Essay on Utilitarianism and Abortion

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Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that posits the maximization of utility as the basis for moral decision-making. In the context of abortion, utilitarianism weighs the consequences of terminating a pregnancy against the potential benefits to determine the ethical course of action. This essay explores the utilitarian perspective on abortion, highlighting the ethical considerations and implications involved.

Abortion: Definition and Context

Abortion is the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, often performed under various circumstances. While some argue for its legality and accessibility, others oppose it on moral grounds. Circumstances such as threats to the lives of the mother and child can complicate the decision-making process surrounding abortion, raising questions about the ethical implications of such actions.

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Utilitarianism and Ethical Decision-Making

Utilitarianism emphasizes the prediction of consequences and the maximization of benefit for the majority in ethical decision-making. This approach prioritizes the overall well-being and happiness of individuals affected by an action, rather than adherence to strict moral rules or principles. Act and rule utilitarianism are two concepts within utilitarian theory that guide ethical reasoning based on consequences and general principles, respectively.

Act Utilitarianism and Abortion

Act utilitarianism assesses the morality of an action based on the specific consequences it produces. In the case of abortion, an expectant mother considering termination must weigh the potential outcomes for herself, the unborn child, and society as a whole. Factors such as societal norms and personal consequences may influence the decision-making process, leading to differing ethical judgments.

Rule Utilitarianism and Abortion

Rule utilitarianism, on the other hand, considers ethical decisions within the framework of established rules and principles that maximize overall utility. In the context of abortion, rule utilitarianism may prioritize adherence to laws protecting the right to life and the well-being of individuals. Legal regulations, societal norms, and moral principles play a significant role in shaping the decision to terminate a pregnancy under rule utilitarianism.


In conclusion, utilitarianism offers a framework for analyzing the ethical dimensions of abortion by focusing on the consequences and utility of the action. While act utilitarianism considers the specific circumstances and outcomes of abortion, rule utilitarianism emphasizes adherence to established principles and laws. Ultimately, the utilitarian perspective on abortion underscores the complexity of ethical decision-making and the importance of considering the well-being of all individuals involved. As society grapples with the moral implications of abortion, embracing ethical values and principles can guide us towards creating a better world for future generations.

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Essay on Utilitarianism and Abortion. (2024, February 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay on Utilitarianism and Abortion.” Edubirdie, 29 Feb. 2024,
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Essay on Utilitarianism and Abortion [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 29 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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