Swine Flu essays

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Swine flu is an acute respiratory tract infection caused by influenza A H1N1 which is characterized by chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue, and general discomfort. In more serious cases, influenza causes pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in the elderly and patients with pre-existing illnesses [1]. Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, resulting in the deaths of between 250,000 and 500,000 people every year, up to millions people affected in some pandemic years....
4 Pages 1526 Words
History And Definition: H1N1 influenza is otherwise called swine influenza. It's called swine influenza in light of the fact that previously, the individuals who got it had direct contact with pigs. That changed quite a long while prior when another infection raised that spread among individuals who hadn't been close to pigs. The capacity to follow episodes of swine influenza in people goes back to examination of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which contaminated 33% of the total populace (an...
2 Pages 1010 Words
Abstract: Swine Flu cases are rarely observed but are to be found subsequently increasing in Countries like India. They can be treated if it is detected in early stage. However many times it is difficult to predict as the symptoms are almost similar to other viral fevers. In this paper we propose Artificial Intelligent System for Efficient Swine Flu Detection (ESFD) using Naive Bayesian Classifier on SFdataset created from Knowledge based system. The ESFD is first trained by using training...
2 Pages 944 Words
Chapter - I. Introduction Background of the study “The swine flu is evolution, isn't it? In a way, it's an evolution of flu. -Alan Tudyk” Swine flu is an acute respiratory disease, caused by a strain of Hemophilus influenza type A virus known as H1N1, officially referred as novel A/H1N1. The virus is a mixture of four known strains of influenza a virus: One endemic in humans, one endemic in birds, and two endemics in pigs (swine). Swine influenza was...
2 Pages 961 Words
Abstract The major and challenging process of Swine Flu confirmation has promoted attempts to model it with the use of circulant triangular fuzzy numbers. In this paper, calculate the Six different indications using occurrence relationship (Ro) and conformability relationship (Rc) based on expert medical reports and analysis of related patients with Swine Flu and present some operations on circulant triangular fuzzy numbers matrices (TFNMs). The first row of the circulant(TFNMs) play important role in this study. Key Words: Triangular fuzzy...
4 Pages 1687 Words
The flu pandemic or swine flu in 2009 was an influenza pandemic that lasted from early 2009 to late 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first of which was the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918–1920), though in a new version. First identified in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1, resulting in a previous triple reassortment of dog, swine and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian...
2 Pages 1241 Words
Pandemics are worldwide outbreaks of disease that greatly effect a population socially, economically and politically (Gallivan et al. 2017). They are different to epidemics in the way that pandemics impact globally, while epidemics are often contained inside one community. The most devasting pandemic is the influenza virus. Also known as the flu, this virus is constantly spreading throughout the world, but as each person grows more immune to it, the effects of the flu are generally mild and non-life threatening....
3 Pages 1176 Words
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