Political Economy essays

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How The Economic Challenges and a Constantly Rising National Debt Has Continued to Threaten Job Security

2 Pages 804 Words
Many Americans feel threatened due to questionable job security brought on by economic issues and steadily building national debt. We have all heard the outrageous statistics of unemployment and the never ending battle of who is responsible for this in the first place. While some factors may play a major role in the reasons behind layoffs and vanishing positions, there...

Penny Should Be Eliminated: Go Penny Go!

1 Page 599 Words
According to an old superstition, it’s good luck to find a penny on the sidewalk. But whether or not you believe picking up that penny will bring you luck, one thing it definitely won’t bring you is wealth. Pennies are worth so little now that by taking five seconds to pick one up isn’t even worth it. Pennies are so...

Monetary Policy Of Pakistan

2 Pages 961 Words
The preface of the SBP Act, 1956 envisages these goals as 'while it is important to accommodate the constitution of a State Bank to manage the monetary and credit arrangement of Pakistan and to encourage its development in the best public premium with the end goal of getting monetary strength and more full usage of the country's useful assets.' SBP...

Capitalism vs Democracy Essay

2 Pages 856 Words
Populism is a term used to describe political movements or parties that have anti-establishment leanings and run on a quasi-tribalistic platform that presents a binary worldview of the “the good and morally pure people [against] the corrupt, self-serving elite (Brett, 2013) and populism exists in both right- and left-wing politics. Despite this, I will primarily focus on right-wing populism. The...

UK Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Ensuring a Quick Economic Recovery

3 Pages 1249 Words
Fiscal policy has had to adapt to the unique implications of the coronavirus. Spending is currently at an all time high of 16.3% of GDP to support crippled industries and a population without income. Policymakers are approaching a crucial moment where they need to avoid austerity while managing national debt; development of contemporary ideas will be key. Monetary policy has...

National Debt is Everyone's Problem

1 Page 495 Words
We used to compare the Philippines, for instance, to an “oriental pearl”, coveted by colonists due to its rich resource, lush nature, and industrious people. Became a “caged dove”in time of Martial Law and fighting this we earned a title of “sick man of Asia” by early 1990 in Cory Aquino Administration. Then Fidel Ramos stepped in and re-branded the...

Should Ecosystem Services be Given Monetary Value? Essay

4 Pages 1769 Words
Ecosystem services are ecological characteristics, functions, or processes that indirectly or directly contribute to human wellbeing and benefits such as food and materials that people derive from ecosystems (Constanza,1997). They are characterised by their amenities, goods, physicalities, or services (Everard, 2017). Created by living organisms interacting within their environment, ecosystems provide both conditions and processes that sustain life. Thus, they...

Impact of The National Debt on The Future

3 Pages 1281 Words
There is a very delicate balance that needs to be upheld in order to prevent the US economy from collapsing completely. The country’s massive debt is a possibly fatal factor that could offset the fragile balance and plunge the nation into chaos. We need change that will make the lives of US citizens better. I want to stop the United...

Difference Between Communism vs. Capitalism

1 Page 685 Words
There are different operations, strategies, beliefs, and principles that guide every economic structure. The principles and ideas that are dominating in such territories determine the type of system in operation. Capitalism vs. communism concepts are two contrasting economic systems that are applicable in different places. Indeed, the difference between communism and capitalism is that the former supports equality in society...

Is This a Good Idea for the Developing World? Essay

4 Pages 1934 Words
One of the central goals of development economics has been to understand how to raise the quality of life of the people. As Adam Smith (1776) made an emphasis on his book, Wealth of Nations, “No society can be surely flourishing and happy, of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable”. In developing countries...

The Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets

3 Pages 1162 Words
The global economic crash of financial markets in 2008 resulted in widespread international turmoil. Central Banks were forced into making decisions in relation to their policies and regulations; one being monetary policies. Monetary policies play a huge role in how financial markets fluctuate. The Taylor Rule is a model used to estimate what the interest rates of a countries economy...

Monetary Policy of India

4 Pages 1781 Words
The goal of financial strategy is to accomplish the ideal extension of economy by encouraging the accessibility of cash supply required for the development. The job of defining financial strategy in India is performed by Reserve Bank of India. It is gone for guaranteeing the accessibility required cash supply for all the genuine financial exercises while it ought not to...

Role Of Penny in American Economy

1 Page 650 Words
Will the penny survive? During recent years there has been significant debate over whether to keep the penny as part of the US currency or to discontinue production of the penny. Every year the United States Mint produces around 12 billion new pennies, but 6 billion get lost, stored, or disposed of. Even so, a recent poll shows most Americans,...

Fed Shift in Monetary Policy and Impact on Energy Stocks

1 Page 469 Words
Energy stocks gained over the tentative deal on border security funding where the markets are trying to acquire more information about the new trade developments and how US-China can find a deal before March-end deadline. Brent was 2 percent up over OPEC production cuts where Saudi Arabia said it would produce by over half a million barrels in a day....

