Process Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Process Of The Church Reform Movements In 900-1100

Between 900 and 1100, religious society and culture in Europe underwent multifaceted changes, which reshaped the relationship between religious and secular society and the authority to each. Most historical narratives depict the changes in the church during this period is as the “Gregorian reform,” underlying the changes as a top-down and centralized reform. This characterization of reform views the agenda and activity of Gregory VII as the fullest expression of these goals and ushered in a radical reconceptualization of the...
6 Pages 2558 Words

The Aspects Of Cell Division Process

Introduction Hello members of the editorial board, today I present to you a journal article called the ‘Mathematical Model for Cell Division’ by D. McKenney and J. A. Nickel. This article has caught my eye because it is easy to read and understand with some background knowledge. The journal article is constructed in a way that guides the reader step by step on their topic of cell division and its mathematical model. I am presenting this article in the hopes...
1 Page 656 Words

The Green Approach Of Process Engineering

Abstract Process industries produce products that many people can use, but they also yield pollution to the environment. This paper focuses on the significance of sustainable development and processes that are environmentally friendly and integrate the role of green engineering in designing these processes. Green process engineering defines the development of new technologies that reduce pollution generated by the industries. Engineers and researchers are working to develop new methods to confront environmental issues and non-sustainable behavior of current processes in...
3 Pages 1321 Words

The Role Of Martin Luther King In Legal Segregation Process

Martin Luther King Jr. played a big part in ending the legal segregation. He encouraged students to continue to use nonviolent methods during their protest. We even commemorate his life and achievements on his birthday. Martin Luther King Jr. played a big part in ending segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. His actual name was Michael King Jr.. His dad was a minister and adopted the name Martin Luther King Sr. . It was in...
2 Pages 764 Words

Microbial Fuel Cell Process And Applications

Abstract Some real threats such as global warming, air pollution have made the necessity of thinking about a renewable power resource, among the different methods Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a method to produce electricity from the oxidation of organic molecules by biocatalysts, has been proposed. In MFC reactors, electrons generated by biological oxidation reactions are harvested by the anode. Pure culture microbes and mixed communities have been used in the past as biocatalysts. Electron transfer rates as well as...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Gene Editing Technology Process

Scientists are constantly striving to make what was once thought of as impossible, possible. But, often in this race to break barriers, what holds back the scientific community is the ethical implications of their actions. With new gene-editing technology, such as CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs, becoming well-known and easily accessible, genetic alterations are no longer an impossibility. The introduction of these methods presents untold opportunities for genome modification in plants, animals and even humans. However, while there are many positive applications...
1 Page 491 Words

The Peculiarities Of Blood Clotting Process

The blood is a fluid in human body and it is a part of the cardiovascular system, it consists of 55% of plasma and 45% of blood cells which transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to our cells and eliminates metabolic wastes from cells such as Co2 and delivers it to the appropriate organ for elimination and excretion, it also helps the body to fight against infections and diseases. The majority of the blood plasma consists of water, it also contains...
5 Pages 2513 Words

The Differences And Properties Of This Process In Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Organisms

Prokaryotic organisms are known as the single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, and their DNA floats freely in the cell cytoplasm. For a protein to be synthesized, both processes of transcription and translation almost occur simultaneously. When the resulting protein is no longer needed, the transcription process stops. As a result, the primary method to control what type of protein and how much of each protein is expressed in a prokaryotic cell is by the regulation of the DNA...
3 Pages 1426 Words

The Process And Features Of Mitosis

INRODUCTION Mitosis is a continuous process to separate copied chromosomes into two daugheter cells through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase ( Yuki, et al, 2012). On the other hand Kanyemba, (2020) defines mitosis as a mode in which cells can channel by dividing into two copies, during this process for each one of the resulting cells must have an accomplished copy of the genetic information in the parental cell and places one copy of each into each daughter cell. It...
2 Pages 721 Words

The Role Of Stakeholders In Improving The Teaching-learning Process

Abstract The teaching-learning process has gained all time importance in the changing educational scenario, though it is the basis of the education system since time immemorial. The second criterion of the assessment parameters by NAAC ‘Teaching-Learning and Evaluation’ carries the highest weightage which brings forth its importance to the fore once more. The student is the chief stakeholder in the whole process of teaching and learning. This paper attempts to take a sneak peek at the definition of a stakeholder...
4 Pages 1762 Words

The Process Of Slavery To Freedom In The World

Abstract During 1619 slavery started and even though it ended, African-Americans still endured abuse. Laws were put in place to help African-Americans be freer like the 13th and 14th amendment. However, the Jim Crow Laws kept everyone segregated. The Civil Rights movement took place and the Brown vs. Board of Education was a cornerstone to desegregation. Slavery ended in 1865 and segregation ended in 1968. It took 300 years for equal rights and due to the laws, we have in...
5 Pages 2184 Words

The Peculiarities Of Labor Process

When the pregnancy is coming to an end, around gestational age of 40 weeks, the body prepares for labor. The fetus has grown and is prepared to survive outside of the uterus. Labor represents the end of the pregnancy and it is divided into four stages. During these stages, it is at the utmost importance to closely monitor both mother and fetus, watching for any signs of distress or complications. The labor process is divided into four main stages which...
6 Pages 2551 Words

The Potential Use Of Cover Crops For Phytoremediation Process Of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soils

Bioremediation Bioremediation is the biological processes to mitigate unwanted environmental impact by the removal of contaminants from the biosphere. It includes biological treatment of contaminated media, including subsurface material, waste water, soil and groundwater, food & agricultural waste, by altering environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutants.Some of the examples of bioremediation includes rhizofiltration, bioaugmentation, rhizofiltration, phytoremediation,bioleaching, landfarming, mycoremediation, composting, bioaugmentation, bioventing, bioreactor, and biostimulation. Why do we need bioremediation? We can’t seem to stop...
4 Pages 2132 Words

The Process Of Rebuilding Business Reputation Online

This can be painful to see your professional integrity compromised. You may not even be at risk sometimes because that may be down to a common error at times. Irrespective of the cause it's important to keep in mind that you will restore your image with time, maturity, and integrity. Considering the reputation point of view respectively, reputation is fragile and has to be protected, however, you can handle the perception of your company with a little rational thinking and...
3 Pages 1202 Words

Operant Conditioning Method In Tea Gathering Process

ABSTRACT Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. The behavioural component of attitudes is important because people draw inferences about the attitudes, beliefs, values, and intentions of an individual by observing what they say and what they do. In this situation a tea plantation in Jorhat has brought in an automatic machine for cutting tea leaves which the workers are resisting. Operant conditioning can be used to strengthen desirable attitudes and weaken undesirable...
4 Pages 1738 Words

The Views Of Rene Descartes And David Hume On Human Knowledge Process

For this research paper, I will be comparing the different ways that philosophers Rene Descartes and David Hume viewed the process of human knowledge. These two philosophers have written theories to describe their ideas. Rene Descartes explains his understanding of rationalism through his “Meditations on First Philosophy”. David Hume focused more on human senses and how they help our way of thinking in “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”. Which include a point of view through empiricism. Throughout this paper, I...
2 Pages 969 Words

Problems And Challenges Of Decision Making Process In Schlumberger

Introduction The oil and gas industry is a company providing the necessary items and services that are required by the international oil and gas sector to explore extract and transport oil and natural gas at the refinery and then finally to the consumer. Schlumberger is the largest oil manufacturer company in the world and the most recognized service companies on the market since 1920 and in South America since 1929. Decision making It is a process to take or make...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Homework: The Factor Of Academic Process Or The Hassle For Both Students And Teachers?

Nothing compares to the sigh of relief from students when one’s teacher says, “No homework tonight.” The immediate satisfaction from hearing those simple words is just the beginning of a widely controversial topic. Students are given an obtuse amount of homework that sets limitations on their possibilities to be more than just students. The clear burden homework places on children can be seen through the lack of mental and physical health children are partaking. Several arguments have arisen in recent...
5 Pages 2302 Words

The Role Of Age Within A Job Applicant’s Selection Process

Introduction In recent years, the academic interest in organisational changes concerning our workforce ageing has increased tremendously, as indicated by recent publications (such as: Standifer, Lester, Schultz, & Windsor, 2013). Ahmed, Andersson, & Hammarstedt (2012) is one of the many findings that urge us to pay more attention to the problems that workers face in the current labour market due to their age. I am particularly interested in the implications age can have during the recruitment and selection processes. Although,...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Urbanization Process In Asia

Urbanization process has been relatively rapid in some less developed regions since 1950, such as sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern and Western Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Among all, Eastern Asia region had experienced the most striking urbanization increase, especially during the last 20 years (“The Speed of Urbanization”, 2018). In the next three decades, it is estimated that Asia will contribute over 60 percent of the increase in the world’s urban population, with an expected total urban population over 2.6...
2 Pages 786 Words

The Implementation Of Safety Process For Operating Plant

Following are some universal strategies for safety in any Functioning Plant. Inform Supervisors of Risky Conditions If you see somewhat that could hypothetically hurt somebody, confiscate the object or clean the zone if you can do so carefully. Then, inform your manager. Since your administrator is officially grateful to keep you and your fellow workforces’ working condition safe, they must take act. Use Apparatus Properly Abusing tools and apparatuses is the most predominant cause of workroom injuries. When using apparatus,...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Process Of Using Critical Thinking In Philosophy

Critical thinking is an essential and invaluable aspect of philosophy. It is the ability for an individual to think in a rational, systematic and justifiable manner. Additionally, critical thinking is unprejudiced, unassuming and objective in consideration of philosophical discourse. For a philosopher to adequately answer any of life’s numerous questions, he or she must employ the use of critical thinking. The main reason for applying critical thinking is to ensure that the human moral experience is universally explained with little...
2 Pages 701 Words

ISIS Recruitment Process

ISIS: The Violent Organization The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known and ISIS, is an organization that is run by groups of violent extremists who wish to change the world. This terrorist organization is led by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. In addition, this organization has tried to convince the world to accept the Islamic law as their life guidance because they believe that this is the right way to live (Daveed). Those who oppose the Islamic law are considered...
3 Pages 1359 Words

The Formation Process Of Magna Carta

In this book author Dan Jones writes about the history and origins of the Magna Carta and how it came to be. He starts his story roughly 60 years before the document is set in place so that he can accurately show all of the stages of failure and revival. The Magna Carta was originally created as a peace treaty designed to make the king more accountable and answerable to his barons, this was both a success and a failure....
1 Page 492 Words

Learning Theories In Education Process

The study of human learning continues to develop and expand and as many theorists test their ideas and hypotheses in applied situations. When discussing learning theories, it is important to look at what learning is. Learning according to Woodworth (1945) ‘is the process by which an individual acquires knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are necessary to meet the demands of life’ [Internet Source 1]. Learning can be affected by a range of factors, including the learner itself, learning experiences and...
4 Pages 1715 Words

Introduction To Effective Negotiation Process

Negotiation refers to the process where two or more parties with different goals and needs discuss an issue to arrive at a compromise or a mutually acceptable solution. In the business world, negotiation skills are critical in both formal transactions and day to day information interactions. Chebet, Rotich and Kurgat (2015) explained that the term ‘negotiate’ is derived from the Latin infinitive ‘negotiaari’ that means ‘to trade or do business’; this verb itself was derived from another word, ‘negare’, which...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Ovarian Cancer: pathophysiological Process And Diagnostics

An ovary is a reproductive gland part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for producing oocytes and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. An ovum is released from the ovary each month with the intention of meeting sperm in the fallopian tube, traveling to the uterus, and implanting for pregnancy. According to the American Cancer Society, “about 22,240 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer” (“Key statistics for ovarian cancer”, 2018). Of those 22,240 women, more than...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Verbal And Nonverbal Phases Of Effective Communication Process

Introduction “Communication is deeply intertwined with the human existence. It is an integral part of it. One cannot think of human life without communication” (UKEssays, 2018). Everyone communicates every day, whether it is face-to-face, digitally, calls or messages. No-one can live without communication, small insignificant things that people usually ignore such as gestures and emotions are also communication. Communication is done every day and somehow, communication barriers are still a thing and usually happen during a communication between people of...
4 Pages 1672 Words

Global Product As A Result Of Globalization Process

In conditions of globalization, not only business freedom but also home country facilitate their entrepreneurs and helps to go globally. To encourage globalization you have to reform some policies and procedures which is possible with govt help. They need to have important factors of resources such as technology, finance, etc.. to globalize. To gain market strength as compared to competitors you need to have Low costs& prices, product quality, product differentiation, and technological superiority then your company will be successful...
2 Pages 723 Words

Women Of Color Mentorship In Higher Education Process

Literature is abundant on the barriers Women of Color face in Higher education faculty and administration roles. This literature review will present research from articles and books. Women in higher education who seek leadership roles give up on working in administration for seen or unseen barriers. Jackson and Harris (2007) suggest nine barriers to Black and Minority Females in higher education. The barriers are: 'race and gender intolerance' ( p. 121), 'gate-keeping' (p. 121), 'glass ceiling' (p. 121), 'myths' (p.121),...
6 Pages 2575 Words
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