Informative Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Informative Essay on What Is Bullying

4 Pages 1855 Words
Many children and adults of all ages are victims of bullying. When bullying occurs, there is always two people involved, the one doing the bullying and the one getting bullied. Bullying is aggressive behavior among children, that is repeated over and over throughout school, social media and work. Aggressive behavior involves mistreating or harassing someone. It is now a common...

Informative Essay on Verbal Bullying

1 Page 481 Words
Bullying is the term used when a person or group of people brutally subjugates another person or group of people. Bullying has been a problem throughout education for many years, and it affects people’s whole lives. Overall, it almost always tends to affect their education. This is because bullying more often than not happens or starts at a school age....

Informative Essay on the Abolitionist Movement and Its ‘Abject Failure'

3 Pages 1283 Words
The success of any historical and social movement should be judged by its own definitions and the extent of its accomplishments against measured against its own aims. Viewing the abolitionist movement in this way in the period 1820-1860 it is fair to say that the abolitionist movement was not an abject failure. ‘Abject’ implies ‘to the maximum degree’. Therefore, the...

Goal Setting and Time Management: Informative Essay

1 Page 651 Words
Goal setting involves formulating action layout designed to motivate people to obtain their goals. It can be guided through aim putting standards such as SMART standards. Goal setting is necessary on private improvement. Setting goals helps a person initiate a new behavior. Goals also help one to align their focal point and promote a sense of self mastery. Goals can...

Informative Essay on School Bullying

1 Page 527 Words
Bullying has always existed. In the late 1970s, when studying suicidal trends among adolescents, researchers found that most of these young people had suffered some kind of threat, and therefore, bullying was evil to fight. The popularity of the phenomenon grew with the influence of electronic media such as the Internet and television reports, as the pejorative nicknames and offensive...

Informative Essay on Bullying in Schools

4 Pages 1799 Words
There is a problem running rapidly through America’s schools today. Bullying is seen throughout many of hallways and playgrounds at schools. By saying this, imagine your child coming home from school with twelve bruises on his or her stomach. His or her face is as white as a sheet. He or she is grabbing one’s stomach as they run to...

Informative Essay on How Exercising Affects the Circulatory System

2 Pages 1097 Words
In this essay, I will be outlining and describing how exercising affects the circulatory system. I will give an explanation of the autonomic nervous system and the cardiac control center, and illustrate how breathing and the heart changes and what controls this. Also, I will explain how blood pressure changes the lymphatic system, and how it benefits the body from...

Informative Essay on Patient-Centred Care

3 Pages 1275 Words
Healthcare is ever evolving; since the US Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 emphasis has been placed on providing affordable, accessible, safe, quality, patient-centered care (PCC). The US healthcare has been transitioning from a fee-for-service model to a value-based model which focuses on patient preferences and satisfaction of care received, with reimbursements reliant on patient satisfaction surveys. Barriers to access...

Informative Essay on Cultural Competence in Nursing

2 Pages 1109 Words
Culture is a pattern of ideas, customs, and behavior shared by a particular people, community, or society. These patterns identify members as part of a group and distinguish members from other groups. Culture is constantly evolving. One way of thinking about cultures is whether they are primarily ‘collectivist’ or ‘individualist’. Knowing the difference can help health professionals with diagnosis and...

Informative Essay on Freedom of the Press

1 Page 401 Words
The notion that communication and expression through various media, including written and electronic media, especially published information, should be recognized a right to be freely exercised is known as freedom of the press or freedom of the media. The freedom of the press refers to the ability to criticize the government in the absence of fear of obstruction or punishment...

Refugees' Path to a New Home: Informative Essay

2 Pages 1030 Words
Refugees are ordinary people who are forced to flee their homes because of a disaster that has happened in their country or city. While fleeing home, their lives can turn inside out because of hunger and thirst, death and loss of family, and leaving their prized possessions behind. While finding home, their lives can turn back again because of the...

Jesus Christ as the Hero of Mankind: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1344 Words
From Superman to Peter pan, from Marvel to Disney, from comic books to movies… we live in a modern, evolving world, where heroes are imagined as having incredible powers, amazing tales and the ability to incinerate danger. However, the idea of a ‘true hero’ stems much deeper than superficial, fictional characters. Demonstrating qualities such as determination, compassion, honesty, sacrifice and...

Informative Essay on Gay Bullying

2 Pages 707 Words
Bullying has been an epidemic for all ages. Several television shows and movies recently have been centered around bullying, for example, ‘13 Reasons Why’, ‘A Girl Like Her’, ‘Cyberbully’, and even ‘Mean Girls’. These movies and TV shows were produced to openly speak up about bullying and the harm that it causes to some people. Bullying is on the rise...

Informative Essay on Same-Sex Marriage and Discrimination

3 Pages 1223 Words
Marriage is a small word, yet it has created a huge division in our country. Defined as a social union or legal contract between two people, typically recognized by law, by which they have created a kinship. However, the definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but is usually an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual,...