Universal Basic Income for The Future Society

1 Page 651 Words
Many people have suffered from financial and economic problems throughout the globe. The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) has sparked this trend. The magazine known throughout the world. The UBI is an actual cash payment for all people (2016), the economist states. Indeed, the idea behind the UBI is quite old. According to the report by James Surowiecki...

The Penny Debate: to Keep or not to Keep

1 Page 473 Words
Reviewed double_ok
In recent years, a debate on whether or not America should keep the penny has arisen. Numerous Americans are in favor of keeping it due to sentimental value, while others say it is just too costly. There are multiple upsides as well as downsides to America discontinuing minting the penny. Overall, continuing the use and manufacturing of pennies would be...

An Opinion Study on Universal Basic Income: Differences and Similarities with Unemployment Benefits

1 Page 446 Words
In recent years many European and extra-European countries have been considering the introduction of an innovative and ambitious kind of social policy: The Universal Basic Income (UBI). This concept is not completely revolutionary; already in the 90s several economists and politicians proposed the idea of guaranteeing fair standard of life to the whole society (Rhys-Williams, 1943; Friedman, 1962; Tobin, 1966)....

The United State's Debt Problem and The American Politician

1 Page 498 Words
Our National Debt problem is the result of irresponsible governing and four types of deficits. The first deficit is a leadership deficit. Presidents in current times have been incapable of dealing with the deficit. A big drawback to dealing with it is the politician’s fear of not getting reelection. Another deficit visible in our country’s governing is a savings deficit....

Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation

1 Page 510 Words
There were many debates and publications over the lack of efficient quantitative macroeconomic modeling in a period from 1970 to 1990. Famous economists Jordi Gali and Mark Gehtler in their papers try to analyze the reasons relating to the failure of current macroeconomic models of monetary policy and progress the framework for new models. The main indicator of unsuccessful modeling...

Impact of Monetary Policy

2 Pages 764 Words
In Malaysia, such a study has examined its implications through the impact of different types of economic sectors. Domac (1999), Tang (2003) and Ibrahim (2005) among others found that financial variables affect various sectors of the economy including agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction and even services. Kassim and Abdul Manap's (2008) study focused on the impact of monetary policy...

Capitalism Vs Socialism Essay

1 Page 633 Words
Capitalism and socialism are somewhat opposing schools of thought in economics. The central arguments in the socialism/capitalism debate are about economic equality and the role of government: socialists believe economic inequality is bad for society and the government is responsible for reducing it via programs that benefit the poor. e.g. free public education, free or subsidized healthcare, social security for...

Universal Basic Income Pros and Cons Essay

3 Pages 1232 Words
The coronavirus pandemic has already resulted in some major changes to our lives, from the introduction of mask wearing and social distancing to a reassessment of office culture. And it’s also resulted in discussions around, and calls for, a universal basic income. In the UK, the government introduced a furlough scheme during the first pandemic; companies forced to close because...

Fiscal Policy vs Monetary Policy Essay

1 Page 495 Words
The economic decisions of households can have a significant impact on an economy. For example, a decision on the part of households to consume more and to save less can lead to an increase in employment, investment, and ultimately profits. Equally, the investment decisions made by corporations can have an important impact on the real economy and on corporate profits....

Analysis of The Statements Against The Eradication of The American Penny

2 Pages 781 Words
The penny has served the American public faithfully for over 230 years. Do we really want to destroy this time-honored legacy in an attempt to lessen problems that will always plague our society? Besides its cultural value after being used by millions of people daily for hundreds of years, the penny also serves commemorative and economic purposes that cannot be...

US Budget Deficit and Public Debt

2 Pages 982 Words
The 2008-2009 Financial Crisis which is commonly known as the “housing-bubble” threw the United States but other international economies into a severe recession. The first crackle of this panic was the credit boom in mid-2007. This was all influenced based on the rapid growth in credit accompanied by unstrict standards and regulations. Following the credit boom was the meltdown of...

A Cause and Effect Essay on The Impact of National Debt on The US Government and Its Citizens

4 Pages 1707 Words
This paper will address the numerous causes and effects of the United States’ National Debt, both on the US citizen, the US government, and the world. Firstly, however, a parallel must be made. Beginning in 2008, the Eurozone member nation of Greece entered a crippling and tumultuous economic downturn that has crippled its government and caused panic among global financers....

Universal Basic Income in Estonia

2 Pages 933 Words
Estonia is a small but developed country, with a population of 1.3 million, located in Northern Europe. Its high-income economy is often referred to as the fastest growing in the EU. In addition to that, Estonian citizens obtain the free education and universal health care. On the international market, the country stands out for its I.T. advancements. In 2005, Estonia...

Universal Basic Income: The Analysis in Namibia and Canada

2 Pages 782 Words
Across the globe, even in this great era of modern development and equality, there are still millions who live in impoverish conditions, and despite their hard labour they are still unable to earn enough income to support themselves and their families. These terrible living conditions can lead to malnutrition and even death by starvation in some cases. However, there is...

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