Green Chemistry essays

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4 Pages 1740 Words
What is green chemistry? Green chemistry is the intention of chemical products and the developments that are used to decrease and remove the creation of hazardous substances. Green chemistry should be applied in every part of the chemical’s life cycle from its creation and manufacture to its disposal (US EPA, 2019). Green chemistry begins at molecular level and applies to...
Green Chemistry
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4 Pages 1694 Words
Introduction Green chemistry can be defined as the formation of chemical products to reduce and eliminate the use of hazardous compounds. Green chemistry uses innovative research for the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Green chemistry is evolving branch of science that is trying to reduce and eliminate the impact of hazardous chemicals on the environment and human health....
Green Chemistry
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1 Page 462 Words
Green Chemistry is essentially chemistry that reduces or eliminates hazardous substances in its processes and products. It is more than cleaning up pollution or treating hazardous waste, it’s keeping the hazardous chemicals out of the environment and stopping pollution at its source. It is important because if we are to reverse climate change, we can’t just clean up pollution, we...
Green Chemistry
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3 Pages 1479 Words
Abstract Chemical industry represents a highly successful sector of manufacturing and a vital part of the economy in many industrialized and developing countries. The range of chemical industry is vast which makes an invaluable contribution to the quality of our lives. However, the manufacture of chemical products also leads to enormous quantities of environmentally harmful waste and the health of...
ConversationGreen Chemistry
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4 Pages 1777 Words
In the last few decades there has been a big push for more environmentally friendly ways of living. This does not stop at chemistry. In electrochemistry the term “green chemistry” has been coined. Organic synthesis through electrochemistry is expected to be one of the most useful reactions in green chemistry, as no toxic reagents or products are needed or produced....
Green Chemistry
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5 Pages 2363 Words
Abstract The aim of green chemistry is not only to reduce the hazard substances and eliminate destructive environmental impact, it also aims to search for new, improve and efficient methods for chemical synthesis. The green chemistry techniques that are discussed in this research paper are: Sonochemistry, microwave-assisted in organic synthesis, solvent-free in organic synthesis, and alternative solvents. Green chemistry techniques...
Green Chemistry
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2 Pages 746 Words
Introduction In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has witnessed significant advancements, particularly in the realm of green chemistry. This burgeoning field focuses on designing products and processes that minimize environmental impact and reduce the use of hazardous substances. As the global demand for pharmaceuticals continues to rise, the imperative to produce drugs sustainably has become more pronounced. The World Health...
Green Chemistry
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6 Pages 2709 Words
Scientific research is vital for national development and material well-being of any country especially developing nation. While lack of scientific research is often a critical limitation to economic progress, hence, the importance of chemistry research in a developing nation cannot be over emphasized. In this case, Nigeria. Chemistry research has so many economic benefits, notwithstanding the negative role chemistry research...
Green Chemistry
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2 Pages 1091 Words
Introduction Flavonoids are the naturally occurring compounds having multiple phenolic functionalities, found in plants. It was first discovered in 1930's when its isolation and extraction was done from oranges, they were known to have another vitamin which was referred to as Vitamin P. Later on they were named as flavonoids. Basically they consists of 15 carbon atoms arranged in such...
Green Chemistry
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2 Pages 1101 Words
Introduction Aromaticity is defined as a property of the conjugated cycloalkenes , which enhances amolecule's stabilization due to its ability todelocalize electrons present in the orbitals of π . For example benzene is an aromatic compound . Benzene is primarily used as an Intermediate material to produce other chemicals which is used in different fields of life . Benzene is...
Green Chemistry
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3 Pages 1536 Words
Organic chemistry is a chemical branch involved with carbon compounds and particularly carbon compounds found in living things. Originally restricted to compounds generated by living organisms, this branch of chemistry has been expanded to include human-made substances like polymers. Polymers are substances with a molecular structure that consists mainly or entirely of a large number of related units, such as...
Green Chemistry
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2 Pages 1038 Words
INTRODUCTION: The Knoevenagel condensation is named after Emil Knoevenagel and is a modification of the aldol condensation[1, 2]. It is used for formation of carbon-carbon bond. The Knoevenagel condensation is an organic reaction used to convert an aldehyde or ketone and an activated methylene compound to olefins in the presence of weakly basic amine as a catalyst. However, if a...
Green Chemistry
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3 Pages 1321 Words
Abstract Process industries produce products that many people can use, but they also yield pollution to the environment. This paper focuses on the significance of sustainable development and processes that are environmentally friendly and integrate the role of green engineering in designing these processes. Green process engineering defines the development of new technologies that reduce pollution generated by the industries....
Green Chemistry
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