Opera essays

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2 Pages 1135 Words
For my concert report, I attended “Rigoletto” at the Long Center for the Performing Arts. I attended the one on Thursday, November 14th, at 7:30. We had at least briefly discussed Rigoletto in class so I understood the basis of the plot that goes on during the opera before attending. However, I still conducted a little bit of background research...
2 Pages 1062 Words
The opera I chose to watch for the assignment was ‘The Tsar’s Bride’ (1899) by Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Through research I found out that this opera is an adaptation of a play originally written by Lev Mey, a Russian dramatist and poet (‘The Tsar’s Bride’). ‘The Tsar’s Bride’ is a four-act opera that takes place in Moscow, Russia, in...
2 Pages 987 Words
Imagine an arrangement that includes vocals, instrumental music, drama, paintings, sculptures, and architecture. What first came to mind is a musical, but after examining the new ground of opera during the Baroque period, I realized that opera too is a superlative art form. Developed in the early 1600’s, opera was created fortuitously, in efforts to analyze musical trends and create...
2 Pages 777 Words
In Act I, the opera’s focus is on a man called Don Giovanni who travels the world alongside his servant named Leporello. Don Giovanni loves to conquest women of all ages around the world, his servant Leporello is usually there by his side to assist on the conquest or fix his issues. In this story we come across Don Giovanni...
4 Pages 1774 Words
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Introduction to Bizet's 'Carmen' and Its Social Context Adhering to the nature of opéra-comique, an exotic location, tragedy and depiction of the working class, Georges Bizet put a twist on this customary style of opera and created ‘Carmen’. The opera, set in Seville about the year 1830, is about Don José. He is enticed away from his duty as a...
3 Pages 1519 Words
By the 19th century, opera had become one of the most popular musical genres. Italy had been the birthplace of opera in the 17th century, however, other European countries such as Germany began to produce their own operas during the Classical period. For most of the 19th century, Italy and Germany were comprised of smaller states and had not yet...
3 Pages 1309 Words
The author of this book wants students who are studying orchestration to have clear and detailed analysis of Mozart’s famous opera compositions, one of them is ‘The Marriage of Figaro’. This book contains all the four acts of the opera. Figaro and Susanna, two servants of Count Almaviva, get married despite Almiviva’s attempt to seduce Susanna. Figaro and Susanna find...
3 Pages 1413 Words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed the two-act opera ‘Don Giovanni’ in 1787. The opera has since been praised by different scholars and critiques as one of the classic works that belong to the very best category of plays to ever be composed. However, the opera is open to various interpretations, while some argue it serves as an excellent example of aesthetic...
4 Pages 1653 Words
Spoken dialogue in music can be traced back to 16th and 17th centuries however, it was also used more specifically to signify the independent dialogue settings included in an abundance of madrigals, motets and cantatas; and it was for this type of setting that in the early 17th century G.B. Doni coined the phrase, 'dialoghi fuor di scena' (dialogues without...
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