My Definition of a Hero: Essay

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Kids are taught through TV shows and movies that heroes wear a cape and a mask. In today’s day and age, anyone can act heroically. For example, last week a fireman in Massachusetts died in a house fire. There was a baby on the third floor, and after Lieutenant Jason rescued two members of his crew, he went back into the burning house to find the baby. He made it to the third floor and was trapped and killed by the fire. Lieutenant Jason is a hero because he puts the lives of others before his own, even if it means his family and three young children have to bear his loss.

Another person who has been working to save lives is a woman named Abby Johnson. She previously worked at Planned Parenthood and is now an anti-abortion activist. Abby worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years until one day she was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion. She was horrified when she witnessed what actually happens when a baby is killed. Since then, she has been traveling the world as an advocate for unborn babies. She has also made an industry that helps abortion clinic workers leave their jobs. She has so far helped over 430 workers who want to turn their lives around. Abby Johnson is a hero to countless babies and puts herself into dangerous situations, including speaking in crowded cities and challenging the media. Abby tells people, “I am pro-life because I am pro-love”.

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The third and final person I would like to shine a light on is Pino Lella. At the age of 17, Pino was determined to serve Italy during World War II. When it was too dangerous for him to stay at home, he went to a house in the mountains that was run by a priest and consisted of other young boys. Pino and his younger brother were the oldest ones there, and they were asked to help Jewish people flee to Switzerland. Pino did not back down and was determined to help everyone he could. He led many groups of people up steep mountains to safety. He put himself at extreme risk because there were men guarding the border of Italy day and night. When Pino returned home, he became a spy while being a personal driver for a powerful Nazi general. Pino could have been easily killed if he gave anything away, and yet he put on a brave face to serve his country.

These three people I talked about in my essay have impacted the world and my own life in different ways. There is no exact definition of a hero, but in my opinion, it is someone who selflessly puts themselves in dangerous situations for the good of others.

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My Definition of a Hero: Essay. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“My Definition of a Hero: Essay.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024,
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My Definition of a Hero: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from:

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