Influenza Virus Essay

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3 Pages 1496 Words
Influenza virus is one of the few viruses with capability and history of creating pandemics, having resultant deaths, hospitalizations and interruption of economic and societal activities. They have, hence, been a research interest overtime as to control measures to prevent and manage such outbreaks. STRUCTURE AND PATHOGENESIS OF INFLUENZA Influenza virus belongs to the orthomyxovirus family as it has segmented...
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1 Page 539 Words
Introduction: The Influenza Song of 1918, also known as "I Had a Little Bird," was a popular song during the devastating influenza pandemic that swept across the world. This essay aims to provide an analytical exploration of the significance of the Influenza Song 1918, delving into its historical context, themes, and the impact it had on society during that time....
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4 Pages 1908 Words
Influenza has become an annual epidemic, increasing in volatility, which can greatly affect the fragile and vulnerable, particularly the elderly. Within healthcare settings, such as aged-care facilities, outbreaks can be greatly detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the residents, impacting greatly on their ability to partake in their activities of daily living (ADL). This essay will discuss influenza, infection...
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4 Pages 2044 Words
Have you ever experienced a combination of these symptoms: sore throat, coughing, rhinorrhea, body aches and a fever? The answer for most people would be yes, this means that for some they have contracted the disease known as influenza or as most commonly put, ‘the flu.’ The aim of this essay is to discuss what influenza is and mode of...
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4 Pages 1985 Words
The main purpose of this essay is to discuss influenza and what is the mode of action and risk factors for the older person and how to prevent the spread of infection in a residential aged care facility. This essay will discuss the risk assessment needed for a person who suffering from influenza and what nursing care is required following...
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3 Pages 1399 Words
INTRODUCTION Influenza continues to be a major public health concern.The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in a typical year, 10 to 20 percent of the world's population is infected with influenza, resulting in 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 severe illnesses and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths (World Health Organization, 1999). In the United States, there are tens of thousands of deaths each...
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3 Pages 1588 Words
INTRODUCTION Influenza viruses are a virus that infects the respiratory tract of mammals and usually can cause fever, muscle pain, severe headache, sore throat, fatigue, coughing, and weakness. It is the Orthomyxoviridae family of enveloped viruses and a significant cause of respiratory infections worldwide (Bahadoran et al., 2016). It can be transmitted through the air by coughing or sneezing and...
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4 Pages 1771 Words
Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease of the respiratory tracts caused by influenza viruses which can be potentially life threateneing (Australian Government, Department of Health, 2014). An influenza pandemic occurs where a new subtype of the influenza virus emerges to which most people are not immune, therefore causing illnesses and deaths to large numbers of people worldwide...
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2 Pages 1095 Words
INTRODUCTION Influenza, also known as flu is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus that attacks the respiratory system of humans. It is also transmissible by droplets spreading from one infected person to another by just sneezing, coughing or talking. There are four types of influenza viruses: influenza A, B, C, and D, but only influenza A and B...
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5 Pages 2278 Words
As a child, we all remember going to checkups with our family medicine physician. The familiar vile and needle are things that have defined the meaning of immunity across many generations of the human race, all developed with the first vaccination. Research shows that vaccinations are the best way to protect people from diseases that are spread through daily activities....
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3 Pages 1171 Words
Pandemics are worldwide outbreaks of disease that greatly effect a population socially, economically and politically (Gallivan et al. 2017). They are different to epidemics in the way that pandemics impact globally, while epidemics are often contained inside one community. The most devasting pandemic is the influenza virus. Also known as the flu, this virus is constantly spreading throughout the world,...
InfluenzaSwine Flu
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2 Pages 735 Words
Disease was often imported and exported through trade and traveling. European exploration also infected nations in the New World with disease, smallpox, influenza, and measles which infected many natives. Many Europeans gave diseases to the Americas. In the time frame of the Age of Exploration, people understood little about disease before the invention of the microscope. Spanish did not know...
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