing lightning bolts at opponents. A Tesla coil was used on the big screen to create lighting effects for the 1979 film 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture.' 

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