Concepts of World Peace and Inner Peace in Christianity: Informative Essay

2 Pages 712 Words
Peace has two concepts: world peace (the lack of war and absence of conflict), and inner peace (the lack of conflict with oneself and one’s community). To Christians both of these aspects of peace are important. They draw from the teachings of the Bible and interpretations of it by the Church to respond to the call of their sacred text...

Informative Essay on How to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

3 Pages 1238 Words
A few weeks ago, I used to be at my job supporting a client when a young woman caught my attention. She may want to now not have been older than 15, and her stomach used to be too large to be hidden. She was distinctly pregnant, and what struck me as extra unusual used to be that she was...

Informative Essay on Cartoons as a Great Teaching Tool

2 Pages 924 Words
Science and technology are changing rapidly today, and people have sought to keep pace with these changes. The students expected in these rapid and mass processes are implicit and passive, and no student can respond quickly with the shortest stride. On the other hand, the purpose of education is to actively participate in classes, present alternatives that can solve problems,...

Informative Essay on School Shooting as a Major Social Problem

2 Pages 799 Words
Mass school shootings in the United State have grown to be a major social concern. The school shooting is a major issue in both the U.S. and other countries. In reports of mass shootings at schools, there were many horror stories. School problems have a huge emotional impact on people for related interaction duties. The school shooting is a serious...

Descartes and His Arguments for Substance Dualism: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1234 Words
Descartes’ arguments for substance dualism seek to show that there are two distinctly different kinds of substance – body and mind. He seeks to show that they perform different functions and are constituted of entirely different things. Two arguments he uses in an attempt to do this are the argument from indubitability and the real distinction argument. This essay will...

Informative Essay on What Is Power

1 Page 450 Words
Power refers to the capacity or ability to carry out certain action. Addition to this, it also been used to have the conditions to do so, among which are the material availability, time or physical place. If I polled 100 people and asked them what is their definition of the word ‘power’, they would all have different answers. However, for...

Hamm’s Definition of Education: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1311 Words
In this essay, I will discuss Hamm’s notion of education, which is divided into three general applications of education: sociological use (E1), institutional use (E2), and general enlightenment use (E3). I will also critically evaluate the three uses of education, presenting a distinct and compatible argument. In the sociological application (E1), socialization is defined as the process of supporting young...

Positive Peace and Its Attaining in African States: Informative Essay

6 Pages 2734 Words
Peace has been the greatest aspiration of humankind at a personal level and in communities they reside. Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in numerous ways. For better understanding on status of negative and positive peace in African context, it is crucial to first analyze the key terms majorly used in this write up: violence, conflict, peace, positive...

Changes in the Humanities Over the Last 100 Years: Informative Essay

1 Page 510 Words
The last 100 years have been a whirlwind of change, from the Industrial Age to the Technological Age. The question should be what hasn’t changed? As just about everything else has. Politically the landscape has descended into right-wing crazy land for the most part, such as Donald Trump. There was and still is a fight against liberal members with fake...

Informative Essay on the Hubble Space Telescope and its Discoveries

2 Pages 877 Words
The wonders of space and beyond is something that has intrigued and mystified scientists for centuries. From the beginning of time people have wondered what lurks beyond the horizon, what orbits the world, what galaxies exist beyond the Earth, and what in fact is beyond what the human eye can see. The development of the telescope can be attributed to...

Informative Essay on Heroism and Its Features

3 Pages 1249 Words
Whether it be sports, education, career, or even the general concept of survival, every individual wants to succeed at something. To achieve, they surrender some notion of liberty. Sacrifice is more important than achievement because without first sacrificing something, one cannot attain success. There have been many accounts of courageous actions throughout history, representing what they have done to achieve....

The Benefits of Helping Others: Informative Essay

2 Pages 689 Words
“People are more willing to give when they see generosity as part of who they are” – Dr. Summer Allen. Helping others is something inherent within each person, which gives anyone the desire to always strive to do good and spread it. Volunteering work, supportive actions or words, and even unplanned acts can do the biggest changes. It can also...

Informative Essay on the Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

5 Pages 1404 Words
Introduction Extracurricular activities, encompassing a wide range of interests and pursuits outside the traditional academic curriculum, play a pivotal role in the holistic development of students. These activities, which include sports, music, arts, volunteer work, and various clubs, offer students the opportunity to explore their interests, develop new skills, and express their creativity. Beyond the enjoyment and engagement these activities...

Informative Essay on Binge Eating Disorder

3 Pages 1290 Words
Some life experiences are harsh, and it's not only the victims that suffer, but also the people close to them. My interest in binge eating disorder research developed from the effect it had to a lady close relative and her family. It affected all of us in general because unfortunately there was no one in the whole family or even...
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