Review of Robert Augustus' Book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’

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Many people have very different perceptions of what it is to be a man. Since history began, different cultures have had different perspectives on how to be a man and what a man is. Our culture’s perspective toward masculinity and femininity is harming individuals and society at large. Men and women are struggling to stay true to themselves because it is shameful for them to express their emotions or to be different. Robert Augustus’ book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’ explains how so many men cannot sustain intimate relationships of what he calls the “unholy triumvirate” of “unhealthy forms of shame, power, and sex”. The author expresses the need for men to deal with the disowned parts of themselves by facing their shadow. This is a great guide for the modern man to understand himself and his partner.

Men find themselves burdened with dissatisfaction, disconnection, and self-doubt. Robert Augustus has helped thousands of men work through such issues from facing their unresolved wounds of shame, to bringing their head, heart, and guts into full-blooded alignment. Because men and boys are constantly policing each other personal’s life each and every day, at such a young age men are not given the opportunity to develop and maintain a positive mental health. For example, if shown too much emotion, they are name called, sissy or a punk. Men are also told at a young age that the characteristics of fundamental being mentally healthy are feminized, and many men become increasingly disconnected from these characteristics as they grow older. Will men ever be able to find a way to express themselves without being told they are wrong or acting like a seven-year-old girl?

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After, reading the book I explored numerous concepts of the guide to true masculine power. However, my favorite was how the author emphasized how individual’s past may be dominating their present. It is true to a large extent that one's current life is the result of their past actions, choices and experiences. In fact, their future is determined by how they act in the present moment. In other words, a person's past does not have to define them or their future. Despite the seriousness or the size of past mistakes, people should choose to look at them differently because their past cannot be changed; but can choose how to react to it.

The book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’ was basically written not only to show what it is like to be a man, but also to provide a way to change the image of masculinity. I highly recommend men who are extremely motivated in becoming the best they can be to read this book. It holds an excellent resource for understanding the potential and sensitivity of the masculine image. Both good for men and women. This book is partly about taking responsibility for one's sexuality, emotions, relationships, ambitions, and actions. For the purpose of developing greater self-awareness and interpersonal connections. By reading the book, individuals will be able to understand, discover, and embody true masculine power.

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Review of Robert Augustus’ Book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’. (2023, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Review of Robert Augustus’ Book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2023,
Review of Robert Augustus’ Book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Review of Robert Augustus’ Book ‘To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 08 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